MCO 5230.19A

Introduction to Logistics Data Management

The Marine Corps Order 5230.19A aims to define and enhance the roles and responsibilities pertaining to logistics data management, as outlined by various Department of Defense (DoD) directives and instructions. This document presents a comprehensive framework for leveraging logistics data as a strategic enterprise asset, emphasizing the critical nature of data quality and governance in operational success.

Key References

The order references a mix of DoD instructions, Marine Corps Orders (MCO), and other relevant policies that govern logistics data management, including:

  • DoDI 8320.02: Sharing Data, Information, and Technology Services in the DoD.

  • DoDI 8115.02: IT Portfolio Management Implementation.

  • DoDM 4140.01: DoD Supply Chain Materiel Data Management and Exchange.

Situation Overview

  1. Roles and Responsibilities: This order delineates responsibilities for the Deputy Commandant, Installations and Logistics (I&L) in managing logistics data effectively.

  2. Policy Development: It expands on existing policies regarding data management as outlined in referenced documents, establishing a clear framework for logistics data governance.

Mission Objectives

The mission is to formalize data management within the Logistics Portfolio, thereby enhancing the strategic application of logistics data which includes:

  • Establishing objectives and authority for logistics data governance.

  • Ensuring data management processes are integral to both current and future logistics IT systems (LogIT).

Commander’s Intent and Concept of Operations

Commander’s Intent

  • Data Value: The increasing value of data captured for various purposes necessitates careful control and strategic oversight to maximize benefits from LogIT.

  • Data Quality: Continual improvement of data quality is emphasized, requiring the identification of authoritative data and the establishment of Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) related to data.

  • Investment in Data: Recognizing data as a critical asset for future technologies reinforces the need for strategic data governance in acquisition processes.

Concept of Operations

  • Data Governance Framework: A Logistics Data Governance structure should be integrated into the Logistics Portfolio Management.

  • Collaboration: Coordination among various internal and external agencies is crucial to unify data management efforts.

Data Quality Management

Accountability and Processes

  • Developing Data Standards: A foundational approach to data quality must begin at the source, ensuring consistent standards for data management throughout its lifecycle.

  • Data Quality Assessments (DQA): Regular assessment plans must be established to track data quality, identify deficiencies, and prioritize corrective actions.

Control Measures

  • The order emphasizes reducing unnecessary data proliferation and redundancy by maintaining authorization controls over data repositories.

  • Interoperability: Establish interoperability requirements in LogIT to enhance the availability of standardized, authoritative data resources.

Subordinate Element Missions

  1. Deputy Commandant, I&L:

    • Establish control and governance frameworks for logistics data.

    • Create a Logistics Data Governance Office (LDGO).

    • Ensure data-centric requirements are documented in problem statements within logistics systems.

  2. Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM):

    • Enforce data quality measures in contracts and system agreements.

  3. Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4):

    • Include data evaluation in all Marine Corps IT investments.

  4. Marine Corps Component Commanders:

    • Manage and document any replication of operational data to ensure security and compliance.

Administration and Logistics

It is essential for organizations handling logistics policy and systems to adhere to the guidelines in this order, ensuring proper data management practices are followed without compromising information security and privacy rights. Strict adherence to the established processes ensures effective logistics operations while maintaining compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, thus safeguarding personal information.

Glossary of Data-Related Terms

Key Terms Defined

  1. Authoritative Data Source: A trusted source for data validated by experts to ensure its accuracy and reliability throughout its lifecycle.

  2. Data Governance: A framework of decision-making authority for managing data-related issues and practices to maintain data quality and security.

  3. Data Lifecycle: The stages of data from initial capture through to archiving or purging, with varying governance needs at each phase.

  4. Data Quality Steward: A designated individual responsible for maintaining and overseeing data quality within their purview.

  5. Interoperability: The ability of different systems to exchange and utilize information effectively.

  6. Master Data Management (MDM): The discipline of managing the critical data of an organization to provide, with assistance from technology, a single and accurate view of business entities.
