Axial Skeleton



Margin /Border - edge

Ramus - branch off body

Condyle - smooth rounded articular surface

Facet - small flattened articular surface


Process - prominent projection

Tubercle - small rounded bump

Tuberosity - knob

Trochanter - Tuberosities on proximal femur

Epicondyle - near or above condyle


Line/Linea - low ridge

Crest/Crista - prominent ridge

Spine - very high ridge


Foramen - hole: used for nerves, Blood vessels, etc.

Canal/Meatus- tunnel

Fissure - cleft

Sinus/Labyrinth - cavity


Fossa - depression

Fovea - little point

Groove/Sulcus - Deeper, narrow depression

Fontanel - Becomes sutures after ossification in fetal skulls

Articular - movement/Attachment

Paranasal Sinuses

named for bones in which they are found

  • Frontal

  • Maxillary

  • Ethmoidal

  • Sphenoidal

Fibrous Joint Development

Fontanels - membranous areas in same suture between bones: In adults may ossify completely and become synostosis

Intervertebral Disks

located between adjacent vertebrae: filled w/ water to prevent collapse


  • Support

  • Prevent vertebrae rubbing against each other

Consist of

  • Annulus fibrous - external

  • Nucleus pulposus - internal and gelatinous

Becomes compressed with age and height decreases with age, more susceptible in herniation

Kyphosis - outward curve in spine

Lordosis - inward curve in spine

Thoracic vertebrae

Long thin Spinous processes directed inferiorly

Long transverse process

Articular facets on transverse processes for ribs

  • First 10 thoracic vertebrae

Facets on body for articulation w/ ribs

Most ribs have heads that articulate w/ two sequential vertebrea

Lumbar Vertebrae

Large thick bodies

Henry rectangular transverse and spinous processes

superior articular facets face medially: inferior articular: faces face laterally

  • Adds Strength

  • limits rotation

Sacrum and Coccyx

Median Sacral Crest - Partially fused spinous process

Sacral Foramina - intervertebral foramina

Coccyx - tailbone

Rib Cage

Thoracic Vertebrae


  • True / Vertebrosternal - Superior 7. Attach directly to sternum via costal cartilages

  • False - interior five

  • Vertebrochonaral (3) - Joined by common cartilage to Sternum

  • Floating /Vertebral (2) - Do not attach to sternum


manubrium - Articulates with first rib and clavicle

  • Jugular Notch - superiorly

  • Sternal Angle - point where manubrium joints body: second rib articulates here

Body - Third through seventh ribs articulate: gladiolus

Xiphoid Process - Inferior tip
