
Introduction to Action Potential and EMG

  • Depolarization of Nerve:

    • Action potential is necessary for signal transmission in nerves.

    • The process allows the nerves to transmit signals to the receiver, especially in muscle function.

  • EMG Data Collection:

    • Equipment can be used outdoors (e.g., on a running track) to collect Electromyography (EMG) data.

    • Concerns about noise interference when equipment is not optimally positioned.

Muscular Force Generation

  • Cross-Bridge Formation:

    • Question raised about whether it's easier to release cross bridges compared to forming new ones, with implications for muscle contraction conditions.

  • Force Differences:

    • Eccentric vs. Concentric Contraction:

      • Eccentric Force Generation:

        • More force can be generated during eccentric contractions than concentric contractions due to greater opposition to stretching.

        • Muscles do not have to exert as much effort because of the natural resistance from elastic components when stretching.

      • Concentric Contractions:

        • Require more muscle input for force generation.

    • Implication for EMG Activity:

      • EMG activity does not equate perfectly with force output, especially in dynamic movements.

Torque and Muscle Mechanics

  • Moment Arm and Torque:

    • The longest moment arm generates the greatest torque (Torque = Force × Perpendicular Distance).

    • When the lever arm is at a maximum length, the muscle must exert the highest effort.

  • Force Generation Capacity:

    • Limited overlapping of z lines in muscle fibers affects force production.

    • In expanded positions, muscles may not generate as much force due to close z line distances.

Velocity of Contraction and EMG

  • Contraction Velocity:

    • Observations that contraction velocity is faster under certain conditions.

    • Faster contractions might involve fewer motor units being activated.

  • Average EMG Comparisons:

    • Slow contractions typically exhibit higher EMG readings compared to fast contractions due to longer contraction times.

Lab Exercises and Questioning

  • Lab Report Guidelines:

    • Emphasis on typing out questions for clarity in the lab write-up.

  • Importance of Listening:

    • Students are encouraged to follow instructions for optimal lab outcomes.
