6.1-6.4 The Industrial Revolution
Contextualizing the Industrial Revolution
Origin of the Industrial Revolution, industrial changes that occurred between 1780 and 1850, grew out through the process of development
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment brought new world view
Tried mastering the natural world
Had prizes for people that would create new, useful inventions
Trade with China helped development
The mercantilism colonial empire allowed for the market to continue growing
New methods of farming established
Industry in Great Britain
Hungry 40s took place after the Little Ice Age
1818 had the worst working conditions
1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition
Continued using wood for energy and relied on animals to do work
Switched to coal and used it to produce and function machines
Steam engines could quickly pump water out of mines
The coal burning steam engine was the most fundamental advancement in the Industrial Revolution
Production of iron increased and became cheap and indispensable, became a building block of the economy
James Watt added a separate condenser to the steam engine, improving it majorly
Steam loco motive, George Stephenson's rocket spend down the trade (Crystal Palace)
Railroads reduced the cost of shipping
Larger markets encouraged larger factories, with strong demand for unskilled workers
Growth of urban workers
Britain proclaimed itself “workshop of the world”
Produced 20% of the world’s goods
The Spread of Industry Through Europe
Western Europe wanted to recreate Britain’s success in their nations
Power of the state promoted industrialization
In France demand for homemade luxury grew, though they had less industrial cities
The Customs Union was led by Prussia, would get rid of tariffs
Only one tariff for transferring across nations
Prussia was the first German state to industrialize
Center for iron production
Mined over 6 million tons of coal a year
By the mid 19th century Western Europe was industrialized
Spain lagged behind, stayed unchanged
Russia industrialized later in the century
Russia continued having serfdom
1861 serfs released in Russia
The Second Wave of the Industrial Revolution
After 1870 a new phase of the Industrial Revolution occurred because of the new sources of power
Steel was manufactured and mass produced
More steam engine improvements and electricity was used more
Trans Atlantic Telegram helped with long distance communication, between America and Europe
Chemical industries grew
Social Effects of the Industrialization
Bad living conditions
18 hour workdays
Poor light and ventilation
Woman and children preferred, small hands
Workers often were sick, developing lung diseases
Workers were often injured and lost body parts in factories
Home conditions were just as bad as the working conditions
Cities were overcrowded
Bad sewage systems
Cholera and Dysentery became very common, resulting in lots of deaths
Life expectancy was reduced greatly
Social problems increased: alcoholism, prostitution, crime, sanitation
The middle class moved up in society and were able to buy nice homes and other luxury items
6.5-6.6 The Concert of Europe, Reactions, and Revolutions
Metternich — The Concert of Europe
The Concert of Europe was also known as the congress system
Conservatives developed an ideology in support of traditional political and religious authorities
Conservatives believed that power should be in the hands of the upper class
Metternich blamed the liberal middle class for instigating the working class
Working class wanted an authoritarian aristocratic government because they were shocked by Napoleon’s rise to power
Conservatives reestablished control
Control was given through the Concert of Europe, and they tried to maintain the status quo
The Congress of Vienna tried to combat nationalism and liberalism
Revolutions of 1830
Congress of Vienna was in 1815
Revolutions took place in, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Poland
Napoleon and Louis XVI ruled previously
After Louis Charles X ruled (1824)
Charles X was a member of the Bourbon dynasty
Opposed all liberal ideas
Ruled between 1824 and 1830
Voting and freedom of speech decreased
Role of RCC increased
Colonized Algeria
Revolts began happening, and he stepped down
Louis Philippe ruled from 1830 to 1848
July Monarch
Citizen King who ruled for king citizen
Focused mostly on the Bourgeoisie, not the rest of the Third Estate
In 1830 Switzerland was dominated by Austria
The War of Sonderbund granted them independence
The story of William Tell, apple shot off the his son’s head
Belgium and Netherlands united
Belgium had factories, Netherlands did the shipping
House of Orange in charge, Belgian alienated
Belgian independence and neutrality supported by Great Britain
“Congress” Poland 1831
Alexander I liberal
Nicholas I conservative
Crushed the liberal Polish revolt
Revolutions and Reforms of 1848
Late 1840s Europe was in a political and economic crisi
All is under Louis Napoleon
Louis Philippe
Lack of electoral reform, small franchise
Banquets held in order to gather
Poor economy
Rise of socialist ideas
“Workshops” created by Louis Blanc
Louis Napoleon
2nd republic, Napoleon III
Rebuilds Paris
Bourgeoisie monarchy, had stubborn inaction and complacency, it served selfish interests of the wealthy elites
Severe depression and crop failures in 1846 and 1847
Eventually led to revolts of the lower class
used guns and threatened for a new government
Louis Philippe refused to call the army then abdicated
Began drafting a democratic, republican constitution for France’s second republic
Every adult male had the right to vote, slaves were freed, removed the death penalty and enacted work reforms
Worse depression and rising unemployment
Louis Blanc wanted government-sponsored workshops for people, as an alternative to capitalist employment
Compromise to create workshops
Pick and shovel works, no one enjoyed this
Eventually dissolved the national workshops
People would either work in workshops or join the military
Led to a spontaneous and violent uprising
Wars between classes
Revolutions do not succeed
Constituent Assembly made a constitution for a strong executive
Napoleon’s nephew elected as monarch
Control struggles because of multi-ethnic empire
With Paris rising, students and and members of liberal clubs, demonstrated in Vienna for basic freedoms
Revolution began with the nationalist Hungarians wanting freedom, followed by the Chezcs who wanted to self rule
Habsburg monarchy put down the revolt in Hungary, and installed a conservative monarchy under Franz Joseph
German states demanded civil liberties and reformed monarchies
Fredrick William IV responded by killing the people , though he said he promised to create a constitutional monarchy
Frankfurt Assembly made the constitution
The national assembly called for a federal union headed by a hereditary emperor
Constitution was refused in Berlin
6.7-6.9 Ideologies, Reforms Movements
Liberal Reform in Great Britain
Liberalism shifted from Laissez-Faire policies to the challenges of industrialization
Passed the Reform Act of 1832
Ended suffrage for 2x men
Gave industrial cities representation
Abolished slavery and Factory Act banned children under 9 from working and limiting the hours that older children, kids also had to go to school
Poor Laws passed
Punished the poor by making them relief in government workhouses unpleasant
Anti-Corn Law league founded, would allow lower prices and more jobs would be available
Mines Act banned women and children from working in the mines, only 10 hours a day for women and children in factories
Corn Laws were eventually repealed
Foundations of Modern Socialism
Early thinkers thought industrialization and Laissez-Faire economics were selfish
Wanted to help the poor
Preached economic equality and wanted business regulation, along with equal property
Count Henri de Saint-Simon believed that the key to progress was proper social organization, plan the economy, and push forward by helping public works progress
Charles Fourier envisioned a socialist utopia with the total emancipation of women
Robert Owen felt that society should be organized in industrial-agricultural societies
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon argued their property was profit that was stolen from the workers
Louis Blanc focused on practical reforms, including voting rights
State and community ownership
Saint-Simon, Fourierm and Owen were considered Utopian Socialists
The Birth of Marxist Socialism
Karl Marx wove the diffuse strands of socialist thought into a distinctly modern ideology
This was called Marxist Socialism, or Marxism
Marx studied philosophy in Berlin before turning to journalism
This forced him to flee Prussia
Marx traveled around Europe promoting his socialism, and often relied on his friend Fredrick Engles for financial support
After the Revolutions of 1848 Marx moved to London and stayed there
He continued to advocate for a working class revolution
Marx synthesized sociology, economics, philosophy, and history
Marx did not like the ideas of the Utopian Socialists
He claimed that his version of Socialism was based off of science and history
Marx believed that history had patterns and purpose and moved forward in the stages toward an ultimate goal
Marx argued that class struggle and economic wealth produced change in human history
One class had always exploited the other
Marx argued that the proletariat would gain a revolutionary class conscious
The idea of a surplus value the difference between the value of goods and the wages the workers received to create them
Marx and Engles published the communist’s manifesto in 1848
Reshaped left wing radicalism
Capitalism was seen as exploitative by Marx
Upper class was the Bourgeoisie
Lower class was the Proletariat
Taming the City: Public Health Movement
Previously cities were not sanitized and overcrowded
To solve the problems the cities modernized infrastructure, regulated public health, reformed prisons, and created modern police forces
The need for public housing was brought to attention
Sewers and treatment plants were created to limit the pollution
Germ theory was developed after the problems with drinking water worsened
Hospitals and operating rooms were sanitized
Streets were being redesigned
Created more open spaces and parks
Developed mass systems of transportation
Crimean War and Unification
Concert of Europe destruction allowed for national unification in Italy and Germany
Shows weakness of the Ottoman Empire, and broke down the Concert of Europe
Crimean War (1853-1856)
Long lasting, fueled Russia and Ottoman Empire
Russia wanted to expand into Romania
Ottoman Empire let France expand, not Russia
Russia forced to protect Orthodox in the Ottoman Empire
Other great powers stepped in
France and Great Britain against Russia
Austria and Prussia were neutral
Ineptitude in all fronts
Poorly equipped and trained on both sides
Forces bogged down and more died from malnutrition rather than fighting
Russia lost, forced to pull back
Invincible Russia was defended
Shows how far behind Western Europe they were
Concert of Europe died after 25 years
Photography created and embraced by the middle class
A new generation of conservatives
Napoleon III
Otto von Bismark
Cavour and Garibaldi led to the unification of Italy