underwood tariff: provided for a substantial reduction of rates and enacted an unprecedented, graduated federal income tax
federal reserve act: established the federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the US to provide the country with a safer flexible more stable, monetary, and financial system.
federal trade commission Act: empowered a president -appointed position to investigate the activities of trusts and stop unfair trade practices such as unlawful competition, false advertising, mislabeling, adulteration & bribery
clayton anti-trust act: an amendment passed by U.S. Congress in 1914 that provides further clarification and substance to the
Sherman Anti-AuSt Act of 1890 on topics suen
as price discrimination, price fixing o unfair business practices
holding companies a corporation that owns enough voting stoce in another umpany to control its policies and oversee its management; dues not produce goods or servius
ISelf but exists to primarily nold shares of oiner companies, alloving fir centraired
contri of various businesses
workingmen's compensation Act: granted assistance of federal civil service emproyees during periods
of instability but was invalinara by the supreme court adamson act: established an 8 hour workday with overtime pay
as soon as a
guant the philippines independene unhl Juy 4, 1946
Tampico india incident: (1914) an arrest of American soldiers by the Mexivan government that spurred woodrow wilson to disparn the American mary to seize the port of vernuruz in April 1914. Although the war was avoided , tensions grew between v.s. and Mexivo
central powerst Germany and Alstrin-Hungary, later joined by Turkey and Bulgarin, made up
for this alliance against the central powers in wwI
alies. Great Britain, Kussin, and France later joined by Italy, Japan, and the ViS.
formed this alliance against the central powers in ww,
v- boats: german submarines, named for the herman unter seeboot or undersea boat, proved dendly for Allied ships in the war zone. V-boat altades played an important role in drewing the us into ww
Lusitanin: British passenger liner torpedoed and sank by hermany on may 7, 1915. It ended the lives of 1,198 people, including 128 Americans, and pushed the U.S. closer Zimmerman hofe:written by Arthur Zimmerman, a german foreign secretay. In this note he nud secretly proposed a derman-Mexican alliance He temped mexico with the ideas of revovering Texus, Arizona and New mexico; note was intercepted on march 1,191 by the V.S. government; major factor that led us into wwi