Feudalism: System in medieval Europe (9th–15th century) where land = loyalty & military service.
Manorialism: Economic side of feudalism; self-sufficient manors ruled by lords and worked by serfs.
Kings: Monarchs owning all land, granting it to nobles for military support.
Nobles (Lords and Vassals): Lords who rule land from kings; vassals pledge loyalty for land.
The Black Death (1347–1351): Plague that reduced population, weakening feudal relationships.
The Crusades: Military campaigns that brought new wealth and ideas, reducing feudal ties.
King: Grants land, relies on nobles for support.
Nobles: Rulers of land grant, loyal to kings.
Knights: Warriors protecting land in exchange for land.
Peasants: Workers (serfs bound to land & free peasants with small plots).
Rise: Chaos post-Roman Empire led to need for order and protection.
Fall: Population decline (Black Death), rise of towns (money economy), powerful monarchs gaining central control, new wealth from Crusades.
Fall of Roman Empire → Chaos + need for feudalism.
Viking and Magyar invasions → Increased need for protection (feudal relationships).
Black Death → Population decline and weakened feudal obligations.
Rise of towns and trade → Shift to money economy, reducing feudalism’s role.
Central power by monarchs → Declining influence of feudal lords.
The Crusades → New ideas and wealth weakening feudal ties.
Feudalism was from the 9th to 15th century in Europe.
Main classes: King, Nobles, Knights, Peasants.
Black Death: 1347–1351.
Manorialism is about self-sufficient estates, while serfs are bound to the land.
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