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21-22 - MS World Language Districtwide PLC Meeting Agendas

MS World Language PLC #2 Agendas

Google Meet Link

September 13, 2021-Google Meet 3:15-4:00

Members Present: Kris Claramunt, Michelle Wekerle, Nicole Graziano, Deonna Bridges, Jennifer Lipson

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Determine PLC topics, norms, and goals for the school year by completing the PLC Goals Google Doc

  • Need to rewrite the Spanish 1 midterm and final exam.  Would prefer to have the MS teachers do the majority since the majority of level 1 students are in the middle school not the high school.

  • Nicole & Michelle W. would like to be part of the test writing committee.

  • Discuss and work on team SLOs

  • Share possible assessment ideas

  • We discussed a writing SLO

  • Reflect on virtual learning pacing and challenges

  • Determine if any changes need to be made to the pacing guide

  • We need to add in “restaurant & birthday stuff” or be aware that it was not taught in 1 last year.

  • Create an agenda for the October PLC #2 meeting

October 11, 2021

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Talk about what things we want to assess for the midterm

  • Style/Format of the midterm (less multiple choice? per Rania)

  • Outline Format

  • Discuss Rubrics for grading

November 15, 2021

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Midterm Review activities: Are we using the midterm from years past or creating our own? We need clarification from Rania.

December 13, 2021

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Molly M., Molly C., Jen, Teresita, Michelle, Pam, Nicole

  • Midterm - some doing MC and others more written or project-based

  • Where are we now - 2A or 2B, finish 2B by end of the semester

  • Shared some samples of assessments

January 10, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Molly, Nicole, Christine, Kris, Michelle, Jen, Teresita

  • Shared activities - if doing a running dictation, 7 sentences seem to be the right number for one class period

  • Alternative Midterm - writing and speaking, rubrics - please share

  • Fieldtrips for French at the High School

February 14, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Molly, Michelle, Pam, Jennifer, Teresita, Nicole

  • New curriculum update needed

  • How is piloting Somos & Voces going?

  • Using novels in class? Some have tried to use them before, but it's hard to know how to do it. Maybe additional training for world language teachers?

  • Some have tried to use FLANGOO- maybe use “cinco pesos” (accessible for Spanish 1)

  • Others tried Tumba, Capibara con botas

  • Use Capibara con botas- Perhaps after 1B?

  • Tumba- same author as Capibara con botas

  • Bilingue- Spanish 2 (during first semester), second semester Spanish 1

  • Brandon Brown quiere un perro- Spanish 2 beginning of year

  • Question regarding the legend for level 1 “La llorona”

  • Sensitive topic re: The mother & her children

  • NEED TO DROP THIS LEGEND- Take out of Atlas

  • Not appropriate for middle schoolers

March 14, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Kris, Teresita, Pam Jennifer, Nicole, Molly, Deonna, Alex

  • Michelle is not able to be at the meeting today as she is in a curriculum meeting with Brenda & Rania.

  • **Pacing-**Where is everybody at?/Does everyone know what needs to be covered by the end of Semester 2?

  • Curriculum Updates:Who is still on the team?

  • Per Rania-

  • We are for sure getting novels

  • Spanish 1: Tumba & El capibara con botas.

  • Spanish 2: El Ekeko Boliviano, Bilingue (free review novel for beginning of the year)

  • Novels will be ordered this summer and distributed in the fall. We will have PD on the new curriculum materials in the fall.

  • Somos is being discussed today for the 2022-2023 school year.

April 11, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Need a MS teacher on Spanish 2 curriculum committee to create a scope & sequence.

  • This will require meeting (paid) over the summer in person.

  • Fluency Matters-(website/publisher) has become Wayside Publishing- District has free access

Apr 25, 2022

Attendance: Kris, Teresita, Nichole, Molly, Michelle W., Christine L.

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • 21-22 First Semester World Language Student Grade-Data analysis

  • May not have access to new materials until August due to needing board readings & approval

  • Will be difficult to do curriculum work over the summer if we do not have the new materials, Is there any way to expedite the approval process?

  • Would bringing back the 5th grade world language  exploratory help boost world language numbers?

  • Numbers may have dropped off due to ended that exploratory and the pandemic

  • Do we have dates for summer curriculum writing?

May 16, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

21-22 - MS World Language Districtwide PLC Meeting Agendas

MS World Language PLC #2 Agendas

Google Meet Link

September 13, 2021-Google Meet 3:15-4:00

Members Present: Kris Claramunt, Michelle Wekerle, Nicole Graziano, Deonna Bridges, Jennifer Lipson

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Determine PLC topics, norms, and goals for the school year by completing the PLC Goals Google Doc

  • Need to rewrite the Spanish 1 midterm and final exam.  Would prefer to have the MS teachers do the majority since the majority of level 1 students are in the middle school not the high school.

  • Nicole & Michelle W. would like to be part of the test writing committee.

  • Discuss and work on team SLOs

  • Share possible assessment ideas

  • We discussed a writing SLO

  • Reflect on virtual learning pacing and challenges

  • Determine if any changes need to be made to the pacing guide

  • We need to add in “restaurant & birthday stuff” or be aware that it was not taught in 1 last year.

  • Create an agenda for the October PLC #2 meeting

October 11, 2021

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Talk about what things we want to assess for the midterm

  • Style/Format of the midterm (less multiple choice? per Rania)

  • Outline Format

  • Discuss Rubrics for grading

November 15, 2021

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Midterm Review activities: Are we using the midterm from years past or creating our own? We need clarification from Rania.

December 13, 2021

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Molly M., Molly C., Jen, Teresita, Michelle, Pam, Nicole

  • Midterm - some doing MC and others more written or project-based

  • Where are we now - 2A or 2B, finish 2B by end of the semester

  • Shared some samples of assessments

January 10, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Molly, Nicole, Christine, Kris, Michelle, Jen, Teresita

  • Shared activities - if doing a running dictation, 7 sentences seem to be the right number for one class period

  • Alternative Midterm - writing and speaking, rubrics - please share

  • Fieldtrips for French at the High School

February 14, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Molly, Michelle, Pam, Jennifer, Teresita, Nicole

  • New curriculum update needed

  • How is piloting Somos & Voces going?

  • Using novels in class? Some have tried to use them before, but it's hard to know how to do it. Maybe additional training for world language teachers?

  • Some have tried to use FLANGOO- maybe use “cinco pesos” (accessible for Spanish 1)

  • Others tried Tumba, Capibara con botas

  • Use Capibara con botas- Perhaps after 1B?

  • Tumba- same author as Capibara con botas

  • Bilingue- Spanish 2 (during first semester), second semester Spanish 1

  • Brandon Brown quiere un perro- Spanish 2 beginning of year

  • Question regarding the legend for level 1 “La llorona”

  • Sensitive topic re: The mother & her children

  • NEED TO DROP THIS LEGEND- Take out of Atlas

  • Not appropriate for middle schoolers

March 14, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

Attendance: Kris, Teresita, Pam Jennifer, Nicole, Molly, Deonna, Alex

  • Michelle is not able to be at the meeting today as she is in a curriculum meeting with Brenda & Rania.

  • **Pacing-**Where is everybody at?/Does everyone know what needs to be covered by the end of Semester 2?

  • Curriculum Updates:Who is still on the team?

  • Per Rania-

  • We are for sure getting novels

  • Spanish 1: Tumba & El capibara con botas.

  • Spanish 2: El Ekeko Boliviano, Bilingue (free review novel for beginning of the year)

  • Novels will be ordered this summer and distributed in the fall. We will have PD on the new curriculum materials in the fall.

  • Somos is being discussed today for the 2022-2023 school year.

April 11, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • Need a MS teacher on Spanish 2 curriculum committee to create a scope & sequence.

  • This will require meeting (paid) over the summer in person.

  • Fluency Matters-(website/publisher) has become Wayside Publishing- District has free access

Apr 25, 2022

Attendance: Kris, Teresita, Nichole, Molly, Michelle W., Christine L.

World Language PLC Agenda:

  • 21-22 First Semester World Language Student Grade-Data analysis

  • May not have access to new materials until August due to needing board readings & approval

  • Will be difficult to do curriculum work over the summer if we do not have the new materials, Is there any way to expedite the approval process?

  • Would bringing back the 5th grade world language  exploratory help boost world language numbers?

  • Numbers may have dropped off due to ended that exploratory and the pandemic

  • Do we have dates for summer curriculum writing?

May 16, 2022

World Language PLC Agenda: