Patient: Tizzy, a 4-year-old Shetland pony, companion animal
Chief Complaint: Nasal discharge
Duration of Ownership: How long has the owner had the pony?
History of Nasal Discharge: Previous episodes? Duration of current discharge?
Characteristics of Discharge: Unilateral/bilateral, color, smell?
Frequency: Constant or intermittent?
Treatment History: Previous treatments administered?
Management: Stabling conditions, bedding, forage type?
Associated Symptoms: Coughing, breathing changes, exercise intolerance, change in appetite?
Other Horses: Are any other horses affected on the property?
Tizzy owned for 1 year, no prior nasal discharge or illness.
Current Symptoms: Right-sided thick yellow nasal discharge for 3 months.
Views other horse unaffected, no cough or exercise intolerance noted.
Fully vaccinated and wormed.
Heart Rate: 40 beats per minute, normal sinus rhythm
Nasal Discharge: Purulent, right unilateral
Respiratory Rate: 12 breaths per minute, normal character
Auscultation: Normal at rest and on rebreathing
Lymph Node: Right mandibular lymph node moderately enlarged and non-painful
Percussion: Right sinus possibly dull
Temperature: 38.1°C
Other Observations: No facial swelling or epiphora
Most Likely: Upper respiratory tract infectious disease due to unilateral discharge and enlarged lymph node.
Other Considerations:
Chronic sinusitis (primary: bacterial, viral, fungal)
Guttural pouch empyema (Strep. equi equi)
Viral upper respiratory tract disease (Equine influenza, herpesvirus)
Less likely: Asthma, pneumonia, lung tumors.
Chronic sinusitis (Primary and Secondary)
Guttural pouch empyema and mycosis
Viral upper respiratory tract diseases
Less likely: Asthma, pneumonia, lung tumors
Possible Causes:
Dental disease
Sinus cyst
Sinus neoplasia
Diagnosis: Sinusitis is most likely and can be caused by primary or secondary issues.
Owner's Preference: No further investigation by the owner.
Treatment Options:
5-day course of oral trimethoprim sulphonamide and phenylbutazone
Response to Treatment: Initially effective, but discharge returned post-treatment.
Next Steps in Investigation:
Oral examination with full mouth speculum
Head ultrasonography
Upper respiratory tract endoscopy
Abnormality found at the back of the right nasal meati: discharge from caudal maxillary drainage angle.
X-Ray Observations: Fluid and/or soft tissue in frontal and maxillary sinuses, absent permanent 3rd cheek teeth (incidental finding).
Diagnosis: Chronic primary sinusitis due to poor drainage.
Culture Results: Growth of Streptococcus equi zooepidemicus, sensitive to multiple antibiotics.
Less likely to have secondary issues based on investigations: dental issues and possible masses ruled out.
Recommended Treatment:
6 weeks of oral trimethoprim sulphonamide
10 days of intramuscular ceftiofur
Sinus trephination and lavage
Referral for a maxillary sinus flap under standing sedation
Procedure: Sinus trephination performed, purulent material released.
Post-Procedure Care: Lavage performed twice daily with warm salt water for 7 days.
Outcome: No further episodes of sinusitis noted; Tizzy returned to pasture.