
Overview of Constitutionalism

  • Focus on the Indian legal system with emphasis on constitutionalism.

  • Importance of understanding the structure and content of roots in constitutional law.

Session Progress

  • Previous sessions covered ideas of constitutionalism with emphasis on thorough understanding and examples.

  • Session five focused on organized inquiry around five questions concerning constitutionalism.

Key Questions in Constitutionalism

  • Central Functions of a Constitution:

    • Establishes governmental power and limits it.

    • Balances the creation of political entities with the necessity of constraints on them.

  • Content of Written Constitutions:

    • Indian constitutional law typically taught in two parts:

      • Fundamental Rights: Found in Part III of the Indian Constitution.

      • Structures of Government: Federalism and separation of powers principles.

Understanding Rights

  • Types of Rights:

    • Negative Character Rights: Emphasize restraint on government actions.

    • Positive Character Rights: Enable the exercise of individual liberty and help pursue personal goals.

  • Application of Rights:

    • Vertical Application: Rights enforceable against the state (higher authority).

    • Horizontal Effect: Rights enforceable against private parties (e.g., social rights against untouchability and forced labor).

Analyzing Constitutional Texts

  • Importance of examining drafting history and textual implications in understanding constitutions.

  • Need to consider a variety of sources, beyond just legal opinions from lawyers and judges.

Philosophical and Ideological Perspectives

  • Critical Reflection on Ideologies:

    • Analyze how constitutions encapsulate broader economic, political, or social ideologies.

  • Ideological Categories:

    • Recognizing multiple ideological strands in constitutions:

      1. Theocratic Orientation: Prioritization of religion in governance (e.g., contrast with more secular approaches).

      2. Conservative Orientation: Emphasis on preserving traditional values, affecting family, religion, and nation.

      3. Critical Perspectives: Addressing how constitutionalism may serve dominant capital interests or privilege specific groups.

Comparative Constitutionalism

  • Understanding the Indian Constitution's positioning within global constitutional frameworks.

  • Acknowledgment of the diversity within the Indian context, combining various ideological perspectives.

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