Market Skimming: pricing something at the high price at release then dropping the price after some time

  • 3 conditions:

    • product quality and image must support it’s high price

    • cost of producing at a smaller volume must not outweigh the benefits of charging higher

      • Economies of Scale- producing more costs less per unit/ buying in bulk

    • high barriers to entry

      • should be exclusive, not a lot of sellers can sell it

Marketing Penetration: Pricing something really low after selling the product for some time to make people buy

  • 3 conditions:

    • product must be price- sensitive, cheap as possible

    • production and distribution costs must decrease as sales volume increase

    • low price must help keep out competition

Product Mix Marketing Strategies:

  • Product Lining Pricing- bigger sizes, high price; more benefits, high price

  • Optional product pricing- selling a product with creating more products that can enrich the experience of use of one product

  • Captive Product Pricing- you cannot enjoy the main product without buying other products(e.g. you can’t use a Nintendo switch to play games without the SD cards)

  • By Product Pricing- By products of main product can also be sold(e.g. you can sell your chicken, chicken egg, chicken feet, and it’s feathers)

  • Product Bundle Pricing- selling a lot fo products as a set to make it cheaper than the items individually

Price Adjustment Strategies:

  • Allowances- money paid by manufacturers to retailers in return for an agreement to feature the products in some way

  • Discounts- straight reduction in price on purchases during a stated period of time or of larger quantities

  • Segmented- selling a product or service at two or more prices, where the difference is prices is not based on differences in costs

    • some boulder gyms increase the price during peak hours so that the people will crowd less

  • ! Price Sensitive- price is catering to the poorer people

! Instead of making the price at 250, make the price at 249 or 239 to make it seem cheaper.
