Space where the performer moves in full view of the audience.
Labor union representing actors, singers, dancers, and stage managers in professional theatre.
Synonyms: AEA, Equity.
Walkway through seating in the audience area.
Configuration where staging runs the width of the hall, with the audience on two sides facing each other.
Synonyms: Corridor Stage, Traverse Stage.
Outdoor performance space with a stage and bowl-shaped seating for the audience.
Synonym: Greek Theatre.
Area on the audience side of the proscenium.
Synonym: AP.
Area downstage of the proscenium arch at stage level.
Synonym: Forestage.
Stage configuration where audience surrounds the stage.
Specialist in charge of weapons as part of the props for a show.
Synonym: Weapons.
Person responsible for the artistic (creative) vision of an organization.
Person who works under the Lighting Designer.
Responsible for duties assigned by the Stage Manager, typically stationed backstage during performances.
Stage support space that is not visible to the audience.
Areas in the venue used by performers and production crews, not accessible to the audience.
Upper levels of seating above the main level.
Synonym: Loge.
Flexible performance space with no fixed stage or audience seating.
Synonym: Studio.
Short drapery hung horizontally to mask overhead battens, lighting equipment, and scenic elements.
Synonym: Teaser.
Designated time out of work for rest.
Synonyms: Break Time, Coffee, Crew Break.
Announcement of the time and type of work to be done and by whom.
Synonym: Work Hours.
Backstage bulletin board where information about the production, crew, and venue is posted.
Document detailing the crew list and supervisors for each call.
Process of giving cues to the crew and performers, typically performed by Stage Manager.
Synonym: Cue Calling.
Performers in a production.
Elevated walkway used to access equipment.
Synonym: Cats.
Imaginary line through the center of the stage from upstage to downstage.
Synonym: CL.
Head scenic painter responsible for budget and crew.
Person who creates and directs movement/dance of performers.
Responsible for maintaining choreographed fight routines.
Creates and directs stage fight routines.
Responsible for administrative duties pertaining to performers and production personnel.
Area where theatrical control equipment and operators are located.
Synonyms: Booth, Electronic Beach, Production Booth.
Front of house overhead position for lighting and staging support.
Synonym: Beam Position.
Workers assigned to a production or venue.
Backstage area used to cross from one side of the stage to the other, out of view from the audience.
(1) Specific command in a production, given by stage manager, resulting in action by performer/technician.
(2) Specific command named in a production that results in action.
Rehearsal consisting of running only the technical cues in sequence.
Synonyms: Dry Tech, Tech, Wet Tech.
Background used as an upstage lighting surface, usually full-stage width or more.
Maintains choreography during a production.
When a venue is not open for a performance or performance-related activity.
Flooring, which may be permanent or portable.
Synonym: Floor.
Responsible for all aspects and artistic vision of a production.
Rehearsal of the complete production with an audience present.
Synonyms: Dress, Full Dress.
Running the show cue to cue without performers present.
Synonym: Tech.
Manages the physical plant, including buildings and systems.
Drafted view of scenery or stage layout from an overhead perspective.
Synonyms: Ground Plan, Plan View.
Structure above the stage for the suspension and movement of production elements.
Synonym: Flies.
(1) All spaces used by the audience; (2) Technical aspects in the audience area.
Single lamp in a safety cage to illuminate the stage when the theater is not in use.
Synonym: Pass Through Light.
Warning given when the stage is going to a blackout.
Synonym: Going to Black.
Over-stage support structure of regularly spaced members affixed to support equipment.
Synonym: Grid.
Directs all technical activities and crews on the stage.
Synonyms: Crew Head, Foreman, Master Carpenter, Shop Foreman, Stage Crew Chief.
Oversees the electrical crew for a production.
Synonyms: Master Electrician, ME.
Responsible for the fly system crew.
Responsible for the rigging crew.
Manages the box office, concessions, ushers, and support for audience services.
Synonym: Front of House Manager.
Trade union representing stagehands, scenic artists, and stage designers.
Synonyms: IA, IATSE.
Narrow curtain hung vertically along the sides of a stage and parallel to the plaster line.
Creates the lighting design for a production.
Maintains the lighting design throughout the production.
Performs duties of assistant lighting designer and coordinates stage electricians.
Area for bringing objects into the facility, typically raised for truck access.
Synonym: Dock.
Large access door for moving equipment and materials in and out of the space.
Synonyms: Bull Door, Elephant Door.
Balcony level immediately above the orchestra level.
Selects music and leads rehearsals and performances of musicians.
Synonyms: Conductor, Maestro.
Stage area that is not visible to the audience.
Sunken area directly in front of the stage for musicians.
Synonym: Pit.
An individual attending and supporting an event.
Removable flooring covering the orchestra pit.
Imaginary line across the stage between the proscenium opening's upstage corners.
Synonym: Proscenium Line.
Has ultimate control over an entertainment event.
Assembles and installs lighting equipment, supervises the electrical crew.
Synonyms: Lighting Crew Chief.
Responsible for technical preparations, scheduling, budgeting, and supervision.
Coordinates activities of the stage management team.
Follows the script to help the performer with lines.
Responsible for all production props during a show's run.
Stage configuration where the audience area is separated from the stage.
Frame that separates the stage from the audience in a proscenium theatre.
Configuration where audience views the production through an opening in the wall between audience and stage.
Personnel involved in technical work during a performance.
Creates designs for stage scenic elements.
Loosely woven material opaque when front-lit, transparent when backlit.
Boundary of what an audience can see on stage, separating on-stage from off-stage.
In charge of the audio crew.
Synonyms: A-1, Sound Master.
Assembles and creates the sound for a production.
Manages rehearsal process and cues during performance.
Moves scenic elements on stage.
Synonyms: Tech, Techie.
Removal of an element from a production or the entire production from the venue.
Synonyms: Load-out, Put-out, Wrap.
Leg running perpendicular to the plaster line.
Coordinates all technical aspects of a production or facility.
Rehearsal with technical elements added.
Synonym: Teleprompter.
Craftsperson who constructs and modifies props during rehearsals.
Synonyms: Tech, Tech Rehearsal.
System of interwoven wire rope serving as a working platform.
Creates designs for production props.
Synonyms: Cable Grid, Izenour Grid, Sky Deck®.