PSYCH ASSESS - History & Ethics

  1. I. Term Identification (1 point each)

    1. The term coined by James McKeen Cattell for assessment tools. (Mental Test)

    2. The statistical concept pioneered by Francis Galton, central to psychological testing. (Coefficient of Correlation)

    3. The first widely used self-report measure of personality. (Personality Data Sheet)

    4. Tests where individuals project their own needs and motivations onto ambiguous stimuli. (Projective Tests)

    5. Socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, and products of work of a particular group. (Culture)

    6. Principles of right, proper, or good conduct. (Ethics)

    7. Diagnostic or therapeutic services that the average, reasonable, and prudent professional would provide. (Standard of Care)

    8. The law in the Philippines related to psychology practice. (RA 10029)

    9. Professionals qualified for test administration and scoring in the Philippines. (Psychometricians)

    10. Professionals qualified for test administration, scoring, and interpretation in the Philippines. (Psychologists)

II. Fill in the Blanks (1 point each)

  1. Ancient China used to determine who would work for the imperial government. (Civil Service Examinations/Imperial Examinations/State-sponsored examinations)

  2. Greco-Roman writings categorized people based on an overabundance or deficiency in . (Bodily Fluids)

  3. Wilhelm Wundt focused on how people were , not different. (Similar)

  4. The Army Test was used to assess the verbal and cognitive abilities of literate recruits during WWI. (Alpha)

  5. The Binet- Test was designed to identify Paris schoolchildren with intellectual disability. (Simon)

  6. David Wechsler conceptualized intelligence as the “aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his ”. (Environment)

  7. The Rorschach Test is an example of a projective test. (Inkblot)

  8. Henry Murray and Christiana Morgan developed the . (Thematic Apperception Test/TAT)

  9. Issues regarding culture and assessment include verbal and communication and standards of evaluation. (Nonverbal)

  10. The right to includes the general purpose of testing, the specific reason it is being undertaken, and the general type of instruments to be administered. (Informed Consent)

III. Enumeration/Elimination (2 points each)

  1. Which of the following is NOT a type of test mentioned in the context of WWI? (C. Army Gamma Test)

    • a. Army Alpha Test

    • b. Army Beta Test

    • c. Army Gamma Test

    • d. None of the above

  2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a projective test? (D. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale)

    • a. Rorschach Inkblot Test

    • b. Thematic Apperception Test

    • c. House-Tree-Person Test (Implied)

    • d. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

  3. Which of the following is NOT an issue regarding culture and assessment? (D. Test Reliability)

    • a. Verbal Communication

    • b. Nonverbal Communication

    • c. Standards of Evaluation

    • d. Test Reliability

  4. Which of the following is NOT a right of test takers? (D. The right to choose the test administrator)

    • a. The right to informed consent

    • b. The right to be informed of test findings

    • c. The right to privacy and confidentiality

    • d. The right to choose the test administrator

  5. Which of the following is NOT a level of test user qualification as addressed by the APA? (D. Level D)

    • a. Level A

    • b. Level B

    • c. Level C

    • d. Level D

IV. True or False (1 point each)

  1. The ancient Chinese had a civil service examination system. (True)

  2. Francis Galton believed in measuring individual differences. (True)

  3. Wilhelm Wundt viewed individual differences as a valuable source of information. (False)

  4. The Army Beta Test was designed for literate recruits. (False)

  5. The Binet-Simon test was designed to measure personality. (False)

  6. David Wechsler defined intelligence as a global capacity. (True)

  7. The Personality Data Sheet was a projective test. (False)

  8. Culture is irrelevant in psychological assessment. (False)

  9. Ethical considerations are important in psychological assessment. (True)

  10. Psychometricians in the Philippines can interpret projective tests. (False)

V. Multiple Choice (1 point each)

  1. Who coined the term "mental test"? (C. James McKeen Cattell)

    • a. Francis Galton

    • b. Wilhelm Wundt

    • c. James McKeen Cattell

    • d. Alfred Binet

  2. Which test was designed for illiterate recruits in WWI? (B. Army Beta Test)

    • a. Army Alpha Test

    • b. Army Beta Test

    • c. Binet-Simon Test

    • d. Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale

  3. What is the focus of projective tests? (A. Unconscious motivations)

    • a. Unconscious motivations

    • b. Cognitive abilities

    • c. Personality traits

    • d. Intellectual disability

  4. What is the standard of care in psychological assessment? (C. Services a reasonable professional would provide)

    • a. The most advanced techniques available

    • b. The cheapest services possible

    • c. Services a reasonable professional would provide

    • d. Services provided by the most experienced professional

  5. Which law governs psychology practice in the Philippines? (D. RA 10029)

    • a. RA 7729

    • b. RA 9258

    • c. RA 11032

    • d. RA 10029

  6. Which of the following is an example of a self-report personality test? (Implied: Personality Data Sheet)

    • a. Rorschach Inkblot Test

    • b. Thematic Apperception Test

    • c. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) (Implied)

    • d. Draw-A-Person Test (Implied)

  7. What is a key concern when assessing individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds? (B. Cultural bias)

    • a. Test reliability

    • b. Cultural bias

    • c. Test validity

    • d. Standardization

  8. Which of the following is a right of test takers? (A. Informed consent)

    • a. Informed consent

    • b. Right to choose the test

    • c. Right to refuse to answer any question

    • d. Right to receive payment for taking the test

  9. What is the role of the Psychological Association of the Philippines' Committee on Ethics and Professional Standards? (B. To create and enforce ethical guidelines)

    • a. To administer psychological tests

    • b. To create and enforce ethical guidelines

    • c. To license psychologists and psychometricians

    • d. To provide psychological services to the public

  10. What is the primary purpose of psychological assessment? (A. To gather information for decision-making)

    • a. To gather information for decision-making

    • b. To diagnose mental disorders

    • c. To label individuals

    • d. To predict future behavior with 100% accuracy
