Mass Comm Chapt. 8 Terms

Partisan Press - an early style of American journalism distinguished by opinion newspapers, which generally argued one political point of view

Penny papers - refers to newspapers that, because of technological innovations in printing, were able to drop their price to one cent beginning in the 1830s, thereby making papers affordable to the working and emerging middle classes and enabling newspapers to become a genuine mass medium

Human-interest stories - news accounts that focus on the trials and tribulations of the human condition, often featuring ordinary individuals facing extraordinary challenges

Wire services - commercial organizations that share news stories and information by relaying them around the country and the world

Yellow journalism - a newspaper era that peaked in the 1890s, it emphasized high-interest stories, sensational crime news, large headlines, and serious reports that exposed corruption, particularly in business and government

Investigative journalism - news reports that hunt out and expose corruption, particularly in business and government

Objective journalism - a modern style of journalism that distinguishes factual reports from opinion columns; reporters strive to remain neutral

inverted - pyramid style - a style of journalism in which news reports begin with the most dramatic or newsworthy

Interpretive journalism - a type of journalism that involves analyzing and explaining key issues or events and placing them in a broader historical or social context

Literary journalism - news reports that adapt fictional storytelling techniques to nonfictional material; sometimes called new journalism

Consensus-oriented journalism - newspapers that promote social harmony by providing community calendars and meeting notices and carrying articles on local schools, social events, town government, property crimes, and zoning issues

Conflict-oriented journalism - newspapers that define news primarily as events, issues, or experiences that deviate from social norms

Underground press - radical newspapers, run on shoestring budgets, that question mainstream political policies;a journalism movement of the 1960s

Newshole - the space left over in a newspaper for news content after all the ads are placed

Feature syndicates - commercial brokers that contract with newspapers to provide work from well-known political writers, editorial cartoonists, comic-strip artists, and self-help columnists

Newspaper chain - a large company that owns several papers throughout the country

Joint operating agreement - an economic arrangement that permits competing newspapers to operate separate editorial divisions while merging business and production operations

Media deserts - an area that, due to lack of resources, is underserved by the media industries

Paywall - an online portal that charges consumers a fee for access to news content

Citizen journalism - a grassroots movement wherein activist amateurs and concerned citizens, not professional journalists, use the Internet and blogs to disseminate news and information
