Linkage institution- a place that links you to the policy-making institution
Political parties- broad-based
Special interest groups
Because of winner take all- why there’s a 2 party system
Third parties do not amount to anything- they can keep one of the major parties from winning, issue co-option, restrictive ballot access rules
Interest groups- a linkage institution a group of people that are organized to try to impact public policy. They do not run people for office.
They try to impact all of the policy-making institutions
They send lobbyists to congress, and campaign contributions, not buying a candidate you are buying access. They can and will write a check to opposing candidates bc one of them will win and they want to access.
Bureaucracy- send a lobbyist
Judiciary- they file friend of the court brief, lobby the president to get a good nominee, Lobby the senate to get a nominee confirmed or denied, paying for or supporting litigation of others. Brown v. Board of Ed.
Iron Triangle
The relationship between, Intrest goruop, congressional committee, bureaucracy
Effectiveness of an interest group
Free rider- a person who benefits from it but is not affected by the impact
Access to resources
Size of the group
The prestige of the groups
How interests work through political parties
A valued constiuteancy-
Media- tells the people what is going on in the gov. And the gov thepeople'ss opinion
Scorekeepers- horse-race journalims- they cover who is ahead and you os ahead
Gatekeeper- decide what going to get addressed in the political system
Agenda setter - acts as a gatekeeper for which issues enter the political arena.
Ex: toxins in the drinking water
Media has focused the attention on this particular issue
Not talking about something else
Functions as a watchdog- holding the system accountable
Could have gov self report but wont when it screw up
The media is an outside party that reports on the government to let you know what is going on
Bias in the media- media- means newspapers, social media, tv, satellite, cable, tv broadcast, radio -
the purpose of their existence is to make money- the biggest bias in the media is profit-
Narrowcasting- not going after a broad market, they are going after a small portion of it.
They will not self-report if they screw up
Transparency where you have to have rules to make sure everything is accessible.
Is the media bias? = PROFIT
News broadcasting channels provide service to viewers and the amount of viewers they have the more money they get.
They are not going to show viewers things they don’t want to see
Conservative oriented news
Liberal oriented news
Talk radio
USA Today
Ideologically tends to be centered left and own other newspapers that have a conservative.