1. What is Economics?
The study of how people allocate scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants.
2. Scarcity
The limited nature of resources, forcing choices and trade-offs.
3. Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics
Micro: Study of individuals and firms.
Macro: Study of economy-wide phenomena (inflation, GDP, etc.).
4. Rational Behavior
People make decisions to maximize their benefit given their constraints.
5. Thinking on the Margin
Comparing marginal benefits (MB) and marginal costs (MC) to make decisions.
6. Trade-offs
Giving up one thing to get something else.
7. Opportunity Cost
The next best alternative forgone when making a choice.
8. Trade Makes Everyone Better Off
Specialization and exchange increase overall wealth.
9. Incentives
Factors that motivate individuals to act in a certain way.
10. Self-interest vs. Social Interest
Self-interest: Decisions made for personal gain.
Social interest: Decisions benefiting society as a whole.
11. Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)
Shows different combinations of two goods that an economy can produce.
12. Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost
As production shifts from one good to another, opportunity cost increases.
13. Economic Growth & PPC
Economic growth shifts PPC outward due to more resources or better technology.
14. Unemployment & PPC
Unemployment leads to points inside the PPC, meaning resources aren’t fully utilized.
15. Law of Demand
As price ↓, quantity demanded (Qd) ↑ (inverse relationship).
16. Individual vs. Market Demand
Individual demand: One consumer’s demand.
Market demand: Sum of all individual demands.
17. Determinants of Demand (TRIBE)
Tastes & preferences
Related goods (substitutes & complements)
Income (normal & inferior goods)
Buyers (population size)
Expectations (future price changes)
18. Law of Supply
As price ↑, quantity supplied (Qs) ↑ (direct relationship).
19. Determinants of Supply (ROTTEN)
Resource prices
Other goods’ prices
Taxes & subsidies
Expectations of future price changes
Number of sellers
20. Market Equilibrium
Where Qd = Qs (no surplus or shortage).
21. Surplus vs. Shortage
Surplus: Qs > Qd (prices decrease).
Shortage: Qd > Qs (prices increase).
22. Consumer Surplus
Difference between what a consumer is willing to pay and what they actually pay.
23. Producer Surplus
Difference between price received and cost of production.
24. Total Surplus
Consumer Surplus + Producer Surplus = Total economic benefit.
25. Price Elasticity of Demand (Ed)
Formula: %ΔQd ÷ %ΔP
|Ed| > 1 → Elastic
|Ed| < 1 → Inelastic
|Ed| = 1 → Unit elastic
26. Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand
Availability of substitutes, necessity vs. luxury, time horizon, definition of market.
27. Price Elasticity & Total Revenue
Elastic demand: P ↑ → TR ↓
Inelastic demand: P ↑ → TR ↑
28. Income Elasticity of Demand
Formula: %ΔQd ÷ %ΔIncome
Normal goods: Ei > 0
Inferior goods: Ei < 0
29. Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand
Formula: %ΔQd of Good A ÷ %ΔP of Good B
Substitutes: Positive value
Complements: Negative value
30. Price Elasticity of Supply (Es)
Formula: %ΔQs ÷ %ΔP
Measures responsiveness of quantity supplied to price changes.
31. Budget Constraint
The combination of goods a consumer can afford with their income.
32. Indifference Curve
Shows combinations of two goods that give a consumer the same satisfaction.
33. Optimization
Rule: Slope of indifference curve = Slope of budget constraint.
34. Substitution & Income Effects
Substitution effect: When Px ↑, consumers switch to cheaper goods.
Income effect: When Px ↑, purchasing power ↓, affecting demand.
35. Giffen Goods
Exception to the Law of Demand (as price ↑, demand also ↑).