Qing dynasty run by the Manchus (foreigners who were not chinese) that did not like Christianity, specifically, their leader Yongzheng. They liked Chinese Buddhism
was kangxi a fan of christianity in the qing dynasty and when he died and was succeded by yongzheng, is that when christianity became less and less in the qing dynasty?
The Safasivid under Ismal and at one point shah abas were shias and clashed with the mughal empire who were sunnis
sunnis believed that leadership and worship should be determind by the people not by a successor of muhhamed
shia believed that worship should be from a successor of muhmaed
the qing dynasty rose after the downfall of the ming dynasty
The Qing dynasty, established by the Manchus, marked a significant shift in Chinese governance and culture, leading to a period of expansion and consolidation.
ottomans captured constantiople and changed the name to istan bul
ottomans and mughals were sunni
safavid empire was shia
safasvid empire was in between the ottoman and mughal empire
franciso pissaro led to the downfall of the incas
hernando cortez let to the downfall of the aztecs
wars between safasid and mughal empire for persian gulf
devshirme system in the ottoman empire where they enslaved christan boys to learn the properness of the language and islam, sent to turkish families first
the devshirme was a significant aspect of the Ottoman military and administrative system, as it provided a steady supply of trained soldiers and bureaucrats who were loyal to the Sultan.
could give slips of paper to church in exchange for free of sins in christian church
martin luther wrote 95 theses that said you could not give slips of paper in exchnage for cleanliness of sins or offices in church - he was able to spread it more than others who critized christianity ideals with the printing press
he beliveed slavation came through faith alone
luthers works caused protestant reformation
sikhism- hindu/islam
bhakti movement for hindusim was movment for the hindus in the mughal empire because the state was ruled by muslims, but the state was predominantely hindus
sufism - islam was in close relation to bhakism so some blending happened with that
islam/hinduism= sikhism
all in mughal empire
was the protestant reformation linked to the diide of roman catholism and eastern orthodox christanity?
oyr land based empires; russia, ottomans, qing, mughals, safasvid\
Muslims; ottomans, mughals, safasvid - turkic Muslim gunpowder dynasties
mughals had a hindu majority
hindu figures are going to be important in the dynasty
ottomans were generally religiously tolernant- Muslim majority- expand into Europe and large parts of their dynasty were orthodox christian with some greeks and some Catholics - they had to be tolernat
they kept the jizya
devshirme where they were less tolerant of non-Muslims, as this system involved the conscription of Christian boys who were converted to Islam and trained as elite soldiers or bureaucrats, often leading to tensions within the diverse populations of the empire.
gunpowder helped expansion
turkic groups were warriors usually, but in this time, it was gunpowder that incorporated to expansion
Confucianism in qing dynasty
European states establish maritime empires
portugese and spain and France - catholism
Spanish was usually intolerant
incas and aztecs wereo polytheistic
protestant reformation- challenged the practices of the catholic church
the catholic churches response was that they challenged that protestanism was not good. they created these new orders
The Jesuits: Founded to spread Catholicism and counter the Protestant Reformation through education and missionary work.
jesuits try to attach themselves to the elite of china
kangxi kicks out Christians
wahabbi movement : A reform movement in Islam that emerged in the 18th century, advocating a return to what its followers consider the purest form of Islam, emphasizing strict monotheism and the rejection of innovations in religious practices.
protestanim, catholic counter reformation, syncretism (sikhism), sunni vs shia, wahabi movemtn pushing back on flexible forms of islam