New Notes HI102

  • E. Australia§ Captain James Cook – first to conquer§ Plan A: Prison Colony -> did not last long§ Gold Rush (1851)· Settlers + missionaries· Civilizing influence in Aboriginies§ Australia becomes British Commonwealth (1901)

  • F. Ireland§ Status quo = English absenteeism (English owned lands)§ The “Irish Question” -> what should England do; free, unite?· Act of Union of 1800· Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829§ Great Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852)· Population devastated (1000s die)§ Materialist ideas erode Victorian values (matter; not Bible matters)· 1. Darwinismo On Origin of Species (1859)o Life evolves = natural selection· 2. Socialismo State owns means of productiono Utilitarianism (early 19th cent)§ Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill (idealistic)§ -“Greatest happiness for greatest numbers”· 3. Modernismo Theological liberalism§ from German “higher criticism”§ Bible merely a “beautiful myth”

  • III Beginning of Britain’s Decline§ If Bible gave success, lack of Bible caused fall

    • Chapter 21: Reaction, Revolt, Romanticism

  • I. The Power of Ideaso A. New Ideologies§ 1. How you came to present§ 2. Evaluates present and role§ 3. Program to change presento B. Revolutionary Nationalism (ideology)§ “Natural boundaries” (racial politics, languages, culture, history)§ Replaces religion§ The “other” -> xenophobia (fear of outsiders/others)· 1. Moves away from local gov· 2. Antiscriptural· 3. Destroys old, builds on rubble§ Catalyst: Reaction from Napoleon empowering foreigners over other countrieso C. German Philosophy§ 1. Immanuel Kant – Idealism (humble beginnings)· Morality without Christianityo How? -> Reasono “Categorical Imperative” -> “if everyone did it would society suffer”· Phenomenal (experience)· Nominal (reason)o Critique of Pure Reason (book); relativism

    • 3/3/2025

  • 4 accomplishments of the Congress of Vienna§ 1. Reinstate monarchies§ 2. Encircle France§ 3. Compensate land loss§ 4. Establish balance of power (among great European powers)

  • II. The Conservative Ordero A. Congress of Vienna (1815)§ 4. Metternich’s conservatism· No liberalism or nationalism· Institutions + elitism§ 5. Action items§ 6. Concert of Europe§ 7. Age of Metternich (1815-1848)· Conservatism wins, but for how long?o B. Latin America - beginning of the Breakdown§ Creoles (Spanish-American) and mestizos (Spanish+Indian)· No allegiance to Napoleon’s Spain§ Independence for Mexico (1821)§ Independence for South America· Simon Bolivar (The Liberator)§ By 1825 most of Latin America had won independence from European ruleo C. Failure of the Concert§ Monroe Doctrine (1823)§ Greek independence· Treaty of Adrianople (1829)o Unofficial end of Concert of Europe

  • III Revolution and Reform (19th century part II)o A. 1830 Revolutions§ France· Napoleon -> Louis XVIII· Charles X’s tyranny· July Revolutiono Louis Phillipe and “July Monarchy” (Kinda normal guy); “Citizen king”§ 1 in 30 men could vote§ 1. France = “July revolution” -> Louis Phillipe§ 2. Belgium – Independent but Neutral country§ 3. Italy, Germany – national unification? NO§ 4. Poland – Independence? No§ Revolutions of 1848§ 1. Several European nations were swept by simultaneous revolutions§ 2. These revolutions generally failed and conservatives regained powero B. Revolutions of 1848§ I. France· A. February: Louis Phillippe OUT· B. “Provisional Government” establishedo National Workshops - Government-sponsored public works programs§ Fail· C. “June Days”: 10,000 dead in Paris riots· D. November: Second French Republico 1848: President Louis Napoleon (nephew of emperor)o 1851: Emperor Napoleon III§ 2. Austria· Metternich flees (1848)· Czar Nicholas I intervenes· Metternich returns (1851)§ 3. German Confederation· Frankfurt Parliament attempts unification but rejected by Prussia’s king Frederick William IV§ Revolutions of 1848: No permanent Change without Violenceo C. Unification of Italy§ Goal: Drive out Austria and France + unite the Italian states§ 1. Key figures:· Giuseppe Mazzini – nationalist; “Young Italy”o Incited small acts of insurrection around Italy to help unify· Giuseppe Garibaldi – Commander of the Red Shirts· Count Cavour – Sardinian Diplomat; assisted England and France during Crimean War· Popular violence + political diplomacy§ 2. Three wars for independence§ 3. Victor Emmanuel II· 1st king of a unified Italy (1861)· 3/5/25§ 4. Capture of Rome (1871)o D. Unification of Germany§ Most important political development in Europe between 1848 and 1914§ I. German Conf. – Austria dominant, Prussia rising· Modern, industrialized military (Prussia’s key to growing influence)§ 2. Otto von Bismarck· Chancellor of Prussia· -Goal: Strong, unified German state under Prussian dominance (wants Prussia to be leading power)· -Realpolitik = politics of powero Realism > Idealismo Results:§ 1. Domestic policy = State Socialism· Bans socialist party; Sponsors Europe’s first social welfare programs§ 2. Foreign Policy = “Blood and Iron”· Skilled diplomat; would do whatever necessaryo War will unify the German States· The Plan; War with Denmark, then war with Austriao Wants to demonstrate Prussia’s strength vs Austria weakness· War with France§ War was started because Napoleon III received an offensive telegram from Bismarck’s people; France attack, Prussia “defends” itself§ 3. Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)· Germany united, victorious· France must pay reparations (for being aggressor)· Germans set up tents in Versailles· Proclamation of the German Empire in Versailles, 1871· Kaiser· Bismarck now Chancellor of Germanyo E. Austria-Hungary§ 1. “Dual Monarchy”§ 2. Francis Joseph Io F. The Third French Republic§ 1. Domestic affairs· Paris Commune (1871)o Modest growth despite Marxismo High turnover· “La Belle Epoque”o Prosperity in art, science, and culture§ 2. Foreign Affairs· Triple Entente (1907)o France + England + Russiao G. Growth of Modern Socialism§ Places responsibility on the state to distribute wealth/goods· Means of production should belong to the collective· The state acts in the collective’s best interest, distribution· Louis Blanc – you, and everyone else benefit from your hard work§ 1. Utopian Socialism· Small, ideal communities (were set up to prove)o Most collapsed§ 2. Democratic Socialism· Publicly-owned + controlled industry§ *No socialism works well

  • Chapter 22 WWI

    • I A new Centuryo A. Science and Technology§ I. Physics· Albert Einsteino Theories of Relativity§ 2. Chemistry and Medicine· George W. Carvero Agricultural science§ Turned peanut into many other products· Dr. Walter Reed and William Gorgaso Yellow fever vaccine (Helped Panama Canal)§ 3. Transportation:· Henry Ford – assembly line + model T· Orville and Wilbur Wright – manned human flighto B. The Road to War§ Main Causes:· 1. Militarism – war is good for humanso 1. Social Darwinismo 2. Hegel’s Dialectico 3. Short memorieso -Germany’s Schlieffen Plan -> takeover France; annihilate§ Germany must win; they violate neutrality with Belgium· 2. Allianceso Kaiser Wilhelm II abandons Bismarck’s “alliance system”o Triple Entente – France, Britain, Russiao Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy· 3. Imperialism – Global rivalries -> Great Powers + colonies· 4. Nationalism – best ex. is Pan-Slavism -> all Slavs are brothers; Russia saves Serbia§ 1. Archduke assassinated· Sarajevo, Bosnia – June 28, 1914· Franz Ferdinand -> married commoner; heir to throne· Gavrilo Princip (shot Ferdinand + wife) & “Black Hand” (Failed grenade)· Emperor telegrams Germany (Wilhelm II); response – be firm§ 2. Austria declares war on Serbia (July 28, 1914)§ 3. Great Powers take sides· Allied powers vs Central Powerso Allies = Britain, France, Russia, Italyo Central Powers = Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

    • II. The Course of the Waro A. The Western Front (1914-1916)· 1. Schlieffen Plan -> “Miracle on the Marne” – Battle along river, France stalemates Germany· “The Front”· 2. Modern Warfare· Trenches, artillery, machine guns, poison gas· “No man’s land” -> between the trenches -> nothing grew· Shellshock = psychological response to prolonged helplessness under fire· 1000 yard stare· Battle of Verdun (Feb-Dec 1916)o Henry Petain – “they shall not pass!”o ~1million casualties· Somme Offensive (July-Dec 1916)o Debut of tank warfareo B. Other Fronts – Russia· 1. Czar Forced to abdicate (March 1917)· 2. Bolshevik Revolution (Oct 1917)· Lead by Vladimir Lenin· 3. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (Mar 1918)· Russia quits, cedes land to Germany
