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APUSH - Period 5 (1844-1877)

Block: 5

AP US History 2: AP Review

Period 5: 1844 - 1877

Review Packet

Review Materials

Section #1: Manifest Destiny, Territorial Expansion, & The Mexican American War

Key Concepts

  • The United States became more connected with the world, pursued an expansionist foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere, and emerged as the destination for many migrants from other countries.

  • Popular enthusiasm for U.S. expansion, bolstered by economic and security interests, resulted in the acquisition of new territories, substantial migration westward, and new overseas initiatives.

  • The desire for access to natural and mineral resources and the hope of many settlers for economic opportunities or religious refuge led to an increased migration to and settlement in the West.

  • Advocates of annexing western lands argued that Manifest Destiny and the superiority of American institutions compelled the United States to expand its borders westward to the Pacific ocean.

  • U.S. interest in expanding trade led to economic, diplomatic, and cultural initiatives to create more ties with Asia

  • The United States. added large territories in the West through victory in the Mexican–American War and diplomatic negotiations, raising questions about the status of slavery, American Indians, and Mexicans in the newly acquired lands.

  • U.S. government interaction and conflict with Mexican Americans and American Indians increased in regions newly taken from American Indians and Mexico, altering these groups’ economic self sufficiency and cultures.

  • The Mexican Cession led to heated controversies over whether to allow slavery in the newly acquired territories.

Identify: Manifest Destiny was the popular belief in the US that the people had a divine right to extend their power and civilization across north america. Through this justification of using God’s message to go beyond and steal lands from others, the US grew, and the American Indian population greatly decreased. (1840s) nationalism, population increase, rapid economic development, technological advances and reform ideals were all factors that led others to go past the borders and extend the US.

Answer the following questions or identify the key ideas as they relate to Texas Independence & Annexation

Background & War of Independence in Texas

Debate over the annexation of Texas

How, why, and when was Texas finally annexed to the US?

  • (1823) mexico had won its national independence from spain and they were looking for more settlers to help farm the northern frontier province of TX

  • Stephen Austin brought 300 families to TX - beginning the migration of American settlers to the frontier territory. By 1830, Americans had outnumbered Mexicans in tax and tensions were developed. Mexico had outlawed slavery and required all immigrants to convert to Roman catholicism. The settlers refuse to obey these laws and mexico closed TX to the american immigrants

  • (1834) general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became the dictator of Mexico and tried to enforce Mexico's laws on TX so a group of American Texans revolted (Sam Houston) and declared TC as an independent republic in march 1836. The Mexican army had then (led by Santa Anna) captured goliad and attacked the Alamo in San Antonio, along with killing all of the American defenders that were there. So sam houston captured the general santa anna and threatened to kill him unless he signed a treaty, granting the new republic of TX all of the territory north of rio grande. The Mexican legislature rejected the treaty and insisted that TX was still Mexican land.

  • Republic of Texas president Sam Houston asked the US govt for TX to be added to the US as a new state. President Jackson and van buren denied the request since northerners did not want to expand slavery and that would have created a political headache. Moreover, a war with Mexico would have cost too much, creating the annexation matter to be not liked.

  • President john tyler from the southern whig was worried about british influence in TX so he tried to annex TX but the US senate rejected the treaty in 1844.

  • Tyler knew that the annexation approval would be rejected by the senate again so he looked for other ways to obtain the annexation treaty.

  • President Tyler persuaded both houses of congress to pass a joint resolution to annex TX. Tyler was going to be out of office anyway so he would not have to deal with the aftereffects of the annexation of TX and the new president, Polk would.

Explain the background and eventual result of the following land debates with Great Britain

Background & conflict

Eventual Result & Outcome


  • 1840s- boundary dispute between Maine and the province of New Brunswick, canada. Canada was still under British rule so the attitude towards the dispute had heightened tensions. The lumbermen on the main-canadian border had a conflict between their rivals and the aroostook war/ battle of the maps occured.

ID - Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) split the territory between maine and british canada. It settled the MN territory boundary and left the mesabi range on the US border, which was rich with iron.


Britain wanted to claim Oregon based off of the hudsons fur company being profitable with the American Indians in the Pacific Northwest through fur trade. The US staked their claim through the discovery of the columbia river by captain gray in 1792, the expedition of lewis and clark to the pacific coast and back in 1805, the fur trading post and fort in oregon was established in 1811 by john jacob astor. The protestant ministers in the US had settled in the willamette valley in the 1840s and they achieved successful farming techniques, leading 5000 americans to go to oregon to claim the fertile lands. By the 1844 election, Americans believed that Oregon was their manifest destiny and that it was their land.

ID - 54 40 or Fight presidential candidate polk’s Democratic slogan “54 40 or fight” referring to the latitude line that marked the border between the oregon territory and russian alaska. President Polk compromised with Britain and utilized the 54 40 or fight to be his party’s campaign slogan. Instead of fighting, for all of oregon, the president negotiated with britain to settle for the southern half. They agreed to divide the Oregon territory at the 49th parallel and finally settled after the US agreed to give vancouver island to britain and give them rights to navigate the columbia river. So in june of 1846, the treaty was ratified by the senate. The senate did not want to fight both mexico and british so they had agreed and voted for the compromise to be ratified.

Identify James K. Polk

  • Democratic nominee - also a lesser known candidate - from TN

  • Had been a protege of andrew jackson and believed in manifest destiny and expanding the US

  • Favored the annexation of TX, wanted all of OR and wanted to acquire CA

  • Democratic slogan “54 40 or fight” referring to the latitude line that marked the border between the Oregon territory and Russian alaska.

    • Appealed to the southers and american westerners who wanted to expand (1844)

  • Became the president in 1844

Answer the following questions and know the significance as they relate to the Mexican- American War

  1. Background & Causes of the War

  • Polk tried to persuade Mexico to sell CA and NM to the US, and settle the Mexico Texas border dispute. However, the Mexican government refused to sell CA and decided that TX was theirs. With slidell waiting for the response to the US offer, Polk decided to get ready for war and ordered General Taylor to move his army toward the Rio Grande across the territory that was claimed by mexico. In 1846, a mexican army crossed over the rio grande and captured the american patrol team and killed 11, infuriating the US. Polk then used this act to send a war message proposal to congress.

  1. Why controversial? Why did many oppose this conflict? Develop the arguments on both sides.

  • The northern whigs were opposed to going to war with mexico. They believed that the killing of 11 americans in rio grande was not american blood shed on american soil and therefore did not pertain to the US. Yet, this did not stop polk and there was a large majority supporting the war in both of the houses. So, the war commenced.

  1. Outcomes & Consequences of the War

ID - Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo

  • The war was going good for the Americans and very bad for the mexicans. The Mexicans were too prideful and unwilling to stand for peace and conceded the loss of the northern lands. Once Mexico city fell though, the government agreed to the US terms.

  • Treaty of guadalupe hidalgo: (1848) was where mexico would recognize the rio grande border of TX and that the US would take possession of the former mexican provinces of CA and NM, with the US paying 15 million dollars for the territories and gaining responsibility for any of the claims that the american citizens had accumulated against mexicos.

  1. Why is this war considered a turning point or prelude to the Civil War? Develop significance.

  • Increased more tensions between the north and the south since if there were more acquisitions of new territories from Mexico, then what would be declared a free or slave state?

  • Many northerners saw the war with Mexico as the southerners' way of scheming against the northerners to try to obtain more slave land.

  • The Wilmot proviso was a way of escalating the political conflict that led to the civil war.

Identify: Wilmot Proviso was proposed by David Wilmot in 1846 who opposed the war. He said that the bill should forbid slavery in any of the new territories that were acquired from mexico. However , the wilmot proviso was defeated each time (2 times) that it was put into the house and denied by the senate.

Identify: Ostend Manifesto President Polk wanted to purchase Cuba from Spain for 100 million dollars but Spain had refused to sell their last piece of land on that side of the map. So, in efforts of trying to gain more lands, many southern adventurers tried to take the island by force through small expeditions that were armed. They were easily defeated and executed by Spanish firing squads. President Pierce, new president in 1852 was pro-southern and dispatched 3 American diplomats to ostend belgium to negotiate to buy cuba from spain. This was the ostend manifesto and the diplomats had leaked the secret convention to the press in the US, provoking angry rxns from the anti slavery abolitionist members in congress, thus making president pierce drop the idea.

Identify: Gadsden Purchase president pierce tried and succeeded in adding more land to the american southwest for rr’s. (1853) Mexico had agreed to sell thousands of acres of land to the US for 10 million dollars. And this was known as the Gadsden Purchase (NM and AZ).

  • Explain & develop the various reasons and causes of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion from 1830 - 1860. With Manifest Destiny being the route of Westford expansion because of the justification that God Wanted the Americans to go west, many settlers traveled West with this idea in mind and this Justified their actions towards obtaining these territories. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 gained more land for the US and it fueled more Ambitions for further expansion. There were also more economic opportunities since there was a lot of fertile land for farming mineral resources, and potential trade routes for the future. With this Prospect of wealth and prosperity, more settlers were going to the frontier. Along with this there was rapid population growth due to high birth rates and lots of immigrants coming to the US so there needed to be more land since the cities were becoming overcrowded. with easier ways to travel through the technological advances of the steamboat and the railroad, and made it easier to go further west.

  • Explain the reasons for, importance, and impact of the development of foreign commerce in the years 1830 - 1860. With more foreign Commerce in the United States during these years it helped stimulate the economy -Especially with more American exports of cotton, tobacco, green, and manufactured goods that were being transported to other foreign countries especially to Great Britain with cotton being the king of the cash crops in the south. there was more access to resources through foreign Commerce since it provided access to resources that were not available within the US - Imports of raw materials like tea, spices and other resources helped support the American Industries and infrastructural development. There was also an expansion of the markets with the growth of international trade routes and the expansion of the maritime Transportation Networks through The exchange of goods with Europe Asia and Latin america. There was also an increase in diplomatic relations which led to the Treaty of Kanagawa with Japan therefore securing more trading routes and terms in foreign markets.

Identify: Matthew Perry & the Treaty of Kanagawa Matthew Perry was a military leader to the United States Navy and he helped open up Japan to the west. In 1853 he led an expedition to Japan to gain diplomatic and trade relations between the United States and Japan. he used military intimidations - a fleet of Warships2 game this alliance between Japan and the us. The Treaty of Kanagawa was signed in March in 1854 and was negotiated by Perry where Japan had agreed to open two of their ports to American chips, marking the end of Japan's policy of isolation and furthering Western influence on Japan and their relations.

Section 2: Compromise of 1850 & Sectional Tension

Key Concepts

  • Intensified by expansion and deepening regional divisions, debates over slavery and other economic, cultural, and political issues led the nation into civil war.

  • Ideological and economic differences over slavery produced an array of diverging responses from Americans in the North and the South.

  • The Mexican Cession led to heated controversies over whether to allow slavery in the newly acquired territories.

  • The courts and national leaders made a variety of attempts to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories, including the Compromise of 1850.

  • The North’s expanding manufacturing economy relied on free labor in contrast to the Southern economy’s dependence on slave labor. Some Northerners did not object to slavery on principle but claimed that slavery would undermine the free labor market. As a result, a free soil movement arose that portrayed the expansion of slavery as incompatible with free labor.

  • African American and white abolitionists, although a minority in the North, mounted a highly visible campaign against slavery, presenting moral arguments against the institution, assisting slaves’ escapes, and sometimes expressing a willingness to use violence to achieve their goals.

  • Defenders of slavery based their arguments on racial doctrines, the view that slavery was a positive social good, and the belief that slavery and states’ rights were protected by the Constitution.

After the Mexican American War there was major debate about the spread of slavery into the newly acquired territories. Explain the ideas of the following conflicting positions.

Free Soil Movement & Party

Southern Position

Popular Sovereignty

Many northern democrats and whigs had supported the wilmot proviso and the belief that all of the african americans should be excluded from the mexican cession. Many northerners who opposed allowing slavery in the west had organized the free soil party in 1848, adopting the slogan, free soil, free labor and free men. Their other chief goals was to prevent the expansion of slavery, advocated for public land grants to small farmers and internal improvements.

Many whites saw the attempts to restrict the extension of slavery as a violation of the constitution and their right to take and use their property as they saw fit. They viewed the free soilers and Abolitionist as the way to the destruction of slavery in this enraged southerners. Many of the southerners had favored the extension of the Missouri Compromise line of 3630 Westward to the Pacific Ocean and they wanted the territories north of the line to be non-sleeve as negotiated before.

A democratic seminar from Michigan - Lewis Cass - Came up with a compromise that would solve the problem between the moderate Northerners and the moderate southerners. His idea was in place of congress Determining whether or not to allow slavery into the new Western States so Cass decided that whether or not the state was determined as free or slave would be up to the vote of the people who settled in that territory this was known as popular Sovereignty.

Identify - California Gold Rush (1849) Was where over 100,000 Americans went and settled in California -Mass migration - Was where with the prospect of gold being available to everyone, there was a rapid influx of Fortune seekers in California right after gold was found at Sutter's Mill in 1848. The Gold Rush reached its peak in 1852 with more than 300,000 people going to the territory to find gold and get rich very easily.

Identify - John Fremont & the Bear Flag Republic John Fremont was a captain and Explorer who was in California and had helped the Mexican war with some dozen armed men. He had helped overthrow the Mexican rulers and 1846 through American collaboration who had tried to raise the banner of the California Bear Republic. John had helped take California from the Mexicans right from the inside. The Bear Flag Republic had helped gain the Republic of California for the US. They had originally controlled only one town but they had declared California free from Mexico because of the revolt and they made the California republic flag be a grizzly bear signifying their influence on freeing california.

Develop and explain the importance of the following questions & concepts as they relate to the Compromise of 1850

Background to the Compromise

Specific Ideas of the Compromise

Results, Impact, & Feelings on Both Sides

  • With the California people drafting a constitution in their new state forbidding and banning slavery was created a lot of tensions and conflicts and heated debates in the Union- and President Taylor who was a southern slave holder himself had supported this decision and had supported the immediate admission of both California and New Mexico as both free states and his plan has sparked a succession of radicals in the south with them not liking his decision.

  • Henry Clay had suggested That the compromise should be: the admission of California to the us as a free state, divide the rest of the Mexican Cession into Utah and New Mexico - allowing The settlers that settled in this territory to decide if they wanted slavery or if they wanted the state to be free all through popular sovereignty. the compromise also consisted of banning slave trade in the District of Columbia but also allowing whites to hold slaves just like they had before.Then, they adopted the new Fugitive Slave Law and they enforced it partially along with giving land between Texas and New Mexico territory border disputes as a result to the new territories in return for the federal government to assume the public debt of 10 million dollars from texas.

  • Webster had told you that the compromise was the only thing that could save the Union but in doing so an alien needed the Massachusetts abolitionist who had been the base of his support. Calhoun had argued against the compromise since he thought that the South Should be given equal rights Within the new territory.

  • There was some Northern opposition to the compromise from the younger antislavery lawmakers such as Senator William H C word of New York who had argued that a higher law than the Constitution existed and that it should be adhered to. However, President Taylor died in 1850 and those that had come after the president had opposed Clay's plan thus making it null. vice president now the president was Millard Fillmore who was a strong supporter of the compromise. Stephen A Douglas was a young senator from Illinois and he treated many parts of the Compromise separately with President Fillmore signing the bills into law.

  • The Compromise of 1850 was passed and California was admitted as a free state, the north gained more political power, and the political debate between the Northerners and the southerners had increased even though the southerners were not as happy as they were before.

  • Explain the impact and controversy that developed over the implementation of the Fugitive Slave Act from both a Northern & Southern perspective. Diffusion of slave law had allowed the southerners to adhere to the loss of California as a free state since the law allowed them to forcibly take any of the slaves that were found in other places. it's chief purpose was to track down any of the runaway slaves who had escaped to the Northerners, capture them and then return them to their slave owners down in the south thus enraging the Northerners and the free slaves because sometimes the southerners would take free slaves even though they were free. Within the forcing of this new law the north was mad and sometimes the anti-slavery Northerners tried to resist this new law thus creating more tensions between the North and the south. with the law, place more fugitive slaves under the federal government's jurisdiction also allowing the US Commissioners to give them warrants of arrest to fugitives. any of the supposed free African Americans or deny the rate of trial by jury and thus put back into slavery.

  • Explain what happened to the Whig Party as a result of the Mexican American War & debates over the expansion of slavery in the early 1850s. Due to the Mexican-American War the wig party had supported it since they saw it as an opportunity to acquire more territory and expand the American influence thus fulfilling manifest destiny. However, the war had become very unpopular and the wigs were separated because of the war going on still and how they did not like it- they saw it as an aim of the South to expand slavery into new territories. Then there were more debates over the slavery expansion, the Compromise of 1850 which allowed California as a free state but the Northerners had faced a loss since the Fugitive Slave Act was implemented and it further fractured the Whig party. There was also a decline in the membership of the wig party since they were shown to not be able to address the slavery expansion issue and they did not have any effect in the long term thus decreasing the amount of supporters that they previously had. With the internal divisions and declining popularity, the Wake party disintegrated and this led to new political factions and the eventual rise of the Republican party.

Identify: Underground Railroad Was a Network full of conductors and stations which reference the people helping enslaved African Americans get away from the south and into the north where they would be free and the stations where the places that these slaves would end up in which would make them free from slavery. Harriet Tubman was the most famous conductor and was an escaped slave woman herself, she made at least 19 trips into the South and helped over 300 slaves escape. Many of the free blacks in the north and Appalachians had also helped organize committees to protect the fugitive slaves from the slave catchers. Frederick Douglass was an African-American leader along with Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth had continued their work for leading slaves out of their slavery and supporting the black soldiers in the Union throughout the civil war.

Identify: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Was a very influential book about the conflict between an enslaved man- Tom- and a horrible and brutal slave owner who was white named Simon Legree. uncle's Tom's Cabin was published in 1852 by the northerner Harriet Beecher Stowe and it had an influential effect on many of the Northerners and Europeans in their regard towards slave owners and how they were very cruel and inhuman. This brought more awareness to the north about how the slaves were treated in the south even though many of the southerners claimed that all of these actions were untrue and that the author was a liar.

  • Explain and develop the North’s changing & evolving stance on slavery & abolition from the 1830s to the 1860s. How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin contribute to abolitionist ideas? Before many Northerners did not know about the horrors that these slaves had faced and only some of the Northerners were abolitionists and anti-slaves but then after Harriet Beecher still had come out with this book many had realized how bad it was for them. Harriet Beecher Stowe had an influential effect on many of the Northerners and Europeans in their regard towards slave owners and how they were very cruel and inhuman. This brought more awareness to the north about how the slaves were treated in the south even though many of the southerners claimed that all of these actions were untrue and that the author was a liar. With those books, this made a lot of the Northerners become abolitionist and anti-slavery, furthering the tensions between the North and the south.

  • Explain and develop the Southern reaction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The southern reaction to the Northerners literature of how slavery was evil, was that the southern whites had argued that slavery was just the opposite and that it was a positive factor for both slave and the master. Many of the white Southerners had argued that slavery was justified by the Bible and that it was surrounded and justified by history and philosophy. Many of the Southern authors had argued that the wage workers in the North were also slaves since they were forced to work long hours in the factories in the mines and that slavery was better since there were familiar bonds between the slave and the master. George Fitzhub was the most known of the pro slavery authors and he questioned the principles of equal rights since he believed that African Americans were inferior to whites and he attacked the capitalist wage system and stated how it was worse than slavery.

  • Describe and explain the Southern viewpoint and defense of the institution of Slavery. Many of the white Southerners had argued that slavery was justified by the Bible and that it was surrounded and justified by history and philosophy. Many of the Southern authors had argued that the wage workers in the North were also slaves since they were forced to work long hours in the factories in the mines and that slavery was better since there were familiar bonds between the slave and the master. George Fitzhub was the most known of the pro slavery authors and he questioned the principles of equal rights since he believed that African Americans were inferior to whites and he attacked the capitalist wage system and stated how it was worse than slavery.

Section 3: The Road to Disunion

Key Concepts

  • Substantial numbers of international migrants continued to arrive in the United States from Europe and Asia, mainly from Ireland and Germany, often settling in ethnic communities where they could preserve elements of their languages and customs.

  • A strongly anti-Catholic nativist movement arose that was aimed at limiting new immigrants’ political power and cultural influence.

  • Debates over slavery came to dominate political discussion in the 1850s, culminating in the bitter election of 1860 and the secession of Southern states.

  • The courts and national leaders made a variety of attempts to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories, including the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas–Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott decision, but these ultimately failed to reduce conflict.

  • The Second Party System ended when the issues of slavery and anti-immigrant nativism weakened loyalties to the two major parties and fostered the emergence of sectional parties, most notably the Republican Party in the North.

  • Abraham Lincoln’s victory on the Republicans’ free-soil platform in the presidential election of 1860 was accomplished without any Southern electoral votes. After a series of contested debates about secession, most slave states voted to secede from the Union, precipitating the Civil War.

Develop and explain the importance of the following concepts as they relate to the Kansas Nebraska Act

Background & Specifics of the Act

Reaction and Consequences

ID - “Bleeding Kansas”

Two Governments & Lecompton Constitution

The senator from Illinois, Stephen A douglas, had formed a plan to build a railroad in order to promote the Western settlement. However, he had needed a lot of the Southern approval to build this Transcontinental Railroad and he had to gain their approval. He did this by introducing a bill that would divide Nebraska territory into two parts making it the Kansas territory and the Nebraska territory. each territory would utilize popular sovereignty and let the settlers vote on whether or not slavery should exist in the states. Both of these days were located above the 3630 line so the Douglas bill had allowed popular sovereignty to exist throughout the Missouri Compromise giving southern slave owners the opportunity to expand slavery beyond what was allowed to which had not been allowed before thus making it seem more Desirable. The northern Democrats did not like this but both houses had agreed on this and it became known as the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, with President Pierce signing it into law.

Due to the Kansas-Nebraska Act many of the anti-slavery Farmers from the Midwest had gone and migrated to Kansas to take up the majority of the Kansas population in the hopes of utilizing their vote to help make that state a free state through the use of popular sovereignty. However, many slaveholders from Missouri had also wanted to utilize this plan and scheme and they had moved and set up homesteads in Kansas to help win the South more territory for slaves. With this, the Northerners abolitionists and free soilers organize the New England emigrant Aid company - funding the transportation of anti-slave settlers to kansas. with both pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups trying to win Kansas over for the North and the south, fighting broke out and this known As Bleeding Kansas because there was a lot of blood that was spelled from the violence.

The pro slavery Missourians entered Kansas to create a pro slavery legislature and lecompton, Kansas. Due to this anti-slavery settlers had also created their own antislavery legislature in Kansas and the two governments were made in kansas. (1857) the southern legislature asked for a pro slavery state constitution for Kansas to congress. This was known as the Lecompton constitution. Even though Congress knew that there were a lot of antislavery settlers in Kansas during this time, Congress was persuaded to accept the document and create Kansas as a slave state. however Congress was ultimately not persuaded as per the opposition that was faced from both the Democrats and the republicans. Kansas letters were mostly anti-slavery Republicans and this led to a lot of tensions between whether or not Kansas would be made a slavery state.

Identify: Caning of Charles Sumner With violence still ensuing in Kansas, there were also conflicts that were happening in the US congress. in 1856 Senator Charles Sumner who was an abolitionist And had delivered the speech of the crime against Kansas. This speech had verbally attacked the Democratic Administration and Summoner had insulted South Carolina Senator Andrew butler. In order to defend his uncle- who was not there during that time-, Butler's nephew, Congressman Preston brooks, went into the Senate chamber and beat Sumner with a cane very harshly, just leaving detrimental and long-term and permanent effects on Summoner's health. This had anger at the North greatly and the House of Representatives had voted to censure him. The southerners were delighted and happy and applauded Brooks' violent actions because they were mad about what Sumner had said. This action by Brooks had shown how violent the South could be even in the government and it led to questions about how they truly treated their slaves if that was how a congressman treated a white person.

Identify: Know Nothing Party During the mid 1850s, there were ethnic tensions in the north between the native-born Protestant Americans in the immigrants, Germans and Irish catholics. The Protestant Americans believed in nativism which was the idea that native-born Americans should be prioritized and protected Within the US over the immigrants. There was growing anti-immigrant sentiment from these nativists that led to the creation of the American party which was known as the Know Nothing party. ideas were that they opposed Catholics and immigrants that were moving to the northern cities and they did not like how they were stealing all of their jobs and opportunities. The know-nothing party weekend the wig party through winning local and state elections but it did lose influence since many sectional tensions began and the nativist sentiments were disappearing with the growing tensions between the North and the south.

Why did the Republican Party Form? Explain the background.

Issues & Impact of the Republican Party

  • Formed in Wisconsin in 1854

  • was a direct response from the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • made up of mostly free soilers, anti-slavery whigs and Democrats

  • opposed the spread of slavery in all territories but did not want to end slavery as a whole yet.

  • with the violence in Bleeding Kansas the Republican Party gained more membership, thus, becoming the second largest political party in the country.

  • The biggest issue was that they prioritized the prevention of slavery expansion into only the new territories but they did not have a goal of entering slavery in general.

  • Their first platform in 1854 had called for the repeal of both the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Fugitive Slave Act but they had not said anything about ending slavery in general.

  • Impacts: became a permanent political party

    • decreased the membership and influence of the Whig party

    • was successful in the north and became a great threat to the South.

Develop and explain the importance of the following concepts as they relate to the Dred Scott Case

Background of the case

Specifics of the Supreme Court ruling

Reaction & impact on society in the North & the South

Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri but then he had been taken to the free territory of wisconsin. he lived there for two years before being sent back to Missouri so in that aspect he should be free. So in 1846, Dred Scott sued for his freedom in Missouri since he was technically a free citizen since he lived on Free Soil in Wisconsin for 2 years. The case began in the St Louis Circuit Court and then it worked its way up to the higher courts. In the end it landed within the Supreme Court and gained the name Dred Scott versus Sanford case of 1857.

When it had reached the Supreme court, Southern Democrat chief justice Roger Taney and the rest of the Courts Majority had decided that Dred Scott Was not a free slave and that he was rather a regular slave. This was decided because they saw to it that Dred Scott did not have a right to sue for his freedom in the federal court due to the framers of the Constitution not allowing African Americans to be counted as US citizens. Moreover, the court had claimed that the Congress did not have the power to deprive any person of their property without due process of law which would make it be that just got would have to go into cases but he had no right as a non-US citizen. Moreover, with the Missouri Compromise being ruled unconstitutional- since it excluded slavery from Wisconsin and the other Northern Territories- it was not technically under the jurisdiction of Congress and its rulings.

With the Supreme Court's rolling, the southern Democrats were very happy since it was a ruling in their favor and they got Dred Scott back as a slave. The northern Republicans were very Furious because the Supreme Court had officially stated that all parts of the western territories were Pro slavery. The northern Republicans had said that this decision was not right and they had suspected that the Democratic president and Democratic majority in the Supreme Court during this period of time had secretly planned that Dred Scott decision beforehand, with the inevitable hope to finally settle the slavery issue in the favor of pro-slave. with these growing suspicions from the northerners, it led many former Democrats to switch to the Republican vote instead.

Identify: Panic of 1857 the US had been having an economic boom throughout the middle of the 19th century however it was time for the US to experience a financial panic - 1857. The Panic of 1857 mostly impacted the midwestern farmers since it dropped their prices and in the Northerners cities because there was an increase in unemployment. in the south, Southerners were mostly unaffected because the financial crisis was mostly in the North and the midwest. The cotton prices remained very high and continued to prosper with the cash crop. This led many Southerners to believe that the plantation economy was the best method and that it was Superior and that it was one of the most growing economies for the union. this led them to think that the northern economy was an unnecessary and that it rather brought down the economy of the US

Identify: Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) Steven A Douglas and Abraham Lincoln ran against each other for the position of the Senator of Illinois. Many of the campaign debates between Douglas and Lincoln were held in Illinois and Lincoln had attacked Douglas and his indifference to slavery, labeling his indifference as a growing moral issue. In the debate in Freeport, Illinois, Lincoln had asked Douglas to address the issue of popular sovereignty and how it affected the Dred Scott decision. ( Freeport Doctrine)- Douglas had responded that slavery could not exist in the communities if the local citizens did not pass slave codes that maintained it. With such a vague statement being his answer, this angered many of the Southern Democrats and had reduced the support for Douglas even though he had one re-election to the US senate. Lincoln lost the senate election but he did make a comeback in the presidential election of 1860 over douglas.

Identify: John Brown’s Raid at Harpers Ferry ( 1859) John Brown I tried to start a slave Uprising in Virginia along with his followers- four Sons and some other former slaves- in an attack against the federal Arsenal in Harpers Ferry Virginia- what is now known currently as West virginia. His plan however was not well put together- it was to take the guns from the Arsenal and arm the Virginia slaves to which he would join the Revival after seeing his uprising- since they were all captured, tried for treason, convicted and thus hanged by the state of virginia. Many of the moderate Northerners had not liked Brown's use of violence and the southerners were unconvinced by these actions and had believed that this was a Northerners scheme to destroy the South through slave revolts. Due to this raid, John Brown became a very influential person within the North and the anti-slave believers.

Develop and explain the significance of the following concepts & ideas as they relate to the Election of 1860

  1. Impact & Importance: Democratic Party breakup

  • ( election of 1860)- the Democratic Party was hoping for a compromise and had favored Stephen A Douglas. They hosted a democratic convention in Charleston, South carolina. however many of the southerners and supporters of President Buchanan were very angry and tried to block Stephen A Douglas's nomination. This led to a deadlock, with no nominee being picked at the moment, that's making the Democrats host another convention in baltimore. However, this time the delegates from the slave states walked out and this let the remaining delegates nominate Douglas as the presidential candidate for the Democratic party. He supported popular sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Act enforcement. The southern Democrats held their own convention in Baltimore and nominated Breckenridge from Kentucky to be their presidential candidate. He supported the unrestricted extension of slavery in all territories and the annexation of cuba.

  1. Why did Lincoln Win? Impact of his Election

  • Due to the split in the Democratic Party, there was a sure way of knowing that Lincoln, the Republican nominee for president, would win. Lincoln did not campaign for his presidency because he was very confident that he would win and rather Lincoln stayed in Illinois and only met with Republican leaders and gave simple press statements. The Republicans were also popular since they had appealed strongly to the economic interests of both the Northerners and the westerners. He supported the exclusion of slavery from the territories and a protective tariff, Freeland for homesteaders, and internal improvements. In the end he won all of the electoral votes from the free states in the North and one overall 59% of the Electoral votes. The Republicans had enjoyed their victory and the secessionists in the south had warned that the states would leave the union if Lincoln was elected president - to Which they did as they said that they would when Lincoln was elected and was seen as the victor.

  1. Secession of the Deep South

  • With Lincoln winning the presidential election, The southerners had held a special convention in South Carolina to discuss leaving the union.( 1860). during this they had unanimously forwarded to secede from the union. Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas had also voted to secede. In 1861 the Deep South had voted to secede overall and they met in Alabama, creating the Confederate States of america. The Confederacy had drafted a constitution that was very similar to the US Constitution as a symbol of how they were becoming their own new nation and Revolted, minus the limitations on the government's power to impose tariffs and restrict slavery. They elected Senator Jefferson Davis from Mississippi and Alexander Stephens of Georgia to be their president and vice president of the confederacy.

  1. Crittenden Compromise & Failure of Compromise

  • President Buchanan did not like the secession and he had tried to prevent it at all costs before he left office for Lincoln. Congress was active in making last minute attempts to save the union however this did not work and his Deep South States had seceded from the union. specifically Senator John Crittenden from Kentucky had proposed a constitutional amendment- the Crittenden Compromise- which would guarantee the right to hold slaves in all territory south of the 3630 latitude line. However Lincoln has rejected this proposition compromise in the sense that it violated the Republican ideas and how it was against the extension of slavery into any of the territories of the union.

  • In general list, be familiar, and explain the causes of the Civil War and the role that slavery played in leading to this conflict. Even after the Civil war, many Northern historians had argued that the conflict had been a result of the Southern desire to expand slavery into any of the new territories and with the future goal of expanding slavery into the northern territories. it was believed that this was inevitable. However, Southerner historians had believed that the sectional disputes over the Constitution was the leading cause of the civil war. They believed that the northern abolitionists and free soilers had gone against the nature of the Constitution and had left the South with no other choice but to secede to defend their constitutional rights. They also argued that with the economic differences from the North and the South -The South relied on agriculture and the North relied on industrialization and these two factors of economy were very different leading to differences overall in the two sections.

Section 4: The Civil War

Key Concepts

  • The Union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery and secession, but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rights.

  • The North’s greater manpower and industrial resources, the leadership of Abraham Lincoln and others, and the decision to emancipate slaves eventually led to the Union military victory over the Confederacy in the devastating Civil War.

  • Both the Union and the Confederacy mobilized their economies and societies to wage the war even while facing considerable home front opposition.

  • Although the Confederacy showed military initiative and daring early in the war, the Union ultimately succeeded due to improvements in leadership and strategy, key victories, greater resources, and the wartime destruction of the South’s infrastructure.

  • Lincoln and most Union supporters began the Civil War to preserve the Union, but Lincoln’s decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation reframed the purpose of the war and helped prevent the Confederacy from gaining full diplomatic support from European powers. Many African Americans fled southern plantations and enlisted in the Union Army, helping to undermine the Confederacy.

  • Lincoln sought to reunify the country and used speeches such as the Gettysburg Address to portray the struggle against slavery as the fulfillment of America’s founding democratic ideals.

  • Westward migration was boosted during and after the Civil War by the passage of new legislation promoting Western transportation and economic development.

  • How did the fighting of the Civil War officially begin? Describe the implications of the attack on Fort Sumter. Due to Lincoln winning the presidential election and becoming the first Republican president in March of 1861, the Deep South had seceded from the Union. with the question of Lincoln and his reaction to this through the enforcement of military was pondered upon by many americans. in Lincoln's inaugural address he told the South that he would not intervene in their slavery intentions but he had worn that he had the prospect of not allowing a state to break from the union. he appealed to the South by telling them to restrain themselves from doing so, warning about how there is a danger of War if they did not listen to him. with the status of two federal courts in the states that had to see it being important- Fort Sumter in South Carolina was one of the first ones to secede and thus cut off all vital supplies and reinforcements since the South controlled the harbor. however not wanting to give up for Sumter, Lincoln announced that they would send provisions of food. This gave South Carolina the choice of either allowing it to hold out or open fire. However, an attack broke out and the War Began and after 2 days the Union had United lots of Northerners to help save the union through a patriotic fight.

  • How did Lincoln use an unprecedented amount of government power during the war? Explain the specifics and significance of his actions. Lincoln had exercised his executive power more than any of the previous presidents within the United States before this time. He was known to be an unconstitutional president due to these actions since he drove his powers through both the executive and commander-in-chief without any authorization or approval of congress. As an example one can see that the Fort Sumter crisis was unconstitutional since he called up for $75,000 volunteers to put down the Confederacy at Fort Sumter. Lincoln also authorized the spending of the war and suspended the Privileges of the writ of habeas corpus. Congress is not in session during this time and the president had utilized this act to his privilege and acted on his own with the justification

  • Explain and develop the importance of the “Border States” during the Civil War. With four other slave holding States being able to secede from the Union, it was a surprise that they remained in the union. Delaware, Maryland , Missouri and Kentucky did not join the Confederacy and this was due to the union sentiment in the states even with some of the people in the states being slaveholders. In Maryland there were pro secessionists that attacked Union troops and threatened the railroad to washington. they responded to the martial law under the control of the Federal Union Army. in Mississippi, with US troops being present, it had prevented pro-south elements from Gaining complete control. Gorilla forces were mostly used by the Confederacy during this war and state legislators had voted to keep Kentucky neutral. Lincoln had respected its neutrality and had waited for the South to violate its neutrality before moving in federal troops thus making it a northerner state. by keeping these border states in the union, it was a primary military and political goal for Lincoln and losing these states would have increased the Confederate population by more than 50% and it would have weakened the northern strategic position for their war, leading to Lincoln rejecting initial calls for the emancipation of slaves to avoid alienating unionists in the Border states.

  • Develop and describe the challenges that both the Union and Confederate government faced in mobilizing their economies and people for war? with the Union dominating more than the Nation's economy since they controlled the banking and capital of the country with more than 85% of the factories and More than 70% of the railroads, 65% of farmlands. They were clerics in the north and bookkeepers that were valuable to The Logical support of the military operations and note taking of what occurred during these happenings. Confederates had hoped that the European demand for southern cotton would lead them to recognize the Confederacy and provide them financial aid and this concept was dependent upon giving them more advantage in their fight; however they were expecting it to come but it never did in the end. Confederates had to move truth and supplies over short distances then the Union, they had a coastline that would make it difficult for the Navy and it had a blockade against the US troops, there were many experienced military leaders and this led to high Troop morale. The union was betting on his population of 22 million against the 5.5 million Confederate population. With this population Advantage there was also an influx of 800,000 immigrants. This emancipation also brought in $180,000 African Americans into the Union Army during the final years of the war since they were free and they were loyal to the United States because they hated slavery.

  • Describe the homefront opposition to the war in both the North & the South. Both sides of the war had clear goals- the Confederates wanted Independence and the union wanted to preserve the Union. However, with states rights proving to be a serious liability for the new confederate government, the Confederates realized that they would need a strong central government even though they were fighting against the fact that they wanted more states rights than the Federal government. The union had the upper hand since they already had an established central government along with many experienced politicians who had a strong popular base. The Confederates hoped that the union would turn against Lincoln and the Republicans would quit the war because it was too costly and this is what they were depending on to win the war. They were also short of money and had to take out loans and utilize income tax and invest in private property.

Examine the advantages & disadvantages of the Union & Confederate armies during the Civil War




  • Strong central govt

  • Strong military leaders

  • Larger populations

  • Larger military

  • More resources and better supplies

  • Better strategies and military tactics

  • Had to gain land and conquer to in the end win the war

  • Had to send supplied over large distances


  • Notable war generals

  • High troop morale

  • Had to fight a defensive war

  • Economic troubles

  • Relied on outside power - but did not receive

  • Too confident

  • No strong central govt

  • No state govts that were strong

  • Describe & develop the economic problems of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The confederacy, with being very short on money, had tried to take out many loans, Implement income taxes, and even try to impress private property . However the revenue that had been gained from these ideas only paid a small part of the war cost and the government had made 1 billion dollars in paper money that cost severe inflation throughout the Confederate South. but ending the war, it was seen that the value of the Confederate dollar was worth less than two cents and the Confederate Congress had nationalized the railroads to help encourage industrial development. This led to the Confederacy ending up sustaining nearly 1 million troops during its peak but the war of attrition was dreamed by its efforts.

  • Describe the general tactics & strategy of the Union Army & US government during the Civil War. The General in Chief, Winfield Scott, was a veteran of the War of 1812 and the American Mexican war and he had created a three-part strategy that was with the intention of helping win the war. It included the use of the US Navy to blockade Southern ports and cut off any essential supplies from reaching the confederacy. they would then take control of the Mississippi River which would help divide the Confederacy into two Geographics on the map that's creating hardships for them since they could not meet with each other and were divided. along with this they would also raise and train an army of 500,000 men to help conquer Richmond Virginia.

Explain & describe the efforts & importance of the Confederacy in gaining foreign recognition during the War

Why did these efforts ultimately fail? Why was this significant?

  • It was important for the Confederacy to gain recognition from foreign powers since they needed more money and Aid and they would not be successful in the war if they did not get this. They relied upon Britain to recognize the Confederacy as a country which would allow it to make decisions regarding their own Foreign Affairs and request the other foreigners and their country for an alliance and financial aid as an official act. the Confederacy believed that British people would back them because they, the South and britain, had a long standing history of training cotton and the southerners believe that without cotton, the British would not be able to get it anywhere else yet they were wrong because the British was able to get the cotton in other places.

  • The Confederacy had failed to prove to the European government that they could sustain dependence and had refused to receive consecutive victories in previous battles that were already fought. this led the European powers to see that they would not win the war and it was an extreme significant event since it showed how in the futureBetter see would develop many hardships because they had depended upon their whole war effort on foreign aid since they could not pay off any of their War costs and needed more aid. Moreover it was more difficult for the Union if the Confederacy had gained recognition by Foreign Nations, however now they were fighting Just Dance the Confederacy and this made it easier for the Union in the long run.

Develop and explain the significance of the following concepts & ideas as they relate to slavery & emancipation

  1. Battle of Antietam

  • right after the victory at Bull run, General Lee had led his army across the Potomac and into Marilyn which was enemy territory. he hoped that he would gain a major Confederate victory in the union state and would help convince Britain to give its recognition and support to the Confederacy however Lincoln had restored McClennan to command the Union Army and this led to a union advantage since they knew the battle plans of General Lee's sense of Confederate officer had accidentally dropped a copy of them. The Union Army intercepted the Confederates at Antietam Creek in Maryland and it was a one-day battle and was very very bloody- one of the bloodiest of the civil war. it killed and wounded 22,000 soldiers. The Army had to retreat to Virginia since they were not able to break the union lines and after this Lincoln had removed McLennan for the final time from the Union as a commander because he failed to pursue the retreating Army as he had ordered. Lincoln had said that the general was too kind and needed to be tougher especially in a war like this. Antietam proved to be one of the most decisive battles in the Civil War since the Confederates had failed to obtain recognition and aid from the foreigners. Lincoln had found enough encouragement from the antietam union victory and this led him to announce plans for declaring war on the institution of slavery.

  1. Emancipation Proclamation & impact

  • ( 1862) Lincoln had decided to use his powers, Commander in Chief of the Armed forces, to help free all of the slaves and all the states that were at war with the us. Lincoln had Justified his actions as a military necessity and had delayed this announcement of freeing all these leaves until he had won the support of the conservative northerners. He had encouraged the border states to think about their own plans of emancipation so that they could compensate the owners of slavery within their state appropriately. The Battle of Antietam had allowed Lincoln to issue this warning to all of the enslaved people that they were free and that all of the states that were in Rebellion would be free from the first day of the new year. This was called the Emancipation proclamation. it only applied to enslave people that were residing in the Confederate states that were outside Union control meaning that only 1% of all slaves were free and slavery in the border states was allowed to continue.

  1. The 13th Amendment

  • The United States had legitimized the flavor Institution for a long time and by freeing enslaved people in the border states the country had needed to ratify a new constitutional amendment. This made abolitionists happy and they were given credit for playing an active role in the political struggle to secure the votes in Congress to help pass this 13th amendment. In December of 1864 the amendment had been ratified and it stated that all slavery was abolished.

  1. How did the issue of slavery change & evolve during the War? Why was this significant

  • The Proclamation was very important since it was the main purpose of the war. Union armies had been fighting against slavery but not against secession. Proclamation had added more weight to the confidence and increase of slave numbers that were seeking Freedom as they were referring to the union lines. with more northern troops going into the south, abolitionism continued. however the Confederacy were mad that the use of freed slaves was eating the union soldiers. With this there were also more than thousands of new recruiters that joined the union army.

  • Describe the importance that “freedmen” played in fighting for the Union Army during the war. More than hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks made up 1/4 of the slave population. they walked away from slavery once the patient Proclamation was proclaimed. they saw protection by the union armies and 200,000 African-Americans or newly freed slaves had ended up serving in the Union Army and navy. However, they were segregated into all black regiments and units and some of them were known as the Massachusetts 54th Regiment and these black troops were one of the most courageous of the war efforts and units and they helped the respect of many Union Soldiers. 37,000 African-American soldiers ended up dying and this was known as the army of freedom.

Identify: Battle of Gettysburg was one of the most crucial battles of the war. primarily, in the east they were taking the offensive by Leading Armies into the Union States of Maryland and Pennsylvania the Confederate Army tried to capture major Northern City to force the Union to call for peace and tried to help them intervene. The Confederate Army surprised many of the Union units at Gettysburg and Southern Pennsylvania with more than 50,000 casualties that ensued. This all on the union lines was highlighted with the charge that was unsuccessful but it was led by George Pickett but he did destroy a key part of the Confederate army. He broke and forces returned to Virginia and they never again gained the offensive in the war.

Identify: Battle of Vicksburg as a contrast, in the west, the Union forces were already controlling New Orleans and most of the Mississippi River along with the surrounding valleys around these areas. Their objective was to Cure complete control over the Mississippi River since it was close to General Grant and his Siege on the heavily fortified city of Vicksburg in mississippi. The union ended up bombarding Vicksburg for 7 weeks before the Confederate Army finally surrendered the city to the union federal warships had controlled most of the Mississippi length and had cut texas, louisiana, Arkansas off from the rest of the confederacy.

Identify: Sherman’s March to the Sea chief grants aggressive tactics included a veteran- General William sherman. he led a force of 100,000 men from Chattanooga Tennessee to destroy the state of Georgia and to go up north into South carolina. Sherman was very good at War and he March relentlessly towards Georgia and his troops had destroyed a lot. he had burned a path. He had burned anything that the enemy might use to survive including cotton, feels, barnes, houses. Sherman took Atlanta in late 1864 and with all of these actions of the south, this gained more votes for Lincoln for re-election. Sherman marched into the Savannah in December and completed his campaign March in February by setting fire to Columbia- the capital of South Carolina and the Cradle of the succession and where it took place Sherman's march broke the spirit of the Confederacy and it had destroyed their will to fight.

Identify: General Grant Lincoln had finally found a general that he liked who could fight and win the war. General Grant was ordered to go east of Virginia and become the commander Of all of the Union armies. Grant had developed a strategy for ending the war through attrition which was where he would wear down the Confederate armies and would strategically destroy their vital lines of supply. They fought for months and Grant and the Union Army of Potomac had suffered heavy casualties- more than that of General Lee's forces from the Battle of the Wilderness in pennsylvania. however Grant did not give up and had succeeded in reducing the Army in each battle and forced him to retreat. During the last stages of the Civil war, the fighting was overshadowed by trench warfare which would later be influenced by this in world war i. This marked the start of a war against civilians and soldiers instead of a war between gentlemen.

Explain how & why the War ultimately ended

Describe & explain the various reasons for the Union victory.

  • The union blockade, Sherman's march of destruction, had ended up spreading hunger throughout the South. During the winter of 1864 to 1865 this had greatly weakened the Confederate south. Along with this, General grants continued to outflank General Lee's lines on the Battlefront in Virginia and this resulted in the fall of Richmond in 1865 early on. This marks the year at the end of the war.

  • The confederate government had tried to negotiate with Lincoln for peace but Lincoln did not want to accept anything short of restoration of the union and the decimation of slavery as a whole. Jefferson Davis demanded nothing less than Independence but Lincoln had wanted the union to be whole again. so, this led to their threat from Richmond with an army of less than 30,000 men and Jefferson Davis had tried to escape to the mountains only to be cut off and forced to surrender to General grant. The union general had treated his longtime enemy with respect and allowed him and his men to return home with their horses.

  • Develop and explain the impact & significance of the death & assassination of President Lincoln. a month before the surrender, Lincoln had delivered one of the greatest speeches of his presidency- the second inaugural address. he had urged his people that the South was going to be treated benevolently John Booth however had other plans for Lincoln. he was an actor and a Confederate sympathizer and he had shot and killed President Lincoln while he was attending a performance at the theater in washington. Moreover the same night as Lincoln was killed, a co-conspirator had attacked the Secretary of State, William Seward. however it did not kill him. These events aroused a lot of Fury among the Northerners and With Lincoln's leadership laws Across the Nation, he had wanted the South to be treated justly and not blamed for their actions since it would hold them back and less in their rehabilitation era. He had also not wanted the two sections of the country to be separate. He wanted the secession to end and for the union to become whole again.

The Civil War brought about massive long term change to US society. For each topic describe the change and impact of the Civil War in the following categories.

Political Power

The electoral process had continued during the war and even with the secession of the Southern States. it had created Republican majorities in both houses of Congress and the Republicans dominated the courts and government. however there were sharp differences between the radical faction and moderate action among the Republican ranks. Many Democrats supported the war but had criticized Lincoln's War conduct. The Democrats and copperheads had opposed the war and wanted to negotiate peace with Congressman Clement Falon as the most notorious copperhead from Ohio. he had briefly banished them from the United States to Canada once he said that Pro Confederate speeches were against the war.

Suppression of Civil Liberties

Many leaders during this wartime government had focused on Prosecuting the war rather than protecting citizens' constitutional rights. During the earliest of the war, Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus in Maryland and other states that were Pro confederate. With this suspension of these constitutional rights and that these people could not be arrested without being informed of their charges that were held against them, more than 13,000 people were arrested for being suspicious of eating the enemy and those who were held in jail were tried without a trial. Democrats I charge Lincoln as being a tyrant and unconstitutional and many historians agreed but not so harshly. with the border states, the people had difficulty distinguishing between Combatants and non-combatants And the Constitution also stated that the rate of habeas Corpus would not be suspended unless there was a rebellion, invasion, or Republic safety that required it to be suspended. After the war there was the Supreme Court case that had ruled that the government had acted improperly in Indiana and some civilians had been subject to military trials if they hadn't gained one during that time. The court had declared that the procedure would only be used when regular civilian courses were no longer available.

Economic - Financing War ID - Greenbacks

The War cost was very big for both sides of the Civil war, both the union and the confederacy. The union was able to finance the war through borrowing 2.6 billion dollars that they had obtained through government bonds. However this amount was not enough so Congress decided to raise tariffs and added taxes by implementing the first income tax. The United States Treasury also issued more than 430 million in paper currency and this became known as the greenbacks. This paper money could not be redeemed in gold and it was a slow Rising inflation contribution. The price in the North Rose by about 80% during the war and helped manage that they had added revenue from moving in and out of the treasury. Congress had created a national banking system in 1863 and this was the first unified banking Network since Andrew Jackson had vetoed the recharter of the second bank in the United States.

Reaction & Impact to the Draft

during the beginning of the war in 1861 many had fall as volunteers however due to the need for Replacements in the union and the Confederacy they had both resort to laws of conscripting and drafting men into service the Union had first implemented a conscription act which had made all men between the ages of 20 and 45 liable for military service. However, they were only allowed to get out of the war and avoid the service to find a substitute that would serve in their place or pay a $300 exemption fee which was very expensive for this time. This law ended up provoking opposition since many of the poor laborers feared that when they return to civilian life their jobs would be taken by free African-Americans so this is opposed by them. This led to riots in July against this drive in New York City and this included Irish American mobs attacking black and Wealthy whites. 117 people were killed before federal troops and this led to a temporary suspension of the draft had restored order

Modernizing Northern society & industry

One of the worst impacts of the northern economy was that the economy was bad in some ways and good in some ways. Many historians had pondered whether or not the war had promoted or reduced the growth of the northern economy. worker wages were low due to inflation. With the modern industrial economy, it was seen that the economy Had not been increased by the war and with the war being mass production organizations, it helped speed up the consolidation of the north Manufacturing businesses. They profited from the war but they had to also take advantage of the government's needs for military supplies and had sold their goods at high prices. However, this problem decreased after the federal government took control of the contract away from the states. Many people had made lots of money during the war specifically in the northern half because they were industrialized and that was where the capital was. This created more millionaires who had ended up financing the north industrialization after the war.

The Homestead Act, 1862

The Homestead Act had promoted the settlement of the Great Plains and had offered parcels of 168 Acres of public land free to any person or family that would form the land for at least 5 years.

Morrill Land Grant Act, 1862

The Morrill land grant Act encouraged the states to use federal land grants to maintain Agricultural and Technical colleges. thus leading to more colleges and education and higher education for the future Generations to come.

Pacific Railway Act, 1862

The Pacific Railway act had authorized the building of the Transcontinental railroads over the northern route to help extend the economies of California and the western territories within the Eastern states.

Changes for Women

with men being absent from the regular occupations, the factories were open for business. women controlled these areas such as the factories and they stepped into labor. When the war ended many War veterans returned home and most of the urban women with jobs who wanted to keep them, gladly accepted mail assistants on the farms instead. for a woman whose men never returned or were disabled had become economically the cricket and face the struggle for their lifetime. The Civil War proved to have lasting effects on American women and nursing was prominent. however with these new actions from the woman, this led them to fight for their freedom and equality amongst society.

Impact on Slavery

With the war being mainly about slavery and freeing them, many American lives were changed with African Americans and those who have been born into slavery being the most affected by this change. With the 13th Amendment freeing 4 million people from slavery, both men and women. These people And the next Generations that come from these people would face economic hardships and political oppression. Even though slavery ended and it represented a milestone, they were not protected by the United States Constitution and did not have freedom in all aspects. The war had cost over $750,000 lives and cost over 15 billion in war costs and property losses and this devastated the Southern economy and acted as a catalyst to transform America into a more complex and more modern industrial society of capital technology and National Organization with large corporations.

Section 5: Reconstruction

Key Concepts

  • The Union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery and secession, but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rights.

  • Reconstruction and the Civil War ended slavery, altered relationships between the states and the federal government, and led to debates over new definitions of citizenship, particularly regarding the rights of African Americans, women, and other minorities.

  • The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, while the 14th and 15th amendments granted African Americans citizenship, equal protection under the laws, and voting rights.

  • The women’s rights movement was both emboldened and divided over the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution.

  • Efforts by radical and moderate Republicans to change the balance of power between Congress and the presidency and to reorder race relations in the defeated South yielded some short-term successes. Reconstruction opened up political opportunities and other leadership roles to former slaves, but it ultimately failed, due both to determined Southern resistance and the North’s waning resolve.

  • Southern plantation owners continued to own the majority of the region’s land even after Reconstruction. Former slaves sought land ownership but generally fell short of self-sufficiency, as an exploitative and soil-intensive sharecropping system limited blacks’ and poor whites’ access to land in the South.

  • Segregation, violence, Supreme Court decisions, and local political tactics progressively stripped away African American rights, but the 14th and 15th amendments eventually became the basis for court decisions upholding civil rights in the 20th century.

  • Explain and describe the challenges & issues that the government faced during Reconstruction. d

Reconstruction brought gains for African Americans. Explain how all of the following helped former slaves and changed the idea of citizenship and rights for black Americans during Reconstruction.

Freedmen’s Bureau

In early 1865, Congress had created a new agency, the Bureau of Refugees of Freedom men and abandoned lands. This was also known simply as the Freedmen's Bureau and it had acted as early Warfare agencies and had health to provide food shelter and Medical Aid to those who needed it in the war. They helped both blocks and homeless whites and initially they only had the authority to resettle fried and confiscated farmlands in the South but when President Johnson pardoned the Confederate owners and confiscated their plans, the court restored most of the lands to their original owners. This was a great success and they were able to establish more than 3,000 schools for free blacks and several colleges as well. Before Federal funding was stopped in 1870, the bureau schools taught more than 200,000 African Americans how to read.

13th Amendment

The 13th Amendment had abolished slavery from all of the states in the United states. With all of these African Americans now being free, they had more opportunities in society.

14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment declared all people born or naturalized in the United States were citizens. It also obligated states to respect the rights of the United States citizens and provided them with equal protection of the law and due process of the law. This helped African Americans become more integrated into society along with allowing them to gain more justices for any of the actions that were not just. however this was not always displayed in these trials and racism still occurred.

15th Amendment

The 15th Amendment prohibited any state from denying or bridging assistance to the right to vote on the count of race color or previous conditions of servitude. It was ratified in 1870.

Voting Rights

(in general)

however voting rights had not been extended to African Americans and they had not been extended to women as well. Even though voting rights as stated by the 15th Amendment and how race color or servitude should not restrict anyone from voting, many of the Prejudice South had still found ways to keep African Americans from getting the right to vote. They had their own individualized laws That were loopholes to the 15th Amendment and it kept African Americans promoting the right to vote and it was a discriminatory way of the south.

Education & Schools

There was Public Funding from the government to the schools and it helped American children, African Americans as well, how to read at the schools. After the Civil War the southern states had created dual education systems that were based on race and it was known as segregation since the schools had separated the two races and they were not equal at all. African-American teachers and parents in education had tried to bring their African-American children a proper education that they deserved, however segregation between the different races based on education had continued and the schools were not integrated based on race and were rather separated. this led to inequalities in the quality of their education

African American Legislators

Many African Americans had begun to hold elective offices in the government in these reconstructed state governments and they were property holders and educated and they had taken modern positions on a lot of issues. During the Reconstruction era, Republicans in the South had sent African-Americans to the Senate and more than a dozen African Americans to the house of representatives. the African-Americans that took the senate seat from Mississippi, Jefferson Davis, and he did not like this because he did not want to see African Americans in positions of power thus causing more resentment and unhappiness from ex- Confederate individuals.

Develop & explain the conflict between President Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction and Congress’s plan

Who won and why? What happened to Johnson?

What happened to Southern gov’ts during Congressional control? Describe Military Reconstruction

Andrew's Origins were humble just like Lincoln's, he was self-taught and he rose in Tennessee politics by championing the interests of poor whites and their economic conflicts with Rich planters. Johnson was the only senator from the Confederate State who had remained loyal to the union. Republicans in Congress had originally welcomed Johnson's presidency due to his amnesty for the southern aristocrats who had led the Confederacy. Johnson had issued his own reconstruction Proclamation that was really similar to Lincoln's 10% plan and as an addition to Lincoln's terms he had added the disenfranchisement of the right to vote and hold office of all former leaders and office holders of the Confederacy and the Confederates along with more than $20,000 in taxable property that was owed. The president retained the power to Grant individual pardons to Loyal Southerners. This was known as an escape clause for the wealthy planters that Johnson had made frequent use of for his benefit and others benefits. Many former Confederate leaders were back in office due to the president's parents.

Republicans had become disillusioned with Jackson due to the interstate legislature beginning to adopt Black Codes that restricted the rights of former slaves. These codes had prohibited blacks from renting land or borrowing money to buy land and placed freedmen into a form of semi-bondage as a force full job and forcing them into apprentices to sign contracts. They also prohibited blacks from testifying against whites and courts and there was a contract labor system where many of these workers worked in Cotton Fields under white supervision for very low wages And it was very similar to what slavery was. This unhappiness with Johnson's development opened the Rift between the North and the South again and They refused to see Alexander Stephens and other elected representatives and senators from ex Confederate states.

8 months after Johnson took office, 11x Confederate States had qualified for the reconstruction plan and had become functioning parts of the union. The Southern States Constitution had reputedly seceded and negated the deaths of the Confederate governments along with ratifying the 13th Amendment in abolishing slavery. However, none of the new constitutions that they had voted on extended voting rights to the blacks and the former leaders of the Confederacy Won Seats in congress. Military Construction used the power of the military to enforce all of these laws and helped with the reconstruction plans in the South however they were mainly focused on enforcing and making sure that the African Americans were getting the protection and the rights that they deserve due to the increased racism and discrimination in the south.

  • Develop and explain the role that the federal government played in changing the relationship between state and federal governments during Reconstruction. How did the federal government redefine citizenship & power in this period? After the war, Reconstruction in the federal government played the leading role and changed the dynamic between state and federal governments. The federal government assumed more power over the state governments and also they passed laws that would protect the civil rights of citizens of the United States. They passed the 14th Amendment which granted citizenship to those who were born in the United States and required all states to uphold this Federal law. The 14th Amendment also disqualified former Confederate political leaders from holding state or federal offices. it also reputed the deaths of the defeated garments of the Confederacy. it penalized any state if it kept a person from voting by reducing the state's proportional representation in Congress and the number of electoral votes in the college that they would get.

  • Explain how and why the women’s right movement became divided & impacted by the 14th & 15th Amendments. The women's rights movement became divided over the 14th and 15th amendments primarily because they granted rights to African-American men but not to women. Some suffragists, like Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth c a d y Stanton had opposed the Amendments because they felt betrayed that African-American men were given the right to vote before a woman. They believe that women's suffrage should have been included in these amendments and the division of the overall movement delayed the progress towards women's suffrage.

Identify: Scalawags & Carpetbaggers Scalawags were Southern whites who supported reconstruction policies and often cooperated with the Republican party. They were typically seen as Traders by fellow Southerners who opposed reconstruction. Carpetbaggers were northerners who moved to the south after the Civil war, often for political or economic reasons. They were sometimes viewed with suspicion or hostility by Southern whites who saw them as opportunists seeking to profit from the South post war chaos.

Identify: Redeemer Democrats were Southern Democrats who sought to regain political control in the southern states after reconstruction ended. They aim to redeem the south from Republican Rule and reinstate white supremacy. They implemented various measures to suppress African American voting rights and maintain white political dominance, such as literary tests, pull taxes and intimidation tactics.

List & describe the successes of Reconstruction

List & describe the failures of Reconstruction

  • The abolition of slavery through the 13th Amendment had led to more civil rights advances where the 14th Amendment had granted citizenship and equal protection under the law in the 15th Amendment had prohibited racial discrimination in voting. The Freedmen's Bureau had provided free slaves including education and legal assistance, leading to Greater education and teaching young black children how to read in the future. along with the establishment of public education systems for all children through the Reconstruction governments. There was also political empowerment since African Americans were elected to political offices at various levels marking a significant shift in southern politics.

  • Reconstruction had failed to fully secure African-American rights,economic disparities, prevent the rise of segregation, current political corruption, maintainNorthern support, redistribute landlordably and soft violence and intimidation against African-Americans and sympathetic whites.

  • Identify sharecropping and explain its impact on the Southern economy and African Americans. Sharecropping was a system of agriculture that emerged. landless farmers or African Americans during this time had worked on land that was owned by others, typically white landowners and exchanged for the share of the crops that they produced. This led to a dependence on cash crops for the South and how with the production of kind tobacco and rice the Southern economy would fluctuate with the fluctuations of the crop prices along with an economic instability because they only depended on these cash crop prices. This led to a lack of economic Mobility because the sharecroppers had little opportunity to improve their economic situation or requirement of their own, especially with the way owners always made them in debt which was similar to slavery. and they were also aiding these white settlers since they were still doing the work for a very low wages but had also become indebted to these white owners since they were borrowing the house and money and supplies for utilizing these fields to farm on.

Identify: Klu Klux Klan Also known as the KKK as a white supremacist hate group that originated in the Southern United States due to the Civil War and it was founded in 1865 and had a history of promoting racism white nationalism and violence against African Americans as well as other minority groups. the KKK has been involved in Acts of terrorism including lynchings bombings and intimidation tactics all aimed at maintaining white supremacy and opposing civil rights advances. they used any means of violence and destruction.

Identify: Compromise of 1877 an Informal agreement between Democrats and Republicans in the United States Congress that resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876. In exchange for southern Democrats accepting Republican Rutherford B Hayes as president, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the south, effectively ending reconstruction. This compromise effectively signaled the end of reconstruction and allowed Southern Democrats to regain control of the south, leading to the establishment of Jim Crow laws and the disenfranchisement of African Americans.

  • Describe and explain why Reconstruction ended in the South. Develop multiple reasons & factors. Due to the compromise of 1877 with the presidential election of 1876 that led to a compromise where federal troops were withdrawn from the south, the violence and intimidation from groups like the KKK which had used violence and intimidation tactics to suppress African American political participation and enforce white supremacy, the rise of Redeemer Democrats had gained political power and implemented measures of disenfranchise men to African Americans and maintained white political dominance. There were also legal challenges that were faced in the Supreme Court and they had weekend the federal enforcement of Reconstruction Era civil rights legislation which had undermined the protection of African-American rights.

  • Explain all of the different ways that Southerners resisted Reconstruction and African American equality in the South. Be thorough and detailed with your list and explanations. The South had adopted a series of Black Codes that had discriminated against African Americans and their rights to owning things like property education and voting rights. These laws discriminated against African Americans and it sometimes led to Violent reactions against them. African Americans were often attacked for no reason until it on the streets especially through lynchings. The spoil system of sharecropping also continued to keep many African Americans in servitude and in bondage. Many of these Free People I never truly experienced real freedom and did not know what it was like so they were often fooled by these sharecropping ideals. Moreover, the federal court kept many people from being able to vote because of the literary test that was expected of them along with the knowledge that many black people could not read. Moreover, they were asked ridiculous sets of questions that discriminated between blacks and whites to make sure that blacks could no longer gain the right to vote in general.

APUSH - Period 5 (1844-1877)

Block: 5

AP US History 2: AP Review

Period 5: 1844 - 1877

Review Packet

Review Materials

Section #1: Manifest Destiny, Territorial Expansion, & The Mexican American War

Key Concepts

  • The United States became more connected with the world, pursued an expansionist foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere, and emerged as the destination for many migrants from other countries.

  • Popular enthusiasm for U.S. expansion, bolstered by economic and security interests, resulted in the acquisition of new territories, substantial migration westward, and new overseas initiatives.

  • The desire for access to natural and mineral resources and the hope of many settlers for economic opportunities or religious refuge led to an increased migration to and settlement in the West.

  • Advocates of annexing western lands argued that Manifest Destiny and the superiority of American institutions compelled the United States to expand its borders westward to the Pacific ocean.

  • U.S. interest in expanding trade led to economic, diplomatic, and cultural initiatives to create more ties with Asia

  • The United States. added large territories in the West through victory in the Mexican–American War and diplomatic negotiations, raising questions about the status of slavery, American Indians, and Mexicans in the newly acquired lands.

  • U.S. government interaction and conflict with Mexican Americans and American Indians increased in regions newly taken from American Indians and Mexico, altering these groups’ economic self sufficiency and cultures.

  • The Mexican Cession led to heated controversies over whether to allow slavery in the newly acquired territories.

Identify: Manifest Destiny was the popular belief in the US that the people had a divine right to extend their power and civilization across north america. Through this justification of using God’s message to go beyond and steal lands from others, the US grew, and the American Indian population greatly decreased. (1840s) nationalism, population increase, rapid economic development, technological advances and reform ideals were all factors that led others to go past the borders and extend the US.

Answer the following questions or identify the key ideas as they relate to Texas Independence & Annexation

Background & War of Independence in Texas

Debate over the annexation of Texas

How, why, and when was Texas finally annexed to the US?

  • (1823) mexico had won its national independence from spain and they were looking for more settlers to help farm the northern frontier province of TX

  • Stephen Austin brought 300 families to TX - beginning the migration of American settlers to the frontier territory. By 1830, Americans had outnumbered Mexicans in tax and tensions were developed. Mexico had outlawed slavery and required all immigrants to convert to Roman catholicism. The settlers refuse to obey these laws and mexico closed TX to the american immigrants

  • (1834) general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became the dictator of Mexico and tried to enforce Mexico's laws on TX so a group of American Texans revolted (Sam Houston) and declared TC as an independent republic in march 1836. The Mexican army had then (led by Santa Anna) captured goliad and attacked the Alamo in San Antonio, along with killing all of the American defenders that were there. So sam houston captured the general santa anna and threatened to kill him unless he signed a treaty, granting the new republic of TX all of the territory north of rio grande. The Mexican legislature rejected the treaty and insisted that TX was still Mexican land.

  • Republic of Texas president Sam Houston asked the US govt for TX to be added to the US as a new state. President Jackson and van buren denied the request since northerners did not want to expand slavery and that would have created a political headache. Moreover, a war with Mexico would have cost too much, creating the annexation matter to be not liked.

  • President john tyler from the southern whig was worried about british influence in TX so he tried to annex TX but the US senate rejected the treaty in 1844.

  • Tyler knew that the annexation approval would be rejected by the senate again so he looked for other ways to obtain the annexation treaty.

  • President Tyler persuaded both houses of congress to pass a joint resolution to annex TX. Tyler was going to be out of office anyway so he would not have to deal with the aftereffects of the annexation of TX and the new president, Polk would.

Explain the background and eventual result of the following land debates with Great Britain

Background & conflict

Eventual Result & Outcome


  • 1840s- boundary dispute between Maine and the province of New Brunswick, canada. Canada was still under British rule so the attitude towards the dispute had heightened tensions. The lumbermen on the main-canadian border had a conflict between their rivals and the aroostook war/ battle of the maps occured.

ID - Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) split the territory between maine and british canada. It settled the MN territory boundary and left the mesabi range on the US border, which was rich with iron.


Britain wanted to claim Oregon based off of the hudsons fur company being profitable with the American Indians in the Pacific Northwest through fur trade. The US staked their claim through the discovery of the columbia river by captain gray in 1792, the expedition of lewis and clark to the pacific coast and back in 1805, the fur trading post and fort in oregon was established in 1811 by john jacob astor. The protestant ministers in the US had settled in the willamette valley in the 1840s and they achieved successful farming techniques, leading 5000 americans to go to oregon to claim the fertile lands. By the 1844 election, Americans believed that Oregon was their manifest destiny and that it was their land.

ID - 54 40 or Fight presidential candidate polk’s Democratic slogan “54 40 or fight” referring to the latitude line that marked the border between the oregon territory and russian alaska. President Polk compromised with Britain and utilized the 54 40 or fight to be his party’s campaign slogan. Instead of fighting, for all of oregon, the president negotiated with britain to settle for the southern half. They agreed to divide the Oregon territory at the 49th parallel and finally settled after the US agreed to give vancouver island to britain and give them rights to navigate the columbia river. So in june of 1846, the treaty was ratified by the senate. The senate did not want to fight both mexico and british so they had agreed and voted for the compromise to be ratified.

Identify James K. Polk

  • Democratic nominee - also a lesser known candidate - from TN

  • Had been a protege of andrew jackson and believed in manifest destiny and expanding the US

  • Favored the annexation of TX, wanted all of OR and wanted to acquire CA

  • Democratic slogan “54 40 or fight” referring to the latitude line that marked the border between the Oregon territory and Russian alaska.

    • Appealed to the southers and american westerners who wanted to expand (1844)

  • Became the president in 1844

Answer the following questions and know the significance as they relate to the Mexican- American War

  1. Background & Causes of the War

  • Polk tried to persuade Mexico to sell CA and NM to the US, and settle the Mexico Texas border dispute. However, the Mexican government refused to sell CA and decided that TX was theirs. With slidell waiting for the response to the US offer, Polk decided to get ready for war and ordered General Taylor to move his army toward the Rio Grande across the territory that was claimed by mexico. In 1846, a mexican army crossed over the rio grande and captured the american patrol team and killed 11, infuriating the US. Polk then used this act to send a war message proposal to congress.

  1. Why controversial? Why did many oppose this conflict? Develop the arguments on both sides.

  • The northern whigs were opposed to going to war with mexico. They believed that the killing of 11 americans in rio grande was not american blood shed on american soil and therefore did not pertain to the US. Yet, this did not stop polk and there was a large majority supporting the war in both of the houses. So, the war commenced.

  1. Outcomes & Consequences of the War

ID - Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo

  • The war was going good for the Americans and very bad for the mexicans. The Mexicans were too prideful and unwilling to stand for peace and conceded the loss of the northern lands. Once Mexico city fell though, the government agreed to the US terms.

  • Treaty of guadalupe hidalgo: (1848) was where mexico would recognize the rio grande border of TX and that the US would take possession of the former mexican provinces of CA and NM, with the US paying 15 million dollars for the territories and gaining responsibility for any of the claims that the american citizens had accumulated against mexicos.

  1. Why is this war considered a turning point or prelude to the Civil War? Develop significance.

  • Increased more tensions between the north and the south since if there were more acquisitions of new territories from Mexico, then what would be declared a free or slave state?

  • Many northerners saw the war with Mexico as the southerners' way of scheming against the northerners to try to obtain more slave land.

  • The Wilmot proviso was a way of escalating the political conflict that led to the civil war.

Identify: Wilmot Proviso was proposed by David Wilmot in 1846 who opposed the war. He said that the bill should forbid slavery in any of the new territories that were acquired from mexico. However , the wilmot proviso was defeated each time (2 times) that it was put into the house and denied by the senate.

Identify: Ostend Manifesto President Polk wanted to purchase Cuba from Spain for 100 million dollars but Spain had refused to sell their last piece of land on that side of the map. So, in efforts of trying to gain more lands, many southern adventurers tried to take the island by force through small expeditions that were armed. They were easily defeated and executed by Spanish firing squads. President Pierce, new president in 1852 was pro-southern and dispatched 3 American diplomats to ostend belgium to negotiate to buy cuba from spain. This was the ostend manifesto and the diplomats had leaked the secret convention to the press in the US, provoking angry rxns from the anti slavery abolitionist members in congress, thus making president pierce drop the idea.

Identify: Gadsden Purchase president pierce tried and succeeded in adding more land to the american southwest for rr’s. (1853) Mexico had agreed to sell thousands of acres of land to the US for 10 million dollars. And this was known as the Gadsden Purchase (NM and AZ).

  • Explain & develop the various reasons and causes of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion from 1830 - 1860. With Manifest Destiny being the route of Westford expansion because of the justification that God Wanted the Americans to go west, many settlers traveled West with this idea in mind and this Justified their actions towards obtaining these territories. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 gained more land for the US and it fueled more Ambitions for further expansion. There were also more economic opportunities since there was a lot of fertile land for farming mineral resources, and potential trade routes for the future. With this Prospect of wealth and prosperity, more settlers were going to the frontier. Along with this there was rapid population growth due to high birth rates and lots of immigrants coming to the US so there needed to be more land since the cities were becoming overcrowded. with easier ways to travel through the technological advances of the steamboat and the railroad, and made it easier to go further west.

  • Explain the reasons for, importance, and impact of the development of foreign commerce in the years 1830 - 1860. With more foreign Commerce in the United States during these years it helped stimulate the economy -Especially with more American exports of cotton, tobacco, green, and manufactured goods that were being transported to other foreign countries especially to Great Britain with cotton being the king of the cash crops in the south. there was more access to resources through foreign Commerce since it provided access to resources that were not available within the US - Imports of raw materials like tea, spices and other resources helped support the American Industries and infrastructural development. There was also an expansion of the markets with the growth of international trade routes and the expansion of the maritime Transportation Networks through The exchange of goods with Europe Asia and Latin america. There was also an increase in diplomatic relations which led to the Treaty of Kanagawa with Japan therefore securing more trading routes and terms in foreign markets.

Identify: Matthew Perry & the Treaty of Kanagawa Matthew Perry was a military leader to the United States Navy and he helped open up Japan to the west. In 1853 he led an expedition to Japan to gain diplomatic and trade relations between the United States and Japan. he used military intimidations - a fleet of Warships2 game this alliance between Japan and the us. The Treaty of Kanagawa was signed in March in 1854 and was negotiated by Perry where Japan had agreed to open two of their ports to American chips, marking the end of Japan's policy of isolation and furthering Western influence on Japan and their relations.

Section 2: Compromise of 1850 & Sectional Tension

Key Concepts

  • Intensified by expansion and deepening regional divisions, debates over slavery and other economic, cultural, and political issues led the nation into civil war.

  • Ideological and economic differences over slavery produced an array of diverging responses from Americans in the North and the South.

  • The Mexican Cession led to heated controversies over whether to allow slavery in the newly acquired territories.

  • The courts and national leaders made a variety of attempts to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories, including the Compromise of 1850.

  • The North’s expanding manufacturing economy relied on free labor in contrast to the Southern economy’s dependence on slave labor. Some Northerners did not object to slavery on principle but claimed that slavery would undermine the free labor market. As a result, a free soil movement arose that portrayed the expansion of slavery as incompatible with free labor.

  • African American and white abolitionists, although a minority in the North, mounted a highly visible campaign against slavery, presenting moral arguments against the institution, assisting slaves’ escapes, and sometimes expressing a willingness to use violence to achieve their goals.

  • Defenders of slavery based their arguments on racial doctrines, the view that slavery was a positive social good, and the belief that slavery and states’ rights were protected by the Constitution.

After the Mexican American War there was major debate about the spread of slavery into the newly acquired territories. Explain the ideas of the following conflicting positions.

Free Soil Movement & Party

Southern Position

Popular Sovereignty

Many northern democrats and whigs had supported the wilmot proviso and the belief that all of the african americans should be excluded from the mexican cession. Many northerners who opposed allowing slavery in the west had organized the free soil party in 1848, adopting the slogan, free soil, free labor and free men. Their other chief goals was to prevent the expansion of slavery, advocated for public land grants to small farmers and internal improvements.

Many whites saw the attempts to restrict the extension of slavery as a violation of the constitution and their right to take and use their property as they saw fit. They viewed the free soilers and Abolitionist as the way to the destruction of slavery in this enraged southerners. Many of the southerners had favored the extension of the Missouri Compromise line of 3630 Westward to the Pacific Ocean and they wanted the territories north of the line to be non-sleeve as negotiated before.

A democratic seminar from Michigan - Lewis Cass - Came up with a compromise that would solve the problem between the moderate Northerners and the moderate southerners. His idea was in place of congress Determining whether or not to allow slavery into the new Western States so Cass decided that whether or not the state was determined as free or slave would be up to the vote of the people who settled in that territory this was known as popular Sovereignty.

Identify - California Gold Rush (1849) Was where over 100,000 Americans went and settled in California -Mass migration - Was where with the prospect of gold being available to everyone, there was a rapid influx of Fortune seekers in California right after gold was found at Sutter's Mill in 1848. The Gold Rush reached its peak in 1852 with more than 300,000 people going to the territory to find gold and get rich very easily.

Identify - John Fremont & the Bear Flag Republic John Fremont was a captain and Explorer who was in California and had helped the Mexican war with some dozen armed men. He had helped overthrow the Mexican rulers and 1846 through American collaboration who had tried to raise the banner of the California Bear Republic. John had helped take California from the Mexicans right from the inside. The Bear Flag Republic had helped gain the Republic of California for the US. They had originally controlled only one town but they had declared California free from Mexico because of the revolt and they made the California republic flag be a grizzly bear signifying their influence on freeing california.

Develop and explain the importance of the following questions & concepts as they relate to the Compromise of 1850

Background to the Compromise

Specific Ideas of the Compromise

Results, Impact, & Feelings on Both Sides

  • With the California people drafting a constitution in their new state forbidding and banning slavery was created a lot of tensions and conflicts and heated debates in the Union- and President Taylor who was a southern slave holder himself had supported this decision and had supported the immediate admission of both California and New Mexico as both free states and his plan has sparked a succession of radicals in the south with them not liking his decision.

  • Henry Clay had suggested That the compromise should be: the admission of California to the us as a free state, divide the rest of the Mexican Cession into Utah and New Mexico - allowing The settlers that settled in this territory to decide if they wanted slavery or if they wanted the state to be free all through popular sovereignty. the compromise also consisted of banning slave trade in the District of Columbia but also allowing whites to hold slaves just like they had before.Then, they adopted the new Fugitive Slave Law and they enforced it partially along with giving land between Texas and New Mexico territory border disputes as a result to the new territories in return for the federal government to assume the public debt of 10 million dollars from texas.

  • Webster had told you that the compromise was the only thing that could save the Union but in doing so an alien needed the Massachusetts abolitionist who had been the base of his support. Calhoun had argued against the compromise since he thought that the South Should be given equal rights Within the new territory.

  • There was some Northern opposition to the compromise from the younger antislavery lawmakers such as Senator William H C word of New York who had argued that a higher law than the Constitution existed and that it should be adhered to. However, President Taylor died in 1850 and those that had come after the president had opposed Clay's plan thus making it null. vice president now the president was Millard Fillmore who was a strong supporter of the compromise. Stephen A Douglas was a young senator from Illinois and he treated many parts of the Compromise separately with President Fillmore signing the bills into law.

  • The Compromise of 1850 was passed and California was admitted as a free state, the north gained more political power, and the political debate between the Northerners and the southerners had increased even though the southerners were not as happy as they were before.

  • Explain the impact and controversy that developed over the implementation of the Fugitive Slave Act from both a Northern & Southern perspective. Diffusion of slave law had allowed the southerners to adhere to the loss of California as a free state since the law allowed them to forcibly take any of the slaves that were found in other places. it's chief purpose was to track down any of the runaway slaves who had escaped to the Northerners, capture them and then return them to their slave owners down in the south thus enraging the Northerners and the free slaves because sometimes the southerners would take free slaves even though they were free. Within the forcing of this new law the north was mad and sometimes the anti-slavery Northerners tried to resist this new law thus creating more tensions between the North and the south. with the law, place more fugitive slaves under the federal government's jurisdiction also allowing the US Commissioners to give them warrants of arrest to fugitives. any of the supposed free African Americans or deny the rate of trial by jury and thus put back into slavery.

  • Explain what happened to the Whig Party as a result of the Mexican American War & debates over the expansion of slavery in the early 1850s. Due to the Mexican-American War the wig party had supported it since they saw it as an opportunity to acquire more territory and expand the American influence thus fulfilling manifest destiny. However, the war had become very unpopular and the wigs were separated because of the war going on still and how they did not like it- they saw it as an aim of the South to expand slavery into new territories. Then there were more debates over the slavery expansion, the Compromise of 1850 which allowed California as a free state but the Northerners had faced a loss since the Fugitive Slave Act was implemented and it further fractured the Whig party. There was also a decline in the membership of the wig party since they were shown to not be able to address the slavery expansion issue and they did not have any effect in the long term thus decreasing the amount of supporters that they previously had. With the internal divisions and declining popularity, the Wake party disintegrated and this led to new political factions and the eventual rise of the Republican party.

Identify: Underground Railroad Was a Network full of conductors and stations which reference the people helping enslaved African Americans get away from the south and into the north where they would be free and the stations where the places that these slaves would end up in which would make them free from slavery. Harriet Tubman was the most famous conductor and was an escaped slave woman herself, she made at least 19 trips into the South and helped over 300 slaves escape. Many of the free blacks in the north and Appalachians had also helped organize committees to protect the fugitive slaves from the slave catchers. Frederick Douglass was an African-American leader along with Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth had continued their work for leading slaves out of their slavery and supporting the black soldiers in the Union throughout the civil war.

Identify: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Was a very influential book about the conflict between an enslaved man- Tom- and a horrible and brutal slave owner who was white named Simon Legree. uncle's Tom's Cabin was published in 1852 by the northerner Harriet Beecher Stowe and it had an influential effect on many of the Northerners and Europeans in their regard towards slave owners and how they were very cruel and inhuman. This brought more awareness to the north about how the slaves were treated in the south even though many of the southerners claimed that all of these actions were untrue and that the author was a liar.

  • Explain and develop the North’s changing & evolving stance on slavery & abolition from the 1830s to the 1860s. How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin contribute to abolitionist ideas? Before many Northerners did not know about the horrors that these slaves had faced and only some of the Northerners were abolitionists and anti-slaves but then after Harriet Beecher still had come out with this book many had realized how bad it was for them. Harriet Beecher Stowe had an influential effect on many of the Northerners and Europeans in their regard towards slave owners and how they were very cruel and inhuman. This brought more awareness to the north about how the slaves were treated in the south even though many of the southerners claimed that all of these actions were untrue and that the author was a liar. With those books, this made a lot of the Northerners become abolitionist and anti-slavery, furthering the tensions between the North and the south.

  • Explain and develop the Southern reaction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The southern reaction to the Northerners literature of how slavery was evil, was that the southern whites had argued that slavery was just the opposite and that it was a positive factor for both slave and the master. Many of the white Southerners had argued that slavery was justified by the Bible and that it was surrounded and justified by history and philosophy. Many of the Southern authors had argued that the wage workers in the North were also slaves since they were forced to work long hours in the factories in the mines and that slavery was better since there were familiar bonds between the slave and the master. George Fitzhub was the most known of the pro slavery authors and he questioned the principles of equal rights since he believed that African Americans were inferior to whites and he attacked the capitalist wage system and stated how it was worse than slavery.

  • Describe and explain the Southern viewpoint and defense of the institution of Slavery. Many of the white Southerners had argued that slavery was justified by the Bible and that it was surrounded and justified by history and philosophy. Many of the Southern authors had argued that the wage workers in the North were also slaves since they were forced to work long hours in the factories in the mines and that slavery was better since there were familiar bonds between the slave and the master. George Fitzhub was the most known of the pro slavery authors and he questioned the principles of equal rights since he believed that African Americans were inferior to whites and he attacked the capitalist wage system and stated how it was worse than slavery.

Section 3: The Road to Disunion

Key Concepts

  • Substantial numbers of international migrants continued to arrive in the United States from Europe and Asia, mainly from Ireland and Germany, often settling in ethnic communities where they could preserve elements of their languages and customs.

  • A strongly anti-Catholic nativist movement arose that was aimed at limiting new immigrants’ political power and cultural influence.

  • Debates over slavery came to dominate political discussion in the 1850s, culminating in the bitter election of 1860 and the secession of Southern states.

  • The courts and national leaders made a variety of attempts to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories, including the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas–Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott decision, but these ultimately failed to reduce conflict.

  • The Second Party System ended when the issues of slavery and anti-immigrant nativism weakened loyalties to the two major parties and fostered the emergence of sectional parties, most notably the Republican Party in the North.

  • Abraham Lincoln’s victory on the Republicans’ free-soil platform in the presidential election of 1860 was accomplished without any Southern electoral votes. After a series of contested debates about secession, most slave states voted to secede from the Union, precipitating the Civil War.

Develop and explain the importance of the following concepts as they relate to the Kansas Nebraska Act

Background & Specifics of the Act

Reaction and Consequences

ID - “Bleeding Kansas”

Two Governments & Lecompton Constitution

The senator from Illinois, Stephen A douglas, had formed a plan to build a railroad in order to promote the Western settlement. However, he had needed a lot of the Southern approval to build this Transcontinental Railroad and he had to gain their approval. He did this by introducing a bill that would divide Nebraska territory into two parts making it the Kansas territory and the Nebraska territory. each territory would utilize popular sovereignty and let the settlers vote on whether or not slavery should exist in the states. Both of these days were located above the 3630 line so the Douglas bill had allowed popular sovereignty to exist throughout the Missouri Compromise giving southern slave owners the opportunity to expand slavery beyond what was allowed to which had not been allowed before thus making it seem more Desirable. The northern Democrats did not like this but both houses had agreed on this and it became known as the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, with President Pierce signing it into law.

Due to the Kansas-Nebraska Act many of the anti-slavery Farmers from the Midwest had gone and migrated to Kansas to take up the majority of the Kansas population in the hopes of utilizing their vote to help make that state a free state through the use of popular sovereignty. However, many slaveholders from Missouri had also wanted to utilize this plan and scheme and they had moved and set up homesteads in Kansas to help win the South more territory for slaves. With this, the Northerners abolitionists and free soilers organize the New England emigrant Aid company - funding the transportation of anti-slave settlers to kansas. with both pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups trying to win Kansas over for the North and the south, fighting broke out and this known As Bleeding Kansas because there was a lot of blood that was spelled from the violence.

The pro slavery Missourians entered Kansas to create a pro slavery legislature and lecompton, Kansas. Due to this anti-slavery settlers had also created their own antislavery legislature in Kansas and the two governments were made in kansas. (1857) the southern legislature asked for a pro slavery state constitution for Kansas to congress. This was known as the Lecompton constitution. Even though Congress knew that there were a lot of antislavery settlers in Kansas during this time, Congress was persuaded to accept the document and create Kansas as a slave state. however Congress was ultimately not persuaded as per the opposition that was faced from both the Democrats and the republicans. Kansas letters were mostly anti-slavery Republicans and this led to a lot of tensions between whether or not Kansas would be made a slavery state.

Identify: Caning of Charles Sumner With violence still ensuing in Kansas, there were also conflicts that were happening in the US congress. in 1856 Senator Charles Sumner who was an abolitionist And had delivered the speech of the crime against Kansas. This speech had verbally attacked the Democratic Administration and Summoner had insulted South Carolina Senator Andrew butler. In order to defend his uncle- who was not there during that time-, Butler's nephew, Congressman Preston brooks, went into the Senate chamber and beat Sumner with a cane very harshly, just leaving detrimental and long-term and permanent effects on Summoner's health. This had anger at the North greatly and the House of Representatives had voted to censure him. The southerners were delighted and happy and applauded Brooks' violent actions because they were mad about what Sumner had said. This action by Brooks had shown how violent the South could be even in the government and it led to questions about how they truly treated their slaves if that was how a congressman treated a white person.

Identify: Know Nothing Party During the mid 1850s, there were ethnic tensions in the north between the native-born Protestant Americans in the immigrants, Germans and Irish catholics. The Protestant Americans believed in nativism which was the idea that native-born Americans should be prioritized and protected Within the US over the immigrants. There was growing anti-immigrant sentiment from these nativists that led to the creation of the American party which was known as the Know Nothing party. ideas were that they opposed Catholics and immigrants that were moving to the northern cities and they did not like how they were stealing all of their jobs and opportunities. The know-nothing party weekend the wig party through winning local and state elections but it did lose influence since many sectional tensions began and the nativist sentiments were disappearing with the growing tensions between the North and the south.

Why did the Republican Party Form? Explain the background.

Issues & Impact of the Republican Party

  • Formed in Wisconsin in 1854

  • was a direct response from the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • made up of mostly free soilers, anti-slavery whigs and Democrats

  • opposed the spread of slavery in all territories but did not want to end slavery as a whole yet.

  • with the violence in Bleeding Kansas the Republican Party gained more membership, thus, becoming the second largest political party in the country.

  • The biggest issue was that they prioritized the prevention of slavery expansion into only the new territories but they did not have a goal of entering slavery in general.

  • Their first platform in 1854 had called for the repeal of both the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Fugitive Slave Act but they had not said anything about ending slavery in general.

  • Impacts: became a permanent political party

    • decreased the membership and influence of the Whig party

    • was successful in the north and became a great threat to the South.

Develop and explain the importance of the following concepts as they relate to the Dred Scott Case

Background of the case

Specifics of the Supreme Court ruling

Reaction & impact on society in the North & the South

Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri but then he had been taken to the free territory of wisconsin. he lived there for two years before being sent back to Missouri so in that aspect he should be free. So in 1846, Dred Scott sued for his freedom in Missouri since he was technically a free citizen since he lived on Free Soil in Wisconsin for 2 years. The case began in the St Louis Circuit Court and then it worked its way up to the higher courts. In the end it landed within the Supreme Court and gained the name Dred Scott versus Sanford case of 1857.

When it had reached the Supreme court, Southern Democrat chief justice Roger Taney and the rest of the Courts Majority had decided that Dred Scott Was not a free slave and that he was rather a regular slave. This was decided because they saw to it that Dred Scott did not have a right to sue for his freedom in the federal court due to the framers of the Constitution not allowing African Americans to be counted as US citizens. Moreover, the court had claimed that the Congress did not have the power to deprive any person of their property without due process of law which would make it be that just got would have to go into cases but he had no right as a non-US citizen. Moreover, with the Missouri Compromise being ruled unconstitutional- since it excluded slavery from Wisconsin and the other Northern Territories- it was not technically under the jurisdiction of Congress and its rulings.

With the Supreme Court's rolling, the southern Democrats were very happy since it was a ruling in their favor and they got Dred Scott back as a slave. The northern Republicans were very Furious because the Supreme Court had officially stated that all parts of the western territories were Pro slavery. The northern Republicans had said that this decision was not right and they had suspected that the Democratic president and Democratic majority in the Supreme Court during this period of time had secretly planned that Dred Scott decision beforehand, with the inevitable hope to finally settle the slavery issue in the favor of pro-slave. with these growing suspicions from the northerners, it led many former Democrats to switch to the Republican vote instead.

Identify: Panic of 1857 the US had been having an economic boom throughout the middle of the 19th century however it was time for the US to experience a financial panic - 1857. The Panic of 1857 mostly impacted the midwestern farmers since it dropped their prices and in the Northerners cities because there was an increase in unemployment. in the south, Southerners were mostly unaffected because the financial crisis was mostly in the North and the midwest. The cotton prices remained very high and continued to prosper with the cash crop. This led many Southerners to believe that the plantation economy was the best method and that it was Superior and that it was one of the most growing economies for the union. this led them to think that the northern economy was an unnecessary and that it rather brought down the economy of the US

Identify: Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) Steven A Douglas and Abraham Lincoln ran against each other for the position of the Senator of Illinois. Many of the campaign debates between Douglas and Lincoln were held in Illinois and Lincoln had attacked Douglas and his indifference to slavery, labeling his indifference as a growing moral issue. In the debate in Freeport, Illinois, Lincoln had asked Douglas to address the issue of popular sovereignty and how it affected the Dred Scott decision. ( Freeport Doctrine)- Douglas had responded that slavery could not exist in the communities if the local citizens did not pass slave codes that maintained it. With such a vague statement being his answer, this angered many of the Southern Democrats and had reduced the support for Douglas even though he had one re-election to the US senate. Lincoln lost the senate election but he did make a comeback in the presidential election of 1860 over douglas.

Identify: John Brown’s Raid at Harpers Ferry ( 1859) John Brown I tried to start a slave Uprising in Virginia along with his followers- four Sons and some other former slaves- in an attack against the federal Arsenal in Harpers Ferry Virginia- what is now known currently as West virginia. His plan however was not well put together- it was to take the guns from the Arsenal and arm the Virginia slaves to which he would join the Revival after seeing his uprising- since they were all captured, tried for treason, convicted and thus hanged by the state of virginia. Many of the moderate Northerners had not liked Brown's use of violence and the southerners were unconvinced by these actions and had believed that this was a Northerners scheme to destroy the South through slave revolts. Due to this raid, John Brown became a very influential person within the North and the anti-slave believers.

Develop and explain the significance of the following concepts & ideas as they relate to the Election of 1860

  1. Impact & Importance: Democratic Party breakup

  • ( election of 1860)- the Democratic Party was hoping for a compromise and had favored Stephen A Douglas. They hosted a democratic convention in Charleston, South carolina. however many of the southerners and supporters of President Buchanan were very angry and tried to block Stephen A Douglas's nomination. This led to a deadlock, with no nominee being picked at the moment, that's making the Democrats host another convention in baltimore. However, this time the delegates from the slave states walked out and this let the remaining delegates nominate Douglas as the presidential candidate for the Democratic party. He supported popular sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Act enforcement. The southern Democrats held their own convention in Baltimore and nominated Breckenridge from Kentucky to be their presidential candidate. He supported the unrestricted extension of slavery in all territories and the annexation of cuba.

  1. Why did Lincoln Win? Impact of his Election

  • Due to the split in the Democratic Party, there was a sure way of knowing that Lincoln, the Republican nominee for president, would win. Lincoln did not campaign for his presidency because he was very confident that he would win and rather Lincoln stayed in Illinois and only met with Republican leaders and gave simple press statements. The Republicans were also popular since they had appealed strongly to the economic interests of both the Northerners and the westerners. He supported the exclusion of slavery from the territories and a protective tariff, Freeland for homesteaders, and internal improvements. In the end he won all of the electoral votes from the free states in the North and one overall 59% of the Electoral votes. The Republicans had enjoyed their victory and the secessionists in the south had warned that the states would leave the union if Lincoln was elected president - to Which they did as they said that they would when Lincoln was elected and was seen as the victor.

  1. Secession of the Deep South

  • With Lincoln winning the presidential election, The southerners had held a special convention in South Carolina to discuss leaving the union.( 1860). during this they had unanimously forwarded to secede from the union. Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas had also voted to secede. In 1861 the Deep South had voted to secede overall and they met in Alabama, creating the Confederate States of america. The Confederacy had drafted a constitution that was very similar to the US Constitution as a symbol of how they were becoming their own new nation and Revolted, minus the limitations on the government's power to impose tariffs and restrict slavery. They elected Senator Jefferson Davis from Mississippi and Alexander Stephens of Georgia to be their president and vice president of the confederacy.

  1. Crittenden Compromise & Failure of Compromise

  • President Buchanan did not like the secession and he had tried to prevent it at all costs before he left office for Lincoln. Congress was active in making last minute attempts to save the union however this did not work and his Deep South States had seceded from the union. specifically Senator John Crittenden from Kentucky had proposed a constitutional amendment- the Crittenden Compromise- which would guarantee the right to hold slaves in all territory south of the 3630 latitude line. However Lincoln has rejected this proposition compromise in the sense that it violated the Republican ideas and how it was against the extension of slavery into any of the territories of the union.

  • In general list, be familiar, and explain the causes of the Civil War and the role that slavery played in leading to this conflict. Even after the Civil war, many Northern historians had argued that the conflict had been a result of the Southern desire to expand slavery into any of the new territories and with the future goal of expanding slavery into the northern territories. it was believed that this was inevitable. However, Southerner historians had believed that the sectional disputes over the Constitution was the leading cause of the civil war. They believed that the northern abolitionists and free soilers had gone against the nature of the Constitution and had left the South with no other choice but to secede to defend their constitutional rights. They also argued that with the economic differences from the North and the South -The South relied on agriculture and the North relied on industrialization and these two factors of economy were very different leading to differences overall in the two sections.

Section 4: The Civil War

Key Concepts

  • The Union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery and secession, but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rights.

  • The North’s greater manpower and industrial resources, the leadership of Abraham Lincoln and others, and the decision to emancipate slaves eventually led to the Union military victory over the Confederacy in the devastating Civil War.

  • Both the Union and the Confederacy mobilized their economies and societies to wage the war even while facing considerable home front opposition.

  • Although the Confederacy showed military initiative and daring early in the war, the Union ultimately succeeded due to improvements in leadership and strategy, key victories, greater resources, and the wartime destruction of the South’s infrastructure.

  • Lincoln and most Union supporters began the Civil War to preserve the Union, but Lincoln’s decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation reframed the purpose of the war and helped prevent the Confederacy from gaining full diplomatic support from European powers. Many African Americans fled southern plantations and enlisted in the Union Army, helping to undermine the Confederacy.

  • Lincoln sought to reunify the country and used speeches such as the Gettysburg Address to portray the struggle against slavery as the fulfillment of America’s founding democratic ideals.

  • Westward migration was boosted during and after the Civil War by the passage of new legislation promoting Western transportation and economic development.

  • How did the fighting of the Civil War officially begin? Describe the implications of the attack on Fort Sumter. Due to Lincoln winning the presidential election and becoming the first Republican president in March of 1861, the Deep South had seceded from the Union. with the question of Lincoln and his reaction to this through the enforcement of military was pondered upon by many americans. in Lincoln's inaugural address he told the South that he would not intervene in their slavery intentions but he had worn that he had the prospect of not allowing a state to break from the union. he appealed to the South by telling them to restrain themselves from doing so, warning about how there is a danger of War if they did not listen to him. with the status of two federal courts in the states that had to see it being important- Fort Sumter in South Carolina was one of the first ones to secede and thus cut off all vital supplies and reinforcements since the South controlled the harbor. however not wanting to give up for Sumter, Lincoln announced that they would send provisions of food. This gave South Carolina the choice of either allowing it to hold out or open fire. However, an attack broke out and the War Began and after 2 days the Union had United lots of Northerners to help save the union through a patriotic fight.

  • How did Lincoln use an unprecedented amount of government power during the war? Explain the specifics and significance of his actions. Lincoln had exercised his executive power more than any of the previous presidents within the United States before this time. He was known to be an unconstitutional president due to these actions since he drove his powers through both the executive and commander-in-chief without any authorization or approval of congress. As an example one can see that the Fort Sumter crisis was unconstitutional since he called up for $75,000 volunteers to put down the Confederacy at Fort Sumter. Lincoln also authorized the spending of the war and suspended the Privileges of the writ of habeas corpus. Congress is not in session during this time and the president had utilized this act to his privilege and acted on his own with the justification

  • Explain and develop the importance of the “Border States” during the Civil War. With four other slave holding States being able to secede from the Union, it was a surprise that they remained in the union. Delaware, Maryland , Missouri and Kentucky did not join the Confederacy and this was due to the union sentiment in the states even with some of the people in the states being slaveholders. In Maryland there were pro secessionists that attacked Union troops and threatened the railroad to washington. they responded to the martial law under the control of the Federal Union Army. in Mississippi, with US troops being present, it had prevented pro-south elements from Gaining complete control. Gorilla forces were mostly used by the Confederacy during this war and state legislators had voted to keep Kentucky neutral. Lincoln had respected its neutrality and had waited for the South to violate its neutrality before moving in federal troops thus making it a northerner state. by keeping these border states in the union, it was a primary military and political goal for Lincoln and losing these states would have increased the Confederate population by more than 50% and it would have weakened the northern strategic position for their war, leading to Lincoln rejecting initial calls for the emancipation of slaves to avoid alienating unionists in the Border states.

  • Develop and describe the challenges that both the Union and Confederate government faced in mobilizing their economies and people for war? with the Union dominating more than the Nation's economy since they controlled the banking and capital of the country with more than 85% of the factories and More than 70% of the railroads, 65% of farmlands. They were clerics in the north and bookkeepers that were valuable to The Logical support of the military operations and note taking of what occurred during these happenings. Confederates had hoped that the European demand for southern cotton would lead them to recognize the Confederacy and provide them financial aid and this concept was dependent upon giving them more advantage in their fight; however they were expecting it to come but it never did in the end. Confederates had to move truth and supplies over short distances then the Union, they had a coastline that would make it difficult for the Navy and it had a blockade against the US troops, there were many experienced military leaders and this led to high Troop morale. The union was betting on his population of 22 million against the 5.5 million Confederate population. With this population Advantage there was also an influx of 800,000 immigrants. This emancipation also brought in $180,000 African Americans into the Union Army during the final years of the war since they were free and they were loyal to the United States because they hated slavery.

  • Describe the homefront opposition to the war in both the North & the South. Both sides of the war had clear goals- the Confederates wanted Independence and the union wanted to preserve the Union. However, with states rights proving to be a serious liability for the new confederate government, the Confederates realized that they would need a strong central government even though they were fighting against the fact that they wanted more states rights than the Federal government. The union had the upper hand since they already had an established central government along with many experienced politicians who had a strong popular base. The Confederates hoped that the union would turn against Lincoln and the Republicans would quit the war because it was too costly and this is what they were depending on to win the war. They were also short of money and had to take out loans and utilize income tax and invest in private property.

Examine the advantages & disadvantages of the Union & Confederate armies during the Civil War




  • Strong central govt

  • Strong military leaders

  • Larger populations

  • Larger military

  • More resources and better supplies

  • Better strategies and military tactics

  • Had to gain land and conquer to in the end win the war

  • Had to send supplied over large distances


  • Notable war generals

  • High troop morale

  • Had to fight a defensive war

  • Economic troubles

  • Relied on outside power - but did not receive

  • Too confident

  • No strong central govt

  • No state govts that were strong

  • Describe & develop the economic problems of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The confederacy, with being very short on money, had tried to take out many loans, Implement income taxes, and even try to impress private property . However the revenue that had been gained from these ideas only paid a small part of the war cost and the government had made 1 billion dollars in paper money that cost severe inflation throughout the Confederate South. but ending the war, it was seen that the value of the Confederate dollar was worth less than two cents and the Confederate Congress had nationalized the railroads to help encourage industrial development. This led to the Confederacy ending up sustaining nearly 1 million troops during its peak but the war of attrition was dreamed by its efforts.

  • Describe the general tactics & strategy of the Union Army & US government during the Civil War. The General in Chief, Winfield Scott, was a veteran of the War of 1812 and the American Mexican war and he had created a three-part strategy that was with the intention of helping win the war. It included the use of the US Navy to blockade Southern ports and cut off any essential supplies from reaching the confederacy. they would then take control of the Mississippi River which would help divide the Confederacy into two Geographics on the map that's creating hardships for them since they could not meet with each other and were divided. along with this they would also raise and train an army of 500,000 men to help conquer Richmond Virginia.

Explain & describe the efforts & importance of the Confederacy in gaining foreign recognition during the War

Why did these efforts ultimately fail? Why was this significant?

  • It was important for the Confederacy to gain recognition from foreign powers since they needed more money and Aid and they would not be successful in the war if they did not get this. They relied upon Britain to recognize the Confederacy as a country which would allow it to make decisions regarding their own Foreign Affairs and request the other foreigners and their country for an alliance and financial aid as an official act. the Confederacy believed that British people would back them because they, the South and britain, had a long standing history of training cotton and the southerners believe that without cotton, the British would not be able to get it anywhere else yet they were wrong because the British was able to get the cotton in other places.

  • The Confederacy had failed to prove to the European government that they could sustain dependence and had refused to receive consecutive victories in previous battles that were already fought. this led the European powers to see that they would not win the war and it was an extreme significant event since it showed how in the futureBetter see would develop many hardships because they had depended upon their whole war effort on foreign aid since they could not pay off any of their War costs and needed more aid. Moreover it was more difficult for the Union if the Confederacy had gained recognition by Foreign Nations, however now they were fighting Just Dance the Confederacy and this made it easier for the Union in the long run.

Develop and explain the significance of the following concepts & ideas as they relate to slavery & emancipation

  1. Battle of Antietam

  • right after the victory at Bull run, General Lee had led his army across the Potomac and into Marilyn which was enemy territory. he hoped that he would gain a major Confederate victory in the union state and would help convince Britain to give its recognition and support to the Confederacy however Lincoln had restored McClennan to command the Union Army and this led to a union advantage since they knew the battle plans of General Lee's sense of Confederate officer had accidentally dropped a copy of them. The Union Army intercepted the Confederates at Antietam Creek in Maryland and it was a one-day battle and was very very bloody- one of the bloodiest of the civil war. it killed and wounded 22,000 soldiers. The Army had to retreat to Virginia since they were not able to break the union lines and after this Lincoln had removed McLennan for the final time from the Union as a commander because he failed to pursue the retreating Army as he had ordered. Lincoln had said that the general was too kind and needed to be tougher especially in a war like this. Antietam proved to be one of the most decisive battles in the Civil War since the Confederates had failed to obtain recognition and aid from the foreigners. Lincoln had found enough encouragement from the antietam union victory and this led him to announce plans for declaring war on the institution of slavery.

  1. Emancipation Proclamation & impact

  • ( 1862) Lincoln had decided to use his powers, Commander in Chief of the Armed forces, to help free all of the slaves and all the states that were at war with the us. Lincoln had Justified his actions as a military necessity and had delayed this announcement of freeing all these leaves until he had won the support of the conservative northerners. He had encouraged the border states to think about their own plans of emancipation so that they could compensate the owners of slavery within their state appropriately. The Battle of Antietam had allowed Lincoln to issue this warning to all of the enslaved people that they were free and that all of the states that were in Rebellion would be free from the first day of the new year. This was called the Emancipation proclamation. it only applied to enslave people that were residing in the Confederate states that were outside Union control meaning that only 1% of all slaves were free and slavery in the border states was allowed to continue.

  1. The 13th Amendment

  • The United States had legitimized the flavor Institution for a long time and by freeing enslaved people in the border states the country had needed to ratify a new constitutional amendment. This made abolitionists happy and they were given credit for playing an active role in the political struggle to secure the votes in Congress to help pass this 13th amendment. In December of 1864 the amendment had been ratified and it stated that all slavery was abolished.

  1. How did the issue of slavery change & evolve during the War? Why was this significant

  • The Proclamation was very important since it was the main purpose of the war. Union armies had been fighting against slavery but not against secession. Proclamation had added more weight to the confidence and increase of slave numbers that were seeking Freedom as they were referring to the union lines. with more northern troops going into the south, abolitionism continued. however the Confederacy were mad that the use of freed slaves was eating the union soldiers. With this there were also more than thousands of new recruiters that joined the union army.

  • Describe the importance that “freedmen” played in fighting for the Union Army during the war. More than hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks made up 1/4 of the slave population. they walked away from slavery once the patient Proclamation was proclaimed. they saw protection by the union armies and 200,000 African-Americans or newly freed slaves had ended up serving in the Union Army and navy. However, they were segregated into all black regiments and units and some of them were known as the Massachusetts 54th Regiment and these black troops were one of the most courageous of the war efforts and units and they helped the respect of many Union Soldiers. 37,000 African-American soldiers ended up dying and this was known as the army of freedom.

Identify: Battle of Gettysburg was one of the most crucial battles of the war. primarily, in the east they were taking the offensive by Leading Armies into the Union States of Maryland and Pennsylvania the Confederate Army tried to capture major Northern City to force the Union to call for peace and tried to help them intervene. The Confederate Army surprised many of the Union units at Gettysburg and Southern Pennsylvania with more than 50,000 casualties that ensued. This all on the union lines was highlighted with the charge that was unsuccessful but it was led by George Pickett but he did destroy a key part of the Confederate army. He broke and forces returned to Virginia and they never again gained the offensive in the war.

Identify: Battle of Vicksburg as a contrast, in the west, the Union forces were already controlling New Orleans and most of the Mississippi River along with the surrounding valleys around these areas. Their objective was to Cure complete control over the Mississippi River since it was close to General Grant and his Siege on the heavily fortified city of Vicksburg in mississippi. The union ended up bombarding Vicksburg for 7 weeks before the Confederate Army finally surrendered the city to the union federal warships had controlled most of the Mississippi length and had cut texas, louisiana, Arkansas off from the rest of the confederacy.

Identify: Sherman’s March to the Sea chief grants aggressive tactics included a veteran- General William sherman. he led a force of 100,000 men from Chattanooga Tennessee to destroy the state of Georgia and to go up north into South carolina. Sherman was very good at War and he March relentlessly towards Georgia and his troops had destroyed a lot. he had burned a path. He had burned anything that the enemy might use to survive including cotton, feels, barnes, houses. Sherman took Atlanta in late 1864 and with all of these actions of the south, this gained more votes for Lincoln for re-election. Sherman marched into the Savannah in December and completed his campaign March in February by setting fire to Columbia- the capital of South Carolina and the Cradle of the succession and where it took place Sherman's march broke the spirit of the Confederacy and it had destroyed their will to fight.

Identify: General Grant Lincoln had finally found a general that he liked who could fight and win the war. General Grant was ordered to go east of Virginia and become the commander Of all of the Union armies. Grant had developed a strategy for ending the war through attrition which was where he would wear down the Confederate armies and would strategically destroy their vital lines of supply. They fought for months and Grant and the Union Army of Potomac had suffered heavy casualties- more than that of General Lee's forces from the Battle of the Wilderness in pennsylvania. however Grant did not give up and had succeeded in reducing the Army in each battle and forced him to retreat. During the last stages of the Civil war, the fighting was overshadowed by trench warfare which would later be influenced by this in world war i. This marked the start of a war against civilians and soldiers instead of a war between gentlemen.

Explain how & why the War ultimately ended

Describe & explain the various reasons for the Union victory.

  • The union blockade, Sherman's march of destruction, had ended up spreading hunger throughout the South. During the winter of 1864 to 1865 this had greatly weakened the Confederate south. Along with this, General grants continued to outflank General Lee's lines on the Battlefront in Virginia and this resulted in the fall of Richmond in 1865 early on. This marks the year at the end of the war.

  • The confederate government had tried to negotiate with Lincoln for peace but Lincoln did not want to accept anything short of restoration of the union and the decimation of slavery as a whole. Jefferson Davis demanded nothing less than Independence but Lincoln had wanted the union to be whole again. so, this led to their threat from Richmond with an army of less than 30,000 men and Jefferson Davis had tried to escape to the mountains only to be cut off and forced to surrender to General grant. The union general had treated his longtime enemy with respect and allowed him and his men to return home with their horses.

  • Develop and explain the impact & significance of the death & assassination of President Lincoln. a month before the surrender, Lincoln had delivered one of the greatest speeches of his presidency- the second inaugural address. he had urged his people that the South was going to be treated benevolently John Booth however had other plans for Lincoln. he was an actor and a Confederate sympathizer and he had shot and killed President Lincoln while he was attending a performance at the theater in washington. Moreover the same night as Lincoln was killed, a co-conspirator had attacked the Secretary of State, William Seward. however it did not kill him. These events aroused a lot of Fury among the Northerners and With Lincoln's leadership laws Across the Nation, he had wanted the South to be treated justly and not blamed for their actions since it would hold them back and less in their rehabilitation era. He had also not wanted the two sections of the country to be separate. He wanted the secession to end and for the union to become whole again.

The Civil War brought about massive long term change to US society. For each topic describe the change and impact of the Civil War in the following categories.

Political Power

The electoral process had continued during the war and even with the secession of the Southern States. it had created Republican majorities in both houses of Congress and the Republicans dominated the courts and government. however there were sharp differences between the radical faction and moderate action among the Republican ranks. Many Democrats supported the war but had criticized Lincoln's War conduct. The Democrats and copperheads had opposed the war and wanted to negotiate peace with Congressman Clement Falon as the most notorious copperhead from Ohio. he had briefly banished them from the United States to Canada once he said that Pro Confederate speeches were against the war.

Suppression of Civil Liberties

Many leaders during this wartime government had focused on Prosecuting the war rather than protecting citizens' constitutional rights. During the earliest of the war, Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus in Maryland and other states that were Pro confederate. With this suspension of these constitutional rights and that these people could not be arrested without being informed of their charges that were held against them, more than 13,000 people were arrested for being suspicious of eating the enemy and those who were held in jail were tried without a trial. Democrats I charge Lincoln as being a tyrant and unconstitutional and many historians agreed but not so harshly. with the border states, the people had difficulty distinguishing between Combatants and non-combatants And the Constitution also stated that the rate of habeas Corpus would not be suspended unless there was a rebellion, invasion, or Republic safety that required it to be suspended. After the war there was the Supreme Court case that had ruled that the government had acted improperly in Indiana and some civilians had been subject to military trials if they hadn't gained one during that time. The court had declared that the procedure would only be used when regular civilian courses were no longer available.

Economic - Financing War ID - Greenbacks

The War cost was very big for both sides of the Civil war, both the union and the confederacy. The union was able to finance the war through borrowing 2.6 billion dollars that they had obtained through government bonds. However this amount was not enough so Congress decided to raise tariffs and added taxes by implementing the first income tax. The United States Treasury also issued more than 430 million in paper currency and this became known as the greenbacks. This paper money could not be redeemed in gold and it was a slow Rising inflation contribution. The price in the North Rose by about 80% during the war and helped manage that they had added revenue from moving in and out of the treasury. Congress had created a national banking system in 1863 and this was the first unified banking Network since Andrew Jackson had vetoed the recharter of the second bank in the United States.

Reaction & Impact to the Draft

during the beginning of the war in 1861 many had fall as volunteers however due to the need for Replacements in the union and the Confederacy they had both resort to laws of conscripting and drafting men into service the Union had first implemented a conscription act which had made all men between the ages of 20 and 45 liable for military service. However, they were only allowed to get out of the war and avoid the service to find a substitute that would serve in their place or pay a $300 exemption fee which was very expensive for this time. This law ended up provoking opposition since many of the poor laborers feared that when they return to civilian life their jobs would be taken by free African-Americans so this is opposed by them. This led to riots in July against this drive in New York City and this included Irish American mobs attacking black and Wealthy whites. 117 people were killed before federal troops and this led to a temporary suspension of the draft had restored order

Modernizing Northern society & industry

One of the worst impacts of the northern economy was that the economy was bad in some ways and good in some ways. Many historians had pondered whether or not the war had promoted or reduced the growth of the northern economy. worker wages were low due to inflation. With the modern industrial economy, it was seen that the economy Had not been increased by the war and with the war being mass production organizations, it helped speed up the consolidation of the north Manufacturing businesses. They profited from the war but they had to also take advantage of the government's needs for military supplies and had sold their goods at high prices. However, this problem decreased after the federal government took control of the contract away from the states. Many people had made lots of money during the war specifically in the northern half because they were industrialized and that was where the capital was. This created more millionaires who had ended up financing the north industrialization after the war.

The Homestead Act, 1862

The Homestead Act had promoted the settlement of the Great Plains and had offered parcels of 168 Acres of public land free to any person or family that would form the land for at least 5 years.

Morrill Land Grant Act, 1862

The Morrill land grant Act encouraged the states to use federal land grants to maintain Agricultural and Technical colleges. thus leading to more colleges and education and higher education for the future Generations to come.

Pacific Railway Act, 1862

The Pacific Railway act had authorized the building of the Transcontinental railroads over the northern route to help extend the economies of California and the western territories within the Eastern states.

Changes for Women

with men being absent from the regular occupations, the factories were open for business. women controlled these areas such as the factories and they stepped into labor. When the war ended many War veterans returned home and most of the urban women with jobs who wanted to keep them, gladly accepted mail assistants on the farms instead. for a woman whose men never returned or were disabled had become economically the cricket and face the struggle for their lifetime. The Civil War proved to have lasting effects on American women and nursing was prominent. however with these new actions from the woman, this led them to fight for their freedom and equality amongst society.

Impact on Slavery

With the war being mainly about slavery and freeing them, many American lives were changed with African Americans and those who have been born into slavery being the most affected by this change. With the 13th Amendment freeing 4 million people from slavery, both men and women. These people And the next Generations that come from these people would face economic hardships and political oppression. Even though slavery ended and it represented a milestone, they were not protected by the United States Constitution and did not have freedom in all aspects. The war had cost over $750,000 lives and cost over 15 billion in war costs and property losses and this devastated the Southern economy and acted as a catalyst to transform America into a more complex and more modern industrial society of capital technology and National Organization with large corporations.

Section 5: Reconstruction

Key Concepts

  • The Union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery and secession, but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rights.

  • Reconstruction and the Civil War ended slavery, altered relationships between the states and the federal government, and led to debates over new definitions of citizenship, particularly regarding the rights of African Americans, women, and other minorities.

  • The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, while the 14th and 15th amendments granted African Americans citizenship, equal protection under the laws, and voting rights.

  • The women’s rights movement was both emboldened and divided over the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution.

  • Efforts by radical and moderate Republicans to change the balance of power between Congress and the presidency and to reorder race relations in the defeated South yielded some short-term successes. Reconstruction opened up political opportunities and other leadership roles to former slaves, but it ultimately failed, due both to determined Southern resistance and the North’s waning resolve.

  • Southern plantation owners continued to own the majority of the region’s land even after Reconstruction. Former slaves sought land ownership but generally fell short of self-sufficiency, as an exploitative and soil-intensive sharecropping system limited blacks’ and poor whites’ access to land in the South.

  • Segregation, violence, Supreme Court decisions, and local political tactics progressively stripped away African American rights, but the 14th and 15th amendments eventually became the basis for court decisions upholding civil rights in the 20th century.

  • Explain and describe the challenges & issues that the government faced during Reconstruction. d

Reconstruction brought gains for African Americans. Explain how all of the following helped former slaves and changed the idea of citizenship and rights for black Americans during Reconstruction.

Freedmen’s Bureau

In early 1865, Congress had created a new agency, the Bureau of Refugees of Freedom men and abandoned lands. This was also known simply as the Freedmen's Bureau and it had acted as early Warfare agencies and had health to provide food shelter and Medical Aid to those who needed it in the war. They helped both blocks and homeless whites and initially they only had the authority to resettle fried and confiscated farmlands in the South but when President Johnson pardoned the Confederate owners and confiscated their plans, the court restored most of the lands to their original owners. This was a great success and they were able to establish more than 3,000 schools for free blacks and several colleges as well. Before Federal funding was stopped in 1870, the bureau schools taught more than 200,000 African Americans how to read.

13th Amendment

The 13th Amendment had abolished slavery from all of the states in the United states. With all of these African Americans now being free, they had more opportunities in society.

14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment declared all people born or naturalized in the United States were citizens. It also obligated states to respect the rights of the United States citizens and provided them with equal protection of the law and due process of the law. This helped African Americans become more integrated into society along with allowing them to gain more justices for any of the actions that were not just. however this was not always displayed in these trials and racism still occurred.

15th Amendment

The 15th Amendment prohibited any state from denying or bridging assistance to the right to vote on the count of race color or previous conditions of servitude. It was ratified in 1870.

Voting Rights

(in general)

however voting rights had not been extended to African Americans and they had not been extended to women as well. Even though voting rights as stated by the 15th Amendment and how race color or servitude should not restrict anyone from voting, many of the Prejudice South had still found ways to keep African Americans from getting the right to vote. They had their own individualized laws That were loopholes to the 15th Amendment and it kept African Americans promoting the right to vote and it was a discriminatory way of the south.

Education & Schools

There was Public Funding from the government to the schools and it helped American children, African Americans as well, how to read at the schools. After the Civil War the southern states had created dual education systems that were based on race and it was known as segregation since the schools had separated the two races and they were not equal at all. African-American teachers and parents in education had tried to bring their African-American children a proper education that they deserved, however segregation between the different races based on education had continued and the schools were not integrated based on race and were rather separated. this led to inequalities in the quality of their education

African American Legislators

Many African Americans had begun to hold elective offices in the government in these reconstructed state governments and they were property holders and educated and they had taken modern positions on a lot of issues. During the Reconstruction era, Republicans in the South had sent African-Americans to the Senate and more than a dozen African Americans to the house of representatives. the African-Americans that took the senate seat from Mississippi, Jefferson Davis, and he did not like this because he did not want to see African Americans in positions of power thus causing more resentment and unhappiness from ex- Confederate individuals.

Develop & explain the conflict between President Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction and Congress’s plan

Who won and why? What happened to Johnson?

What happened to Southern gov’ts during Congressional control? Describe Military Reconstruction

Andrew's Origins were humble just like Lincoln's, he was self-taught and he rose in Tennessee politics by championing the interests of poor whites and their economic conflicts with Rich planters. Johnson was the only senator from the Confederate State who had remained loyal to the union. Republicans in Congress had originally welcomed Johnson's presidency due to his amnesty for the southern aristocrats who had led the Confederacy. Johnson had issued his own reconstruction Proclamation that was really similar to Lincoln's 10% plan and as an addition to Lincoln's terms he had added the disenfranchisement of the right to vote and hold office of all former leaders and office holders of the Confederacy and the Confederates along with more than $20,000 in taxable property that was owed. The president retained the power to Grant individual pardons to Loyal Southerners. This was known as an escape clause for the wealthy planters that Johnson had made frequent use of for his benefit and others benefits. Many former Confederate leaders were back in office due to the president's parents.

Republicans had become disillusioned with Jackson due to the interstate legislature beginning to adopt Black Codes that restricted the rights of former slaves. These codes had prohibited blacks from renting land or borrowing money to buy land and placed freedmen into a form of semi-bondage as a force full job and forcing them into apprentices to sign contracts. They also prohibited blacks from testifying against whites and courts and there was a contract labor system where many of these workers worked in Cotton Fields under white supervision for very low wages And it was very similar to what slavery was. This unhappiness with Johnson's development opened the Rift between the North and the South again and They refused to see Alexander Stephens and other elected representatives and senators from ex Confederate states.

8 months after Johnson took office, 11x Confederate States had qualified for the reconstruction plan and had become functioning parts of the union. The Southern States Constitution had reputedly seceded and negated the deaths of the Confederate governments along with ratifying the 13th Amendment in abolishing slavery. However, none of the new constitutions that they had voted on extended voting rights to the blacks and the former leaders of the Confederacy Won Seats in congress. Military Construction used the power of the military to enforce all of these laws and helped with the reconstruction plans in the South however they were mainly focused on enforcing and making sure that the African Americans were getting the protection and the rights that they deserve due to the increased racism and discrimination in the south.

  • Develop and explain the role that the federal government played in changing the relationship between state and federal governments during Reconstruction. How did the federal government redefine citizenship & power in this period? After the war, Reconstruction in the federal government played the leading role and changed the dynamic between state and federal governments. The federal government assumed more power over the state governments and also they passed laws that would protect the civil rights of citizens of the United States. They passed the 14th Amendment which granted citizenship to those who were born in the United States and required all states to uphold this Federal law. The 14th Amendment also disqualified former Confederate political leaders from holding state or federal offices. it also reputed the deaths of the defeated garments of the Confederacy. it penalized any state if it kept a person from voting by reducing the state's proportional representation in Congress and the number of electoral votes in the college that they would get.

  • Explain how and why the women’s right movement became divided & impacted by the 14th & 15th Amendments. The women's rights movement became divided over the 14th and 15th amendments primarily because they granted rights to African-American men but not to women. Some suffragists, like Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth c a d y Stanton had opposed the Amendments because they felt betrayed that African-American men were given the right to vote before a woman. They believe that women's suffrage should have been included in these amendments and the division of the overall movement delayed the progress towards women's suffrage.

Identify: Scalawags & Carpetbaggers Scalawags were Southern whites who supported reconstruction policies and often cooperated with the Republican party. They were typically seen as Traders by fellow Southerners who opposed reconstruction. Carpetbaggers were northerners who moved to the south after the Civil war, often for political or economic reasons. They were sometimes viewed with suspicion or hostility by Southern whites who saw them as opportunists seeking to profit from the South post war chaos.

Identify: Redeemer Democrats were Southern Democrats who sought to regain political control in the southern states after reconstruction ended. They aim to redeem the south from Republican Rule and reinstate white supremacy. They implemented various measures to suppress African American voting rights and maintain white political dominance, such as literary tests, pull taxes and intimidation tactics.

List & describe the successes of Reconstruction

List & describe the failures of Reconstruction

  • The abolition of slavery through the 13th Amendment had led to more civil rights advances where the 14th Amendment had granted citizenship and equal protection under the law in the 15th Amendment had prohibited racial discrimination in voting. The Freedmen's Bureau had provided free slaves including education and legal assistance, leading to Greater education and teaching young black children how to read in the future. along with the establishment of public education systems for all children through the Reconstruction governments. There was also political empowerment since African Americans were elected to political offices at various levels marking a significant shift in southern politics.

  • Reconstruction had failed to fully secure African-American rights,economic disparities, prevent the rise of segregation, current political corruption, maintainNorthern support, redistribute landlordably and soft violence and intimidation against African-Americans and sympathetic whites.

  • Identify sharecropping and explain its impact on the Southern economy and African Americans. Sharecropping was a system of agriculture that emerged. landless farmers or African Americans during this time had worked on land that was owned by others, typically white landowners and exchanged for the share of the crops that they produced. This led to a dependence on cash crops for the South and how with the production of kind tobacco and rice the Southern economy would fluctuate with the fluctuations of the crop prices along with an economic instability because they only depended on these cash crop prices. This led to a lack of economic Mobility because the sharecroppers had little opportunity to improve their economic situation or requirement of their own, especially with the way owners always made them in debt which was similar to slavery. and they were also aiding these white settlers since they were still doing the work for a very low wages but had also become indebted to these white owners since they were borrowing the house and money and supplies for utilizing these fields to farm on.

Identify: Klu Klux Klan Also known as the KKK as a white supremacist hate group that originated in the Southern United States due to the Civil War and it was founded in 1865 and had a history of promoting racism white nationalism and violence against African Americans as well as other minority groups. the KKK has been involved in Acts of terrorism including lynchings bombings and intimidation tactics all aimed at maintaining white supremacy and opposing civil rights advances. they used any means of violence and destruction.

Identify: Compromise of 1877 an Informal agreement between Democrats and Republicans in the United States Congress that resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876. In exchange for southern Democrats accepting Republican Rutherford B Hayes as president, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the south, effectively ending reconstruction. This compromise effectively signaled the end of reconstruction and allowed Southern Democrats to regain control of the south, leading to the establishment of Jim Crow laws and the disenfranchisement of African Americans.

  • Describe and explain why Reconstruction ended in the South. Develop multiple reasons & factors. Due to the compromise of 1877 with the presidential election of 1876 that led to a compromise where federal troops were withdrawn from the south, the violence and intimidation from groups like the KKK which had used violence and intimidation tactics to suppress African American political participation and enforce white supremacy, the rise of Redeemer Democrats had gained political power and implemented measures of disenfranchise men to African Americans and maintained white political dominance. There were also legal challenges that were faced in the Supreme Court and they had weekend the federal enforcement of Reconstruction Era civil rights legislation which had undermined the protection of African-American rights.

  • Explain all of the different ways that Southerners resisted Reconstruction and African American equality in the South. Be thorough and detailed with your list and explanations. The South had adopted a series of Black Codes that had discriminated against African Americans and their rights to owning things like property education and voting rights. These laws discriminated against African Americans and it sometimes led to Violent reactions against them. African Americans were often attacked for no reason until it on the streets especially through lynchings. The spoil system of sharecropping also continued to keep many African Americans in servitude and in bondage. Many of these Free People I never truly experienced real freedom and did not know what it was like so they were often fooled by these sharecropping ideals. Moreover, the federal court kept many people from being able to vote because of the literary test that was expected of them along with the knowledge that many black people could not read. Moreover, they were asked ridiculous sets of questions that discriminated between blacks and whites to make sure that blacks could no longer gain the right to vote in general.