Chemistry- The study of substances and their interactions.
Substance- a type of matter defined by a unique particle. Ex. water, salt, helium
Chemical Name - the name chemists use for a substance which refers to the elements in that substance.
Chemical Formula - a code that represents the number and kinds of atoms in one particle of a substance.
Common name - the everyday language name of a substance.
Chemical reaction - a process during which the atoms of starting substances (reactants) rearrange to form new substances (products).
Symbol - a shorthand for an element, using 1 or 2 letters. (example, Fe, He, C, P)
Element - a fundamental substance that cannot be broken into simpler substances by chemical or physical processes.
Periodic table of elements - an organization of the elements based on chemical properties.
Expand/expansion - An increase in volume. (You can expand a solid, liquid or gas)
Compress/compression - Apply pressure to make the volume smaller.
Particle - The smallest piece of a substance that is still that substance.
Gas - A phase of matter that has NO definite shape or volume.
Liquid - A phase of matter that has a definite volume but indefinite shape.
Solid - A phase of matter with definite volume and shape.
Kinetic energy - the energy of MOTION
Temperature - the measure of average kinetic energy
Thermometers - measure temperature / average kinetic energy
Contraction - when particles come Closer together in Cold (CCC trick!)
Expansion - when particles go farther apart because of heat
How compression and contraction are similar and how they are different:
Similar: both involve particles, matter, getting closer, getting denser, getting smaller volume
Different: compression is from PRESSURE while contraction is from cooling (KE), particles get closer
Sphere and ring demo - at first sphere fit into ring. But we heated the sphere and it EXPANDED - particles got farther apart, while the ring in the ice CONTRACTED - particles got closer together.
***When we hold a warm rag around the water bottle contraption, the water expands, the kinetic energy increases and particles move faster, and collisions increase, therefore occupying more space. The water level goes up even if we hold it upside down or sideways.***
Particles in a thermometer move faster and go farther apart when it is in HOT water.
Particles move less and get closer (contract) when placed in cold water!!!