Dr. Grezyk welcomes students to STAT 180 (Intro Statistics).
Mention of alternative course (STAT 190) for economics, computer science, or business finance majors.
Class schedule: Monday and Wednesday at designated location.
Office located in Highland, Room 709.
Office hours:
Mondays: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Fridays: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
No office hours this week due to a scheduling conflict.
Open-door policy for questions; no appointment needed unless private.
Private meetings can be scheduled via link on Blackboard.
Blackboard announcements as primary communication method.
Students advised to check announcements regularly and junk mail for missed notifications.
Focus on technical aspects of applied statistics.
Importance of statistics in various fields (biology, business, etc.).
Course content includes data collection, study design, probability, distributions, and inference techniques.
Course equivalent to AP statistics, including statistical programming.
4 credit hours, with expectation of at least 8-10 hours of work outside of class each week.
Time management critical due to varying assignment loads.
Students advised to print or download blank slides from Blackboard for lectures.
Lecture slides to be annotated; printing recommended for faster note-taking.
Laptop use not permitted; exceptions made for students with accommodations.
Use of Poll Everywhere app encouraged for participation in class activities.
Labs will utilize data exploration and R programming.
R tools must be installed before lab sessions; options for installation discussed.
Students must use their personal laptops in labs; rental options available.
Two TAs available for office hours; utilize discussion boards for questions.
Lab leaders assist in R labs; not responsible for content teaching.
Grading breakdown: 25% homework, 25% R lab, 20% midterms (2), 30% final exam.
Late passes and academic integrity policies emphasized.
Homework involves handwritten submissions to ensure understanding.
Strict prohibition on any external assistance like ChatGPT.
All assignments and exams should reflect individual work.
Students with documented disabilities should contact disability resources for accommodations.
Students are expected to spend a minimum of 8-10 hours each week on assignments and readings outside of lectures and workshops for the STAT 180 course.