Sure! Here's the format for Unit 8 vocabulary words with definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and etymologies:
abominate (verb): To regard with intense disgust and hatred.
Synonym: detest
Antonym: love
abreast (adjective/adverb): Side by side and facing the same way.
Synonym: alongside
Antonym: behind
accredited (adjective): Officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements.
Synonym: authorized
Antonym: unqualified
apogee (noun): The highest point in the development of something; a climax.
Synonym: peak
Antonym: nadir
apostasy (noun): The abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief.
Synonym: defection
Antonym: loyalty
badinage (noun): Light, playful banter or teasing.
Synonym: jesting
Antonym: serious conversation
bemuse (verb): To puzzle or bewilder.
Synonym: confuse
Antonym: clarify
bestow (verb): To present an honor, right, or gift.
Synonym: grant
Antonym: deny
bibliophile (noun): A person who loves or collects books.
Synonym: book lover
Antonym: bibliophobe
bowdlerize (verb): To remove material considered improper or offensive from a text.
Synonym: censor
Antonym: preserve
bravado (noun): A show of boldness or confidence intended to impress or intimidate.
Synonym: swagger
Antonym: humility
cavalier (adjective): Showing a lack of proper concern; offhand.
Synonym: dismissive
Antonym: attentive
caveat (noun): A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
Synonym: caution
Antonym: assurance
cavil (verb): To make petty or unnecessary objections.
Synonym: quibble
Antonym: agree
compendium (noun): A concise yet comprehensive collection of information.
Synonym: summary
Antonym: expansion
complacent (adjective): Self-satisfied and unaware of potential dangers.
Synonym: smug
Antonym: dissatisfied
complaisant (adjective): Willing to please others; obliging.
Synonym: courteous
Antonym: rude
deleterious (adjective): Harmful or damaging.
Synonym: detrimental
Antonym: beneficial
demean (verb): To lower the dignity or status of someone.
Synonym: degrade
Antonym: honor
ennui (noun): A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
Synonym: boredom
Antonym: excitement
envoy (noun): A messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.
Synonym: diplomat
Antonym: recipient
epicure (noun): A person who enjoys refined taste, especially in food and drink.
Synonym: connoisseur
Antonym: philistine
expedient (adjective): Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.
Synonym: advantageous
Antonym: impractical
extenuate (verb): To lessen the seriousness or extent of something.
Synonym: mitigate
Antonym: aggravate
foible (noun): A minor weakness or flaw in character.
Synonym: flaw
Antonym: strength
-logy: Study or science (e.g., biology, geology).
-lysis: A process of breaking down or loosening (e.g., analysis, paralysis).
macro-: Large, long, or encompassing (e.g., macrocosm, macroeconomics).
magni-: Great or large (e.g., magnificent, magnify).
mal-: Bad or evil (e.g., malfunction, malcontent).
mater-: Mother (e.g., maternity, maternal).
matri-: Mother, related to women (e.g., matriarch, matrimony).
meta-: Beyond or change (e.g., metaphor, metabolism).
meso-: Middle (e.g., mesosphere, mesomorph).
multi-: Many (e.g., multitude, multimedia).
I hope this format works for you! Would you like me to continue with the rest of the list or provide more details on anything?