4 components of cognition: thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating information
Metacognition: thinking about our thinking
Improve study habits by understanding and reflecting on what youâre thinking about
Concept: A grouping of several similar ideas, objects, or events that help us understand the worldÂ
Ex) Stairs and elevators are both used to go from one level to anotherÂ
Simplify cognition because grouping ideas, etc. helps us understand them with little cognitive effort
Prototype: a mental picture or best example of a category
It helps with forming concepts by assessing whether something fits in with the prototype we have made in our head
Schema: Concepts where we fit in our experiences
Form the basis of thinking with concepts by going off of our own experiences rather than observations
Reliance on prototypes leads to prejudice/misrepresentations because if something doesnât fit with the prototype we have in our heads, we recognize that as not fit
When something doesnât fit our prototype, we treat it as different when itâs not, or we donât recognize it as it is which then leads to prejudice and inequality
2 strategies we form and modify schema in our minds
Assimilate: interpreting new experiences according to our current understandings
Accommodate: Changing current schemas to incorporate new information
Explains how we can move beyond prejudice and stereotypes based on prototypes by taking new information ( X being nice, funny, good at Y, helpful, etc) and incorporating it into those stereotypes we formed to make a new prototype that doesnât involve negative outlooks
Creativity: The ability to create new and valuable ideas
Convergent thinking: Coming to one correct answer or conclusion
Ex) Multiple choice tests where one letter is right
Divergent thinking: Considering multiple answers or conclusionsÂ
More involved with creativity
Ex) How Iâm going to drive to and from school because theyâre multiple routes
Functional Fixedness: when prior experiences slow down the ability to find creative solutions
This can be resolved by divergent thinking by recognizing multiple routes or possibilities to get something done thus hindering the impact of prior experiences
5 components of creativity
Expertise: well-developed knowledge
Iâm working on this but I think itâs more noticeable in college graduates
Imaginative thinking skills: seeing things in a novel way, recognizing patterns, and making connections
I make connections with the information I learn in class and I can see patterns and things differently than other people ig
Venturesome personality: seeks new experiences, tolerates ambiguity and risk, and perseveres in overcoming obstacles
Iâm okay with new experiences but ambiguity kind of makes me anxious I guess I overcome obstacles but itâs messyÂ
Intrinsic motivation: Driven more by interest and satisfaction and not external pressures like impressing people or making money
Playing video games
Creative environment: sparks, supports, and refines creative ideas.
I come up with ideas and tweak them if needed
Intelligence and creativity co-mingle to impact oneâs ability to successfully solve problems by using acquired and applied knowledge (intelligence) to make connections and look in the broader scope of things (creativity)
How to increase creativity
Develop your expertise, Allow time for incubation (come back to a problem after processing it), Set aside time for the mind to roam freely, Experience other cultures and ways of thinking