Impudent – Disrespectful or bold in a rude way; lacking proper respect or modesty.
Incorrigible – Impossible to correct, reform, or improve; persistently bad or unruly.
Decrepit – Weak, worn out, or in poor condition due to age or long use.
Supercilious – Behaving or looking as though one thinks they are superior to others; arrogant and condescending.
Centripetal – Moving or directed toward a center, often used in physics to describe forces.
Fanfaronade – Boastful talk or behavior; empty bragging.
Illumined – Lit up or made clear; enlightened.
Gratis – Free of charge; without cost.
Edifice – A large or impressive building; sometimes used metaphorically for a complex system of beliefs.
Enigmatic – Mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
Servile – Overly submissive, like a servant; showing excessive willingness to please others.
Tempestuous – Stormy, turbulent, or emotionally intense.
Revile – To criticize or insult harshly and abusively.
Lucre – Money, often with a negative connotation (e.g., ill-gotten gains).
Driveling – Talking nonsense or in a childish, silly way; drooling.
Lackey – A servile follower; someone who follows orders without question, often to gain favor.
Restiveness – A state of being restless, uneasy, or difficult to control.
Dubious – Doubtful, uncertain, or suspicious.
Candor – Honesty and openness, especially in speech.