Key Issue 1
1. Service– any activity that fulfills a human want or need and returns money to the person or business providing it
2. Settlement– a permanent community or collection of buildings where people live, work, and interact
3. Consumer Service– a type of service that is primarily provided to individual consumers to fulfill their personal needs and wants
4. Business Service– a type of service that primarily caters to the needs of other businesses
5. Public Service– a service provided by the government at various levels, primarily focused on providing security and protection to citizens and businesses
Key Issue 2
Central Place Theory - a geographical model that explains the distribution of settlements based on the idea that larger settlements serve as "central places" providing goods and services to surrounding smaller settlements
Market Area (Hinterland) – the geographical region surrounding a central place (like a city or town) from which people are drawn to access goods and services
Range- the maximum distance people are willing to travel to access a particular good or service
Threshold- the minimum number of people required to support a particular service or business in a given area
Rank-Size Rule – a pattern where the population of a city is inversely proportional to its rank within a country
Primate City Rule – a country's largest city is at least twice as large as the second largest city
Primate City – the largest city in a country, which is significantly larger than any other city in the nation
Gravity Model – a mathematical formula, based on Newton's Law of Gravitation, used to predict the interaction
Key Issue 3
9.Basic Industries – industries that generate income from outside a local area
10. Non-basic Industries – an industry that primarily serves the local population within a region
11.Economic Base – the industries or activities within a region that produce goods or services primarily for export outside of that area
Key Issue 4
12.Clustered Rural Settlement – type of rural settlement where houses and farm buildings are located close together, forming a concentrated village-like area, with surrounding fields used for agriculture
13.Dispersed Rural Settlement – a settlement pattern where individual farmsteads and houses are scattered across a large rural area, with significant distances between each dwelling
14.Enclosure Movement – a historical process in England where previously communal land was transformed into privately owned land
15.Urbanization – the process where people move from rural areas to urban areas
16. Gentrification - the renewal and rebuilding of a neighborhood that often leads to the displacement of poorer residents by wealthier newcomers