
Classroom Activity and Quizzes

  • Quizzes Distributed

    • Side 1: Pride and Prejudice reading quiz (5 questions)

    • Side 2: Rhetorical terms quiz (retake option if previous score was lower)

    • Instructions: Submit completed quizzes to the front. No talking allowed during the quiz session.

Key Concepts from Rhetoric

Five Parts of Rhetorical Arguments

  1. Exordium: Introduction to draw in the audience.

  2. Narratio: Presentation of context/facts before presenting the thesis.

  3. Confirmatio: Body paragraphs that support the thesis with evidence.

  4. Refutatio: Address counterarguments and respond to them.

  5. Peroratio: Conclusion that summarizes and calls to action.

Rhetorical Appeals

  • Ethos: Appeal to credibility.

  • Pathos: Appeal to audience's emotions.

  • Logos: Appeal to logic and reason.

Writing Strategies

Stylistic Strategies

  • Alliteration: Repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words; used to create rhythm and enhance emotional impact (e.g., "plowed and planted").

  • Assonance: Repetition of vowel sounds.

  • Consonance: Repetition of consonant sounds.

  • Parallelism: Repeating a structure to create balance and memorability in speeches.

  • Organization: Careful arrangement of arguments for maximum impact.

  • Rhetorical Questions: Engage the audience and suggest obvious answers.

Sojourner Truth's Speech Analysis

Purpose and Audience

  • Purpose: Advocate for equal rights for women and African Americans.

  • Audience: Men, women, and especially those involved in the abolitionist movement and women's rights activism.

Key Techniques

  • Use of Rhetorical Questions: Engages the audience, making them reflect on their beliefs (e.g., "Ain't I a woman?").

  • Appeal to Personal Experience: Establishes credibility by sharing her story of labor, suffering, and endurance.

  • Logical Arrangement of Arguments: Moves from personal strength to emotional strength to intellectual arguments.

Pride and Prejudice Analysis

Setting and Character Insights

  1. Description of Pemberley House:

    • Physical Attributes: Large handsome stone building, naturally integrated with its landscape.

    • Emotional Reaction: Elizabeth admires the house, indicating positive traits about Mr. Darcy.

  2. Traits of Mr. Darcy Reflected in Pemberley:

    • Natural Beauty: Suggests authenticity and good taste in Darcy.

    • Surroundings: The harmonious relationship of the house with nature mirrors Darcy's character—not overly formal or pretentious.


  • The discussions highlighted the importance of rhetorical strategies and organization in both speaking and writing to effectively convey messages. Each participant engaged with complex themes and argued their positions creatively.
