PART 1 - Seizures vs Epilepsy
seizure: a transient alteration of behavior due to disordered synchronous firing of populations of brain neurons
epilepsy: a condition in which a person has recurrent and unpredictable occurrence of seizures
causes of seizures
primary: genetic predisposition may lower threshold for seizures
secondary: trauma, infection, tumors/neoplasms, circulatory disturbances. drug induced or drug withdrawal induced seizure
types of seizures
absence, generalized tonic-clonic, simple partial, complex partial, myoclonic, and infantile spasms
seizures can be focal or generalized
focal seizure: originate within networks located in one hemisphere
generalized seizure: arise within one hemisphere and rapidly engage networks distributed across both hemispheres
depending on the site of origin in the brain partial/focal seizures can manifest in different ways
simple vs complex seizures
only part of the brain/focus is involved
no impairment in consciousness
pts with simple partial seizures remain aware and awake throughout the seizure
some pts can even talk during the episode
refer to focal seizures that start in one hemisphere of the brain
associated with impairment in consciousness
most common type of generalized seizure is the tonic-clonic type of generalized seizure
tonic phase: muscles are contracted
clonic phase: muscles are rhythmically contract and relax
absence seizure
generalized seizure w no motor manifestation
causes a short period of “blanking out” or staring into space
pt appears lost; can be termed as daydreaming
teachers will report students as doing poorly in school/daydreaming
other generalized seizures
myoclonic seizures: brief involuntary twitching or jerking of a muscle or group of muscles; involves muscles in different parts of the body
tonic seizures: seizures in which sudden tension or stiffness or extension of the arms or legs or body
clonic seizures: rhythmic jerking movements of the arms or legs or both
atonic seizures: sudden loss of tone
infantile spasms
manifestation: body stiffens suddenly, back may arch, the arms, legs, and may bend forward
sometimes the seizure involves only roll up of the eyes or a small tummy contraction
seizure may only last a second or two and seizures may occur at 5-10 second interval
they can be hard to notice and occur most commonly after a baby wakes up and rarely occur during sleep
typically begins between 2-12 months of age and peaks 4-8 months of age
PART 2- What is epileptogenesis? Why do we need to treat epilepsy?
recurrent seizures/epilepsy needs to be treated as every seizure lays the foundation for another seizure
transformation of neuronal network into one that is chronically hyperexcitable
loss of inhibitory GABA neurons
decrease in GABA transmission
increase in glutamate transmission
reorganization of surviving neurons that leads to hyperexitable neuronal networks
alteration in expression of ion channels which makes neurons more excitable
PART 3 - Antiepileptic medications
multiple types of epilepsies with different underlying pathological causes
one drug is not effective in all types of epilepsies
drugs w multiple mechanisms more effective in some pts
multiple drugs can help in reducing dose of effective drugs, which may have serious adverse events at high doses
some antiepileptic drugs influence CYP450 liver enzyemes, which limit their use in patients taking drugs for other disease states
be alert to drug interactions when treating pts w epilepsy
pharmacoresistant epilepsy
in approx. 20-30% of pts suffering from epilepsy, seizure control w pharmacological meds is difficult to achieve
the international league against epilepsy defines pharmacoresistant epilepsy as the failure of a patients seizures to respond to at least 2 antiepileptic meds that are appropriately chosen and used for an adequate period
PART 4 General mechanisms of antiepileptic meds
antiepileptic meds decrease neuronal activity
seizures/epilepsy occurs due to disordered synchronous, uncontrolled firing of neurons
firing of neurons is reculates by voltage-gates ion channels (sodium, potassium, and calcium)
firing of neurons is regulated by excitatory glutamate and inhibitory GABA neurotransmitters
antiepileptics meds target voltage-gated ion channels or chemical neurotransmission
epilepsy is associated w dysfunctional voltage-gated ion channels
mutations/polymorphisms in genes coding for ion channels have been reported in pts suffering from epilepsy
mutations can result in
prolonged or increased frequency of opening of sodium and calcium VGIC can prolong the depolarization phase leading to uncontrolled firing
delayed opening or early closure of potassium and chloride VGIC leads to abnormal repolarization of neurons
increased frequency of opening of sodium channels and/or ealry closure of potassium channels can decrease the refactory periods between neuronal action potentials
VGIC and antiepileptic meds
sodium and calcium depolarize
potassium and chloride ions repolarize
antiepileptic meds block sodium and calcium channels and activate potassium and chloride ion channels
antiepileptics manipulate chemical neurotransmission
decrease glutamate through blocking synaptic vesicle proteins and postsynaptic glutamate receptors
increase GABA transmission by increasing the synthesis of GABA, activating GABA receptors, inhibiting uptake of GABA, and inhibiting enzymes that breakdown GABA
PART 5 - antiepileptics that target VGIC
voltage-gated sodium ion channels
youngest among the voltage-gated ion channels being very closely related calcium channels
highly conserved across species
9 types of sodium channels are found
transmembrane complexes
consists of alpha and beta subunits
alpha subunit are large proteins of approx. 2000 AA
alpha subunit has 4 homologous domains
linked by intracellular loops
linked to one or more auxiliary beta subunits
beta subunits play an important role in kinetics and voltage dependent of channel gating and their presence is necessary for full channel functioning
each domain of the alpha subunit contains 6 alpha-helical transmembrane segments
older sodium channel blockers
valproic acid
all require monitoring of levels minus lamictal
more CYP450 drug interactions
broad spectrum
newer sodium channel blockers
no monitoring of blood levels
less drug interactions
relatively expensive
used as adjuncts to older AEDs
calcium channel blockers
blockade of calcium channels hastens repolarization and decreases neurotransmitter release, which ultimately decreases neuronal excitability
l-type: activated by large depolarization and can remain open for 500 ms
T-type (!): activated by small depolarization and valproate and ethosuximide can block this channel
N-type: not sensitive to l-type Ca channel blockers and are involved in regulation of NT release
made up of several subunits
alpha 1 is the primary subunit
determines the type of calcium channel
beta, alpha-2-delta, and gamma subunits present in only some types of calcium channels are auxiliary subunits that play secondary role
low voltage activated channels
important for repetitive firing of action potentials in neurons
are composed of only an alpha-1 subunit
lack beta, alpha-2-delta, and gamma subunits
involved in absence seizures
ethosuximide is used to treat absense seizures
reduces voltage-gated low-threshold calcium channels by blocking t-type channels
potassium ion channels
simpler in structure
neuronal activity can also be decreased by activating potassium
ezogabine activated potassium channels and results in faster repolarization of neurons
PART 6 - antiepileptics that manipulate chemical neurotransmission
levetiracetam decreases release of excitatory neurotransmitters
binds to specific synpatic proteins to decrease NT release, blocks calcium entry into the presynaptic neurons
decreases glutamate release
blocks NMDA receptor
blocks voltage-gated Na channels
enhances GABAa receptors
blocks AMPA receptors
blocks voltage-gated Na channels
enhances GABAa currents
activates a hyperpolarizing K+ current
seletive non-competitive AMPA receptor antagonsit
blocks AMPA receptor by binding to a site different from glutamate
GABAa receptors have several modulatory binding sites for barbituates, benzos, neurosteroids, and ethanol
binding of GABA to these receptors allows for entry of chloride resulting in neuronal hyperpolarization and ultimately results in decreased firing of neurons
barbituates- enhances GABA mediated synaptic transmission by increasing the duration of GABAa channel opening
benzos- enhances GABA mediated synaptic transmission by increasing the frequency of GABAa channel opening
tiagabine- inhibitor of GABA uptake resulting in increased GABA levels
gabapentin- increased GABA synthesis; inhibits alpha-2-delta subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels
vigabatrin- irreversible inhibitor of GABA transamininase
stiripentol- activates GABAa receptors
pregabalin- inhibits alpha-2-delta subunit of voltage dependent calcium channels
primidone- metabolized to active metabolites phenobarb and phenyethylmalonmide
activates GABAa receptors
blocks sodium channles
blocks t-type calcium channels
blocks GPR55
inhibits CYP450 isoenzymes like CYP3A4 and CYP2C19
necessary for degradation of benzos leading to an increase in their Tmax values and plasma half life
PART 7 - Adverse effects associated w antiepileptics
acute effects
dose dependent
controlled/minimized by careful dose tiration
sedation, tremors, dizziness, ataxia, nausea, and vomiting
idiosyncratic effetcs
rare but can be fatal
blood dyscrasiais, skin-rashed, steven-johnson syndrome, liver failure
chronic adverse effects
associated with long-term admin
osteoporosis, behavioral changes in children, gum hyperplasia
PART 8 - Drug interactions
often involved in drug interactions due to their action on CYP450 enzymes
antiepileptic medications can decrease efficacy of oral contraceptives
macrolide antibiotics can have decreased efficacy due to AEDs