Bultmann’s Historical and Cultural Context
Every author is constrained by the thought forms of their time and culture.
Bultmann believes that for the NT to make sense in its Hellenistic context, the authors had to adopt terminology and concepts that were intelligible to their audience (e.g., Gnostic concepts).
Definition: A myth is “the report of an occurrence or an event in which supernatural, superhuman forces or persons are at work.”
Key Function of Myth: Myths express existential truths, not an objective world picture. They aim to relate an understanding of human existence and human dependence on transcendent powers.
Mythical vs. Scientific Thinking
Mythical Thinking: Assumes the world is an “open” system where events can be influenced by supernatural powers (e.g., gods, angels, spirits).
Scientific Thinking: Views the world as a “closed” system of cause and effect, where natural events follow a fixed sequence, unaffected by supernatural forces.
Bultmann argues that the advances of science have made the biblical mythological worldview obsolete, but the existential truths behind the myths remain valid.
Definition: The process of uncovering the existential meaning behind biblical myths, making them relevant to the modern world.
Key Goal: To disclose the kerygma (proclamation) of the NT, which stands behind the mythical framework.
Not about translating mythical thinking into scientific thinking, but about interpreting the underlying truths for modern readers.
Powers and Principalities
Key Concept: The "Powers" or "Principalities" in the NT (often referred to by Paul) are interpreted by Bultmann as symbolic of non-personal forces such as temptation, tribulation, and distress, rather than literal supernatural beings.
Gnostic Influence: Bultmann connects terms like “the ruler of this world” (II Cor. 4:4), “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2), and others to Gnostic mythology, viewing them as representations of cosmic powers that govern the world.
Bultmann’s approach ties the NT conception of the powers to Gnostic redemption myths, even though this connection has been largely discredited by later scholarship.
Gnosticism refers to the belief in hidden knowledge and spiritual forces that govern the material world.
Myth’s Role in Human Existence
According to Bultmann, the real purpose of myth is not to provide a literal world picture, but to express human dependence on transcendent powers. These powers are seen as the ground and limit of the familiar world, and it is through dependence on these powers that humans can find freedom from worldly forces.
What is "mythic" thinking in Bultmann's view? What is "scientific" thinking in Bultmann's view?
In Bultmann's view, “mythic” thinking is when people perceive the world as an open system, where supernatural powers, like gods, angels, or spirits, can directly influence events. This type of thinking assumes that the world is affected by forces beyond the natural order. Bultmann argues that this way of thinking was common in the ancient world and shaped by the culture of that time.
On the other hand, he says that “scientific” thinking views the world as a closed system where everything follows a fixed cause-and-effect sequence- AKA, things can be proven by the laws of nature. In this view, no supernatural forces intervene, and all events can be explained through natural processes. Bultmann believes that due to advances in science, the mythological worldview of the New Testament is no longer relevant. However, he acknowledges that the existential truths behind these myths remain valuable for modern readers.
What is a "demythologized" demon?
A "demythologized" demon, in Bultmann's view, is not a literal supernatural being, such as the demons described in traditional Bible stories. Instead, it represents non-personal forces like temptation, distress, or tribulation. These "demons" are symbolic of the existential struggles that affect us as humans, rather than actual spiritual beings with independent agency and influence. Bultmann's process of demythologization aims to find the underlying meaning of these mythological concepts, making them relevant to modern readers. His goal is not to dismiss the existence of supernatural beings, but to focus on the existential truths behind the myths.