Acknowledgements of traditional lands and stewards.
Recording of the session.
Midterm Exam Feedback: Expected by Friday.
Second Essay: Due in less than four weeks, details discussed.
Feedback on First Essay: General remarks on performance, average score was 78%. Emphasis on reflective voice for both essays.
Reflective Voice: Use personal pronouns (I, me) to discuss experiences and learning.
Concept Deployment: Actively define and employ concepts from the course in essays.
Difference Between Summary and Reflection: Focus on personal learning, not mere summarization of class content.
Prompt: Discuss claim about geographical perspectives providing understanding of differences across peoples and places.
Structure Options: Flexibility in how to present reflections and case studies.
Word Limit: Aim for 1,500 words (± 50 can be acceptable), less than 1,000 words indicates underdevelopment.
Topics of Difference: Economic, social, environmental, cultural differences.
Examples include:
Economic: Global inequality, food insecurity
Social: Homelessness, health disparities
Environmental: Climate change impacts
Cultural: Language and religious practices
Essay Weight: Constitutes 20% of total marks.
Upcoming Tutorial: Introduction to "This Changes Everything" video by Naomi Klein.
Discussion Questions for Video:
Key thoughts or ideas?
Main story/narrative in the video?
Possibility to change climate narrative?
Insights on human dependence on the environment?
Discussion on the Anthropocene concept?
Understand human dependence and impact on the environment.
Discuss concepts of ecosystems, energy, technology, resources, and sustainability.
Outline different energy sources and their characteristics.
Discuss history and present environmental concerns.
Changes in environment observed across various phenomena (temperature changes, climatic events).
Evidence of rapid environmental changes linked to human impacts.
Human dependence on the environment is compromised by environmental degradation.
Planetary Boundaries: Framework to understand human impact on Earth systems (as of 2023, six out of nine boundaries have been transgressed).
Anthropocene Era: Designates significant human impact that can be geologically observed. Acknowledgement of debates on the era's start (1945, 1640, or 12,000 years ago).
Debate on Terminology: Discussion of "Anthropocene" vs "Capitalocene" to describe current environmental challenges.
Small repeated changes in rural areas can accumulate significant impacts.
Technology, especially related to energy demands, significantly shapes environmental changes.
Lifestyles influenced by technological advances also affect resource consumption.
Increased human population leads to heightened resource demands.
Interconnectedness leads to global environmental impacts from localized actions.
Differentiation of resources (renewable, nonrenewable).
Importance of sustainable management practices to ensure resource availability.
Consumption levels among wealthy and impoverished populations, highlighting disparities in resource use.
Application of Kaya Identity to understand emissions and impacts on the environment based on population, income, and technology.
Final Thoughts: Emphasis on the need to balance development and sustainability concerning environmental health.
Suggested homework to explore characteristics and impacts of renewable energy types.