SG 10


Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources Since 1200

Study Guide, (pgs. 434-469)

Chapter 10, Colonial Encounters in Asia and Africa

Industry and Empire 

  1. In what ways did colonial rule transform the societies that imperialism encompassed? How did these societies maintain their traditional practices despite European imperial policies?

    - policies changed and differed amounf different places

    • men, women, traditional elites__→ peasents expereinced change

    • thier reactions differed

    • maintained tradtional practives by living off of traditional practices and culturals priorly there

  2. In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of 19th C. European imperialism?

  • increased demand for extensive raw materials and agricultual products(new economical needs)

  • europe needed to sell their products abroad because its cheaper

  • more profitable to invest abroad

  • socially, foriegn makets kept workers employed(social benefit)

  • solving overpopulation conflicts and class conflicts of industralization society while avoiding revolutions and serious restribution of wealth

  1. What were the criteria by which Europeans judged both themselves and the rest of the world?

Prior, judged off of religious terms

  • developed a seuclar arrogance that fused with or replaced notions of racial surperiority

  • unlocked the secrets of nautrue created a society of unpresented wealth which had unsurpassedd military

  1. What contributed to changing European views of Asians and Africans in the 19th C.?

Industrial progress, scientic racisim

china before: highly prasied

after: weak, conservative, threat

india before: slave trade

after: cheifs and primative nature

  1. Explain Social Darwinism: 

  • responsibility to domniate the weaker races

  • european domination leads to displacement of backwark/ unfit people

  • made violence and agression justified

A Second Wave of European Conquests (Big Picture Question):

  1. Why were Asian and African societies incorporated into colonial empires later than those of the Americas?

these societies already had a strong political and economical devolpemtn while the americas did not

  1. In what different ways did the colonial takeover of Asia and Africa occur?

  • penetration through the economy/trade(india)

  • military force

  • japan and korea same methods as europeans

  • avoided colonization with willingness to cooroperate

  1. What caused the scramble for Africa?

Europen nations wanted to claim afica for themselves and avoid any wars amoung themselves, conqured through military might(w/ advantages)

  1. Why were the British South Pacific territories of New Zealand and Australia similar to the earlier colonization of North America?

  • large scale european settlement and disease

  • reduced large portion of native populatiion

  • neo-european society

Under European Rule

  1. How were such small numbers of Europeans able to communicate and govern such huge and populous territories?

  • empolied local authorities(willingly) for communication among everyone

  • more sophisicated colonial ogverments and buisness enterprises due to highter european education

  1. Why might a subject people choose to cooperate with the colonial regime? What might prompt them to violent rebellion or resistance?

1) status, empolyment, security, more wealth

2) conglicing beliefs viewd as mocking

  • rulers losing power and land

  • over taxation

  • exploitation

  • unemployment due to industrialzation/mechinicalization

  • religion

  1. What triggered the Indian Rebellion (1857-1858) and what was the consequence of it?

cause: cow and pig blood smeared on carriage seen by indians as defiling and trying to convert them to christianity

consequence: india was set aflame, attempts to revive the mungal empire, radical divide, heighted british intolerence towards indians, british govement directly contoled india

  1. What was distinctive about European colonial empires of the 19th century?

  • race distinguished the rulers legitimacy

  • race as a legal feature

  • extent they were abel to penetrate society, centralized tax burecary, new means of communication and transportation, changes in land holding patterns, public health and sanitation, missionary activites

  1. How did European colonial powers contradict the values of the Enlightenment through their treatment of their colonial territories?

    - discouraged urban growth, industrialization, individual values, religious skepticism

    reduced complexity of tribes to make contorling them easier

    • changed gender views and joined gender idoalogies and race prejustice to support collonial rule

    • ranked racial classifications

  2. What were the causes of nineteenth-century European imperialism? What were the effects of imperialism on Asian and African societies?

1. industrail demand for raw materials, missionary efforts, nationalism
2. european economic expansion and explotation, speak of western education, restrictions

Ways of Working: Comparing Colonial Economies

  1. How did the policies of colonial power change the economic lives of their subjects?

  • increased demand for gold, diamonds and other stuff

  • no more substinence farming


  • occupations out of buisness

  • europeans took over trade companies in places

  1. What did a shortage of labor foster?

  • slave dependency and exploitation of workers

  • huge influx of immigrants

  • dependence on specific crops

  1. How did cash-crop agriculture transform the lives of colonized peoples?

advantageous for local farmers: protected by law, irrigation, transportation facilities

this fostered immigrants

  • able to own their own land, build substantial homes, and buy imported goods

  • prosperity to farmers

  1. As slave labor declined in the nineteenth century, what forms of labor replaced it?

-internal immigration to europe own plantations( under payments)

displacement to native reserves(forced work)

  • some stayed under new land owners and worked for them because they payed about the same as before

  1. What could unskilled, African mine laborers expect, since they worked at a fraction of white wages?

  • short term contracts

  • all-male prisons with barbed wire

  • random immigration to different planations for a pay in returen for a week of grusome work

  • forced to reeturn home periodically to prevent family building

  1. How were the lives of African women altered by colonial economies? (Before/After)


  • active foarmers

  • food prepers

  • local trade activity

  • subordinate to men, but had economic autonomy


  • total responsiblity for domestic food production

  • increased workload

  • manage domestic economy alone and took ober male duties

  • trade and new buisnesses(economic autonomy)

  • restricted by mens laws(moblitly)

  1. Explain the overall economic impact of colonial rule on Asian and African societies. How were some societies able to translate these changes into economic opportunities after independence?

1. - serves tofather integrate asian and african economies into the global network of exchange centored around europe

  • land and labor devoted to production for General economy

  • many people benefited to access to the global markets while others suffered

  • modernization process introduction unavoidable

  • nowhere in the colonial world did a major modern industrial society breakthrough
    2. rice farmers and cocao farmers

Believing and Belonging: Identity and Cultural Change in the Colonial Era

  1. What impact did western education have on colonial societies?

  • generated new identity, illiterate—>reading/writing desirable

  • access to better paying positions in goverment bureacracies, misson organizations buisness firms, and imported goods

  • social mobility and elite status

  • achieve equality to europeans

  • embracing european culture

  • not having this was seen as bad

  1. What were the attractions of Christianity within some colonial societies?   

  • military defeat made people lose hope in dieties

  • associateed with western education

  • more opportunites for marginalized/poor and women

  • spread through african teachers

  • strengthen position/occupation

  • social cohesion amidst people devastated by disease

  1. How and why did Hinduism emerge as a distinct religious tradition during the colonial era in India?

  • Africanization of christianity- intellectuals and reformers began to define their regions ther were various forms of beliefs

  • why: efforts to provide india a relgioin equivelent to christianity and histoical worth that came with the colonization humiliation

  1. In what way were “race” and “tribe” new identities in colonial Africa? 

race: previously they defined themselves as their language but after common colonial oppression and experienced by everyone and European racism brought a braoder sense of identiy: longer, common and respected african tradition

tribe: european notion to help them keep track of africans
