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History Test: 1

    • Location of Mesopotamia:Rivers: land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Used irrigation and canals, rivers would flood unpredictably; the “fertile crescent”

    • City-States (definition; names): A city that is its own country.(bablylon,uruk)

  1. Sumerians: First cities: Ur, Uruk, Eridu

    • Inventions of sumerians: writing - cuneiform, wheel, arch, dome, math, astronomy

  • Writing: Cuneiform (an invention of theirs) which led to scribes who were nobles sons

  • Religion of sumerians:Polytheistic - Gods and goddesses were unpredictable and unfriendly 

  • Ziggurat: (a temple/pyramid for worship) made of mud brick and baked brick. Polytheistic - Gods and goddesses were unpredictable and unfriendly 

  • Theocracy or sumerians: government is ruled by divine authority (gods/goddesses) in a polytheistic society. At first priests and priestesses had power, but then social structure formed and men/kings were dominant

  • Akkadians: an empire that formed from Sumerians 

  • Semitic: the people that speak the ancient language of Phoenician and Akkadian (Jews)

  • Sargon: ruler of Akkadians

  • Empire: Akkadians were conquered by Babylonians

  • Babylonians:

    • Hammurabi: Ruler of the Babylonian Empire, made Code of Hammurabi

  • Legal Code of babylonians: 282 Laws for aspects of life; favored nobles and men; punishments based on social status

  1. Egypt:

    • Geography: The Nile river is the longest in the world, 4,000 miles flow north, split right before the Mediterranean Sea, a triangle-delta. North Egypt = Lower Egypt, South Egypt = Upper Egypt

  • Hatshepsut: one of the only queens in egypt

  • Tutankhamen: (King Tut) pharaoh of Egypt who restored all gods once Akhenaton died

  • Akhenaton: Closed temples of other gods and introduced Aton - the sole god

  • Ramses II: Pharoah who was in charge when sea peoples drove out Egyptians and ended the New Kingdom

  • Cleopatra VII: one of the only queens 

  • Afterlife Beliefs: Mummification (process to preserve dead body) and the significance of the afterlife in Egyptian culture. 

  • Religion of Egypt: polytheistic, sun and land gods/goddesses - Atum/Re (sun god). Osiris and Isis is an Egyptian myth where Osiris battled Seth and Seth cut Osiris into 14 pieces, Isis resurrected Osiris (the idea of the afterlife)

  • Writing & Education: Hieroglyphics: sacred script stone. They had a Hieratic script. Scribes and men were taught writing while women stayed home.

  • Art: significant architectural monuments - pyramids, temples, etc

  • Old Kingdom: monarchs and pharaohs ruled, creation of pyramids as a dedication to the dead, ka - a spiritual body, a bureaucracy - the system of government where decisions are made with officials, vizier (high official); collapsed with a long period of chaos and division

  • Middle Kingdom: Egypt reunited under Pharaoh Menuhotep II, there was expansion and trade, there were public works and welfare with stability and strength

  • New Kingdom: Egypt reclaims under Pharaoh Ahmose I, an empire with lots of famous pharaohs, collapsed with an invasion of “Sea Peoples”

  1. Hittites: Nomadic people combined with native people to form the Hittite Kingdom (empire). First Indo-Europeans to use iron; they were conquered by the Sea Peoples, allowing smaller kingdoms to gain power

  • Pastoral nomads: domesticated animals, spread technology

  • Advancements: Development of iron metallurgy and military strategies

  • Interactions: Their role in the region and conflicts with neighboring civilizations

  1. Phoenicians: came from a lack of dominance in the Hittite empire, produced lots of goods, and was good at trade

  • Writing: Alphabet Development: The Phoenician alphabet influenced later writing systems.

  • Phoenician trade: it was the basis of their civilization; with the cities of Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre; they were the great international sea traders tech related to ship building.

  1. Israelites: 

    • Monotheism: belief in one god (Abraham), focused on covenant promises, and consequences were given to people who didn’t obey him; the Ten Commandments

  • Abraham: G-d of the Israelite religion

  • Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

  • United Kingdom (King Solomon); capital: successful ruler of Israel, but his death led to divisions

  • Divided Kingdom (Judah): Northern Israel, and Southern Judah, both were eventually conquered and the sound of Judah became Judaism and the Jewish religion


  • Technology in Assyria(weapons): iron weapons, chariots, siege weapons

  • Religion of assyrians(Ashur): Worshiped god of war and violence; Ancient Assyrians’ religion

  • Postal System in Assyria: kings had absolute power; and formed a postal system of communication to make the first libraries

  • Conquering Tactics in Assyria: Through fear and terror, conquered groups and tried to divide them, tortured people, known for being a ruthless group of warriors

  • Reason for downfall in Assyria: under the assault of Babylonia and Mede's powers, it collapsed


  • Location : near Persian golf

  • Cyrus the Great: the most well-known leader, and founder of the Persian empire

  • Conquering Tactics in Iran: allowed conquered people to practice culture (let Jews return to Jerusalem), treated people with more respect

  • Darius: expanded empire to Greece, divided empire into 20 provinces called satrapies

  • Satrapies: ruled by governors

  • Satrap: governor of ancient persian province

  • Royal Road in Iran: a well made road with good organization and transportation

  • Immortals: 10,000

  • Reason for downfall in Iran: Loyalty to the empire declined, and there was violence and a struggle over the throne, so it was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great

  • Religion in Iran :( Zoroastrianism) Zoroaster was a prophet of the true religion; monotheistic; Ahura Mazda (good) vs. Ahriman (evil), holy scriptures Zend Avesta

History Test: 1

    • Location of Mesopotamia:Rivers: land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Used irrigation and canals, rivers would flood unpredictably; the “fertile crescent”

    • City-States (definition; names): A city that is its own country.(bablylon,uruk)

  1. Sumerians: First cities: Ur, Uruk, Eridu

    • Inventions of sumerians: writing - cuneiform, wheel, arch, dome, math, astronomy

  • Writing: Cuneiform (an invention of theirs) which led to scribes who were nobles sons

  • Religion of sumerians:Polytheistic - Gods and goddesses were unpredictable and unfriendly 

  • Ziggurat: (a temple/pyramid for worship) made of mud brick and baked brick. Polytheistic - Gods and goddesses were unpredictable and unfriendly 

  • Theocracy or sumerians: government is ruled by divine authority (gods/goddesses) in a polytheistic society. At first priests and priestesses had power, but then social structure formed and men/kings were dominant

  • Akkadians: an empire that formed from Sumerians 

  • Semitic: the people that speak the ancient language of Phoenician and Akkadian (Jews)

  • Sargon: ruler of Akkadians

  • Empire: Akkadians were conquered by Babylonians

  • Babylonians:

    • Hammurabi: Ruler of the Babylonian Empire, made Code of Hammurabi

  • Legal Code of babylonians: 282 Laws for aspects of life; favored nobles and men; punishments based on social status

  1. Egypt:

    • Geography: The Nile river is the longest in the world, 4,000 miles flow north, split right before the Mediterranean Sea, a triangle-delta. North Egypt = Lower Egypt, South Egypt = Upper Egypt

  • Hatshepsut: one of the only queens in egypt

  • Tutankhamen: (King Tut) pharaoh of Egypt who restored all gods once Akhenaton died

  • Akhenaton: Closed temples of other gods and introduced Aton - the sole god

  • Ramses II: Pharoah who was in charge when sea peoples drove out Egyptians and ended the New Kingdom

  • Cleopatra VII: one of the only queens 

  • Afterlife Beliefs: Mummification (process to preserve dead body) and the significance of the afterlife in Egyptian culture. 

  • Religion of Egypt: polytheistic, sun and land gods/goddesses - Atum/Re (sun god). Osiris and Isis is an Egyptian myth where Osiris battled Seth and Seth cut Osiris into 14 pieces, Isis resurrected Osiris (the idea of the afterlife)

  • Writing & Education: Hieroglyphics: sacred script stone. They had a Hieratic script. Scribes and men were taught writing while women stayed home.

  • Art: significant architectural monuments - pyramids, temples, etc

  • Old Kingdom: monarchs and pharaohs ruled, creation of pyramids as a dedication to the dead, ka - a spiritual body, a bureaucracy - the system of government where decisions are made with officials, vizier (high official); collapsed with a long period of chaos and division

  • Middle Kingdom: Egypt reunited under Pharaoh Menuhotep II, there was expansion and trade, there were public works and welfare with stability and strength

  • New Kingdom: Egypt reclaims under Pharaoh Ahmose I, an empire with lots of famous pharaohs, collapsed with an invasion of “Sea Peoples”

  1. Hittites: Nomadic people combined with native people to form the Hittite Kingdom (empire). First Indo-Europeans to use iron; they were conquered by the Sea Peoples, allowing smaller kingdoms to gain power

  • Pastoral nomads: domesticated animals, spread technology

  • Advancements: Development of iron metallurgy and military strategies

  • Interactions: Their role in the region and conflicts with neighboring civilizations

  1. Phoenicians: came from a lack of dominance in the Hittite empire, produced lots of goods, and was good at trade

  • Writing: Alphabet Development: The Phoenician alphabet influenced later writing systems.

  • Phoenician trade: it was the basis of their civilization; with the cities of Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre; they were the great international sea traders tech related to ship building.

  1. Israelites: 

    • Monotheism: belief in one god (Abraham), focused on covenant promises, and consequences were given to people who didn’t obey him; the Ten Commandments

  • Abraham: G-d of the Israelite religion

  • Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

  • United Kingdom (King Solomon); capital: successful ruler of Israel, but his death led to divisions

  • Divided Kingdom (Judah): Northern Israel, and Southern Judah, both were eventually conquered and the sound of Judah became Judaism and the Jewish religion


  • Technology in Assyria(weapons): iron weapons, chariots, siege weapons

  • Religion of assyrians(Ashur): Worshiped god of war and violence; Ancient Assyrians’ religion

  • Postal System in Assyria: kings had absolute power; and formed a postal system of communication to make the first libraries

  • Conquering Tactics in Assyria: Through fear and terror, conquered groups and tried to divide them, tortured people, known for being a ruthless group of warriors

  • Reason for downfall in Assyria: under the assault of Babylonia and Mede's powers, it collapsed


  • Location : near Persian golf

  • Cyrus the Great: the most well-known leader, and founder of the Persian empire

  • Conquering Tactics in Iran: allowed conquered people to practice culture (let Jews return to Jerusalem), treated people with more respect

  • Darius: expanded empire to Greece, divided empire into 20 provinces called satrapies

  • Satrapies: ruled by governors

  • Satrap: governor of ancient persian province

  • Royal Road in Iran: a well made road with good organization and transportation

  • Immortals: 10,000

  • Reason for downfall in Iran: Loyalty to the empire declined, and there was violence and a struggle over the throne, so it was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great

  • Religion in Iran :( Zoroastrianism) Zoroaster was a prophet of the true religion; monotheistic; Ahura Mazda (good) vs. Ahriman (evil), holy scriptures Zend Avesta