Caution Indicator:
Facing point switch(es) open. Trains exceeding Slow speed must at once reduce to that speed approaching switch or switches prepared to stop.
Clear indicator:
Facing point switch(es) closed.
Yard Switch Indicator:
White; switch normal, proceed at restricted speed.
Yellow; switch reverse, proceed at restricted speed.
Red; switch not normal or reverse, route must be verified. The Conductor or Engineer must examine the switch points to verify that the points fit the rail properly before movement may be made over switch at restricted speed.
Switch Target (red):
Switch lined for diverging route.
Switch Target (white):
Switch lined normal for main track.
Standard Whistle Post:
Approaching crossings at grade for which Rule 14L must be sounded.
Roadway Workers Portable Whistle Post:
When roadway work is being performed in multiple track portions of the railroad, a white banner below the "w" on the yellow background shall be used to indicate the track occupied by roadway workers for which Rule 14L must be sounded as a warning.
Stop board:
Stop, then governed by timetable special instructions, general notice or bulletin notice.
End of Block:
Train must operate in accordance with Rule 153.
Yard limit board:
Main track Yard limits.
Begin ASC:
Automatic speed control begins.
End ASC:
Entering cut out loop.
Quiet Zone indicator:
Approaching crossing at grade for which Rule 14L will not be sounded except as specified by Special Instruction.
Spring switch marker:
Spring switch
Distant Signal Marker:
Visual reminder to Engineers of trains that Rules 28B and 33B apply between the distant signal and the home signal.
Delay in block sign:
Visual reminder to engineers of trains that Rules 28B and 33B apply when a station stop is made at this station.
Limit of the block.
Begin MTEA:
The location at which MTEA limits begin. Trains must operate in accordance with Rule 155.
The location at which MTEA limits end.
Clearance point sign:
The location at which equipment must clear to access a track(s) for facing point moves in the opposite direction.
Permanent speed restriction sign:
Reduce speed as prescribed by timetable.