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Advanced functions

Unit one - Combinations

  • A base function is a function with no transformations applied to it

    • logx

    • x

    • x2

    • 2x

    • ½ x

      • bases of exponential function arent considered transformations

  • Domain is a set of all possible inputs (x values) for a function

    • all the values left and right where the graph has existing values

  • Range is a set of all possible outputs ( y values) for a function

    • all the values up and down where the graph has existing values

  • Intervals of increase and decrease are:

    • sets of x values where the graph is increasing (+ slope) /

    • sets of x values where the graph is decreasing (- slope)\

  • Local max is the point on a graph that is larger than all other values in its immediate vicinity.

  • Local min is the point on a graph that is smaller than all other values in its immediate vicinity.

  • The absolute max/min is the value of the graph that is largest or smallest over its entire domain.

    • ± infinity are not considered as absolute value points

  • Turning points are the absolute/local max/min points where the domain continues on either side.

  • Even functions are symmetrical on the y-axis

    • f(-x) = f(x)

  • Odd functions are symmetrical on the x-axis

    • f(-x) = -f(x)

  • Most functions are neither even or odd

  • When combining functions by addition:

    • Zeroes exist when f&g are equal distances from the x-axis but opposite signs.

    • add y-coordinates

    • The domain of the combined function is the overlap of Df and Dg

    • Any point where F & G intersect will be doubled in the new combined function

  • When combining functions by subtraction:

    • Zeroes occur where f & g intersect

    • subtract y-coordinates

    • The domain of the combined function is the overlap of Df and Dg.

  • When combining functions by multiplication:

    • All the zeroes of both functions are zeroes in the new function

    • Multiply y-coordinates

    • if f & g are polynomials, the new function will have the sum of both degrees

    • The domain of the combined function is the overlap of Df and Dg.

  • When combining functions by division:

    • Zeroes are where the numerator has zeroes

    • vertical asymptote on the new function is where the denominator has zeroes

  • When taking the reciprocal of a function:

    • Where the y values of the original function approach ± infinity, the reciprocal will approach 0

    • if the original function has 0, the reciprocal will turn these zeroes into vertical asymptotes

    • intervals of increase become intervals of decrease


  • f o g means f composed with g

    • f(g(x))

Unit two - Polynomials

  • The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent of the variable

  • The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the term with the highest power

    • 1st degree → linear

    • 2nd degree → quadratic

    • 3rd degree → cubic

    • 4th degree → quartic

  • A linear factor means that a straight line passes through the zero

  • A quadratic factor means that the curve has a turning point at zero

  • A cubic factor means that the zero has a cubic squiggle

End behaviours

  • when the degree is even,

    • (+) leading coefficient: as x→ ± infinity, y→ + infinity

    • (-) leading coefficient: as x→ ± infinity, y→ - infinity

Dividing Polynomials:

  • dividend = divisor x Quotient + remainder

  • When dividing polynomials, use the chart method

    • put the 1st term in the upper left box, then use multiplication on the outside to complete.

  • To figure out the perfect factors of a polynomial

    • factors of the constant (term with an x)/ factors of the leading coefficient

      • when plugged in the equation, it should equal to 0

      • When you have the factor, use it as the divisor to divide the polynomial

  • Remainder theorem:

    • When a polynomial function is divided by (x-k), the remainder Is p(K)

    • When a polynomial function is divided by (jx-k), the remainder p(k/j)

  • Factor theorem:

    • When a polynomial, p(x), has a factor (x-K), p(k)=0

    • When a polynomial, p(x), has a factor (jx-k) p(j/k)=0


  • Steps to factor polynomials:

    • Always common factor first

    • If it is a binomial, use the difference of square or sum/difference of cubes

    • If it is a trinomial, use a tricky trinomial chart or decomposition

    • if there are more than three terms, try factoring by grouping or factor theorem

  • Steps to solving polynomial equations:

    • Rearrange the equation such that all terms are on the same side

    • Factor polynomials to determine the solutions

      • a polynomial has the same number of roots as the number of the degree of the polynomial but has less than or equal to the number of the degree

        • ex. a 4th degree polynomial will have four roots, but may have two zeroes

      • Even degree polynomials can have no zeroes

      • Odd-degree polynomials must have at least one zero

Solving inequalities

  • ( : exclde that value

  • [: include that value

    • ± infinity aren’t included in interval notation - use (_)

  • To solve linear inequalities:

    • rearange so the variable is on one side of the equation and the constant on the other

    • when multiplying/dividing both sides by -1, the inequality sign flips

      • -x<3 → x>-3

    • When you have inequalities on both sides, solve them as two separate inequalities

  • To solve polynomial inequalities:

    • factor the expression and use its factor in a chart.

Unit three - Rationals

  • A rational function is in the form of f(x)/g(x)

    • y-int is when x=0

    • the zeroes of the numerator are the zeroes of the function

    • the zeroes of the denominator are the vertical asymptotes of the function

    • Domain is all the real numbers except the zeroes of denominator

  • If the degree of the numerator is smaller than the degree of the denominator, there is an horizontal asymptote at y=0

  • If the degree of the numerator is equal to the degree of the denominator, the horizontal asymptote is the product of the leading coefficient of f(x)/ leading coefficient of g(x).

  • If the degree of the numerator is one + the degree of the denominator, there is an oblique asymptote ( quotient of f(x) divided by g(x))

  • To solve rational equations:

    • rearrange to make one side equal to 0

    • write as one rational expression

    • factor fully

    • state the roots

  • Solving rational inequalities:

    • reagange and write one fully factored rational expression on one side with zero on the other side of the inequality

    • determine the zeroes and VAs

    • use a table to determine whether the function is positive or negative on each interval

Unit four - trigonometry

Trignonometry part 1:

  • Radians are another way to measure angels using the distance travelled around a circle’s circumference (no units)

    • π → 180º (half circle)

    • 2π → 360º ( full circle)

    • π/2 → 90º

    • 3π/2 → 270º

    • π/3 → 30º

    • π/4 → 45º

    • π/6 → 60º

  • When transforming sinusoidal functions:

    • amplitude → Vertical stretch

    • axis → vertical translation

    • period → horizontal stretch

      • sin → 2π

      • cos → 2π

      • tan → π

        • to find period, 2π*k = period

          • or π*k = period for tan

    • phase shift → horizontal translation

  • If an angle is in standard position, the acute angle between the terminal arm and the horizontal axis is the RAA.

  • the CRAA is the “compliment” of the RAA; the acute angle between the terminal arm and the y-axis

  • Co-functions:

    • sin & cos

    • sec & csc

    • tan & cot

  • Compound angle formulas:

    • cosine → cos(z+a) = cosz*cosa - sinz*sina

      • cos(z-a) = cosz*cosa + sinz*sina

    • Sine → sin(z+a) = cosz*sina + cosa*sinz

      • sin(z-a) = cosz*sina - cosa*sinz

    • Tangent → tan (z+b) = (tanz+tanb)/ (1-tanztanb)

      • tan (z-b) = (tanz-tanb)/ (1+tanztanb)

  • Double angle formulas:

    • cosine → cos2a -sin2a

      • 1-2sin2a

      • 2cos2a -1

    • sine → 2(sina*cosa)

    • tangent → 2tana/(1-tan2a)

  • Trig identities:

    • tan = sin/cos

    • sin2 + cos2 =1

    • cot = cos/sin

    • cos2 = 1-sin2

    • 1+cot2 = csc2

    • tan2 +1 = sec2

    • 1/sin = csc

    • 1/cos =sec

    • 1/tan = cot

Trigonometry part 2:

  • without a restricted domain, there are infinite repeating solutions

  • To solve quadratic trig equations, change the trig ratio to a variable (x).

Unit five - Logarithms

  • logarithms are the inverse of exponential functions

    • x=2y → log2x=y

  • Properties of logarithms:

    • loga1 =0

    • logabx=x

    • alogax=x

  • Change of base formula:

    • logax =(logx)/(loga)

      • leave the answer in fractions, not decimals

  • Laws of logarithms:

    • product law → log (m*n) = logm + logn

    • quotient law → log (m/n) = logm - long

    • power law → logma = a*logm

  • All vertical work for exponential transformations becomes horizontal in logs


Advanced functions

Unit one - Combinations

  • A base function is a function with no transformations applied to it

    • logx

    • x

    • x2

    • 2x

    • ½ x

      • bases of exponential function arent considered transformations

  • Domain is a set of all possible inputs (x values) for a function

    • all the values left and right where the graph has existing values

  • Range is a set of all possible outputs ( y values) for a function

    • all the values up and down where the graph has existing values

  • Intervals of increase and decrease are:

    • sets of x values where the graph is increasing (+ slope) /

    • sets of x values where the graph is decreasing (- slope)\

  • Local max is the point on a graph that is larger than all other values in its immediate vicinity.

  • Local min is the point on a graph that is smaller than all other values in its immediate vicinity.

  • The absolute max/min is the value of the graph that is largest or smallest over its entire domain.

    • ± infinity are not considered as absolute value points

  • Turning points are the absolute/local max/min points where the domain continues on either side.

  • Even functions are symmetrical on the y-axis

    • f(-x) = f(x)

  • Odd functions are symmetrical on the x-axis

    • f(-x) = -f(x)

  • Most functions are neither even or odd

  • When combining functions by addition:

    • Zeroes exist when f&g are equal distances from the x-axis but opposite signs.

    • add y-coordinates

    • The domain of the combined function is the overlap of Df and Dg

    • Any point where F & G intersect will be doubled in the new combined function

  • When combining functions by subtraction:

    • Zeroes occur where f & g intersect

    • subtract y-coordinates

    • The domain of the combined function is the overlap of Df and Dg.

  • When combining functions by multiplication:

    • All the zeroes of both functions are zeroes in the new function

    • Multiply y-coordinates

    • if f & g are polynomials, the new function will have the sum of both degrees

    • The domain of the combined function is the overlap of Df and Dg.

  • When combining functions by division:

    • Zeroes are where the numerator has zeroes

    • vertical asymptote on the new function is where the denominator has zeroes

  • When taking the reciprocal of a function:

    • Where the y values of the original function approach ± infinity, the reciprocal will approach 0

    • if the original function has 0, the reciprocal will turn these zeroes into vertical asymptotes

    • intervals of increase become intervals of decrease


  • f o g means f composed with g

    • f(g(x))

Unit two - Polynomials

  • The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent of the variable

  • The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the term with the highest power

    • 1st degree → linear

    • 2nd degree → quadratic

    • 3rd degree → cubic

    • 4th degree → quartic

  • A linear factor means that a straight line passes through the zero

  • A quadratic factor means that the curve has a turning point at zero

  • A cubic factor means that the zero has a cubic squiggle

End behaviours

  • when the degree is even,

    • (+) leading coefficient: as x→ ± infinity, y→ + infinity

    • (-) leading coefficient: as x→ ± infinity, y→ - infinity

Dividing Polynomials:

  • dividend = divisor x Quotient + remainder

  • When dividing polynomials, use the chart method

    • put the 1st term in the upper left box, then use multiplication on the outside to complete.

  • To figure out the perfect factors of a polynomial

    • factors of the constant (term with an x)/ factors of the leading coefficient

      • when plugged in the equation, it should equal to 0

      • When you have the factor, use it as the divisor to divide the polynomial

  • Remainder theorem:

    • When a polynomial function is divided by (x-k), the remainder Is p(K)

    • When a polynomial function is divided by (jx-k), the remainder p(k/j)

  • Factor theorem:

    • When a polynomial, p(x), has a factor (x-K), p(k)=0

    • When a polynomial, p(x), has a factor (jx-k) p(j/k)=0


  • Steps to factor polynomials:

    • Always common factor first

    • If it is a binomial, use the difference of square or sum/difference of cubes

    • If it is a trinomial, use a tricky trinomial chart or decomposition

    • if there are more than three terms, try factoring by grouping or factor theorem

  • Steps to solving polynomial equations:

    • Rearrange the equation such that all terms are on the same side

    • Factor polynomials to determine the solutions

      • a polynomial has the same number of roots as the number of the degree of the polynomial but has less than or equal to the number of the degree

        • ex. a 4th degree polynomial will have four roots, but may have two zeroes

      • Even degree polynomials can have no zeroes

      • Odd-degree polynomials must have at least one zero

Solving inequalities

  • ( : exclde that value

  • [: include that value

    • ± infinity aren’t included in interval notation - use (_)

  • To solve linear inequalities:

    • rearange so the variable is on one side of the equation and the constant on the other

    • when multiplying/dividing both sides by -1, the inequality sign flips

      • -x<3 → x>-3

    • When you have inequalities on both sides, solve them as two separate inequalities

  • To solve polynomial inequalities:

    • factor the expression and use its factor in a chart.

Unit three - Rationals

  • A rational function is in the form of f(x)/g(x)

    • y-int is when x=0

    • the zeroes of the numerator are the zeroes of the function

    • the zeroes of the denominator are the vertical asymptotes of the function

    • Domain is all the real numbers except the zeroes of denominator

  • If the degree of the numerator is smaller than the degree of the denominator, there is an horizontal asymptote at y=0

  • If the degree of the numerator is equal to the degree of the denominator, the horizontal asymptote is the product of the leading coefficient of f(x)/ leading coefficient of g(x).

  • If the degree of the numerator is one + the degree of the denominator, there is an oblique asymptote ( quotient of f(x) divided by g(x))

  • To solve rational equations:

    • rearrange to make one side equal to 0

    • write as one rational expression

    • factor fully

    • state the roots

  • Solving rational inequalities:

    • reagange and write one fully factored rational expression on one side with zero on the other side of the inequality

    • determine the zeroes and VAs

    • use a table to determine whether the function is positive or negative on each interval

Unit four - trigonometry

Trignonometry part 1:

  • Radians are another way to measure angels using the distance travelled around a circle’s circumference (no units)

    • π → 180º (half circle)

    • 2π → 360º ( full circle)

    • π/2 → 90º

    • 3π/2 → 270º

    • π/3 → 30º

    • π/4 → 45º

    • π/6 → 60º

  • When transforming sinusoidal functions:

    • amplitude → Vertical stretch

    • axis → vertical translation

    • period → horizontal stretch

      • sin → 2π

      • cos → 2π

      • tan → π

        • to find period, 2π*k = period

          • or π*k = period for tan

    • phase shift → horizontal translation

  • If an angle is in standard position, the acute angle between the terminal arm and the horizontal axis is the RAA.

  • the CRAA is the “compliment” of the RAA; the acute angle between the terminal arm and the y-axis

  • Co-functions:

    • sin & cos

    • sec & csc

    • tan & cot

  • Compound angle formulas:

    • cosine → cos(z+a) = cosz*cosa - sinz*sina

      • cos(z-a) = cosz*cosa + sinz*sina

    • Sine → sin(z+a) = cosz*sina + cosa*sinz

      • sin(z-a) = cosz*sina - cosa*sinz

    • Tangent → tan (z+b) = (tanz+tanb)/ (1-tanztanb)

      • tan (z-b) = (tanz-tanb)/ (1+tanztanb)

  • Double angle formulas:

    • cosine → cos2a -sin2a

      • 1-2sin2a

      • 2cos2a -1

    • sine → 2(sina*cosa)

    • tangent → 2tana/(1-tan2a)

  • Trig identities:

    • tan = sin/cos

    • sin2 + cos2 =1

    • cot = cos/sin

    • cos2 = 1-sin2

    • 1+cot2 = csc2

    • tan2 +1 = sec2

    • 1/sin = csc

    • 1/cos =sec

    • 1/tan = cot

Trigonometry part 2:

  • without a restricted domain, there are infinite repeating solutions

  • To solve quadratic trig equations, change the trig ratio to a variable (x).

Unit five - Logarithms

  • logarithms are the inverse of exponential functions

    • x=2y → log2x=y

  • Properties of logarithms:

    • loga1 =0

    • logabx=x

    • alogax=x

  • Change of base formula:

    • logax =(logx)/(loga)

      • leave the answer in fractions, not decimals

  • Laws of logarithms:

    • product law → log (m*n) = logm + logn

    • quotient law → log (m/n) = logm - long

    • power law → logma = a*logm

  • All vertical work for exponential transformations becomes horizontal in logs