Instructor: Dr. John Redden
Institution: Physiology and Neurobiology, University of Connecticut
Types of Blood Vessels:
Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart (Distribution).
Veins: Carry blood toward the heart (Collection).
Capillaries: Sites of exchange between blood and tissues.
Blood Pressure Measurement:
Systolic pressure: Pressure during heart contraction.
Diastolic pressure: Pressure during heart relaxation.
Mean arterial pressure: Average pressure in the arteries.
Circulatory Pathway:
Aorta → Elastic arteries → Muscular arteries → Arterioles → Capillaries → Venules → Large veins (e.g., venae cavae).
Definition: Opposition to blood flow due to friction in blood vessels.
Factors Affecting Resistance:
Viscosity of Blood (e.g., hematocrit levels).
Blood Vessel Radius:
Resistance (R) is inversely proportional to the fourth power of radius (R = 1/r^4).
Very small changes in radius result in significant changes in resistance.
Poiseuille’s Law: Flow is proportional to the radius of the blood vessel.
Law of La Place states that tension within a vessel is proportional to its radius.
Areas studied include:
Layers of Blood Vessels:
Tunica Interna (Intima): Endothelium and sub-endothelial layer.
Tunica Media: Contains smooth muscle and elastin.
Tunica Externa: Composed of collagen and elastic fibers.
Elastic (Conducting): Large diameter, walls stretch to accommodate blood.
Muscular (Distribution): Medium-sized, regulate blood flow by changing diameter.
Function: Distribution and acting as pressure reservoirs.
Compliance: Low compliance means less stretch under pressure.
Small vessels that determine blood flow to tissues and total peripheral resistance (TPR).
Vascular smooth muscle regulates blood flow through constriction and dilation, affecting various body regions differently during rest and vigorous exercise.
Local Regulation:
Vasodilation due to low oxygen or high levels of CO2 and H+.
Vasoconstriction can occur due to vasoconstrictive agents like thromboxane (TXA2).
Intrinsic Regulation: Blood flow adjusts to meet tissue needs without manipulating mean arterial pressure (MAP).
Autonomic Nervous System:
Sympathetic Nervous System regulates vasoconstriction (Alpha receptors) and vasodilation (Beta receptors).
Extrinsic Regulation: Adjusting blood flow based on the body’s overall needs:
Vasodilation: Beta2 receptors via nitric oxide and atrial natriuretic peptide.
Vasoconstriction: Alpha adrenergic receptors and hormones like angiotensin II.
Composed primarily of the tunica interna.
Red blood cells pass through in single file without smooth muscle around them.
Classification of Capillaries:
Continuous: No breaks, exchange without loss of RBC & plasma (most tissues).
Fenestrated: Allow exchange of small peptides and signaling molecules (e.g., hypothalamus).
Sinusoid: Allow exchange of large proteins (e.g., liver).
Filtration: Movement of fluid out of capillaries due to hydrostatic pressure.
Reabsorption: Movement of fluid back into blood caused by osmotic pressure.
Noteworthy Note: More fluid is filtered than reabsorbed.
Absorbs excess fluid from tissues and returns it to the circulatory system.
Lymphatic vessels drain into systemic circulation via subclavian veins to the superior vena cava.
Plays a role in moving insoluble molecules, flushing toxins, and improving nutrient distribution.
Definition: Fluid accumulation in tissues due to failure of the lymphatic system.
Increased capillary pressure.
Decreased plasma proteins.
Increased capillary permeability.
Lymph blockage.
Low-pressure conduits returning blood to the right atrium.
Highly compliant (can stretch easily) which accommodates large volumes of blood with little pressure increase.
Composed of tunica externa, tunica media, and tunica intima (endothelium).
Description of Types:
Large Veins: High compliance with large lumens.
Medium-Sized Veins: Transition structures between large veins and venules.
Venules: Small diameter vessels leading from capillary beds.
Veins that have widened and stretched due to valve incompetence, leading to backflow.
Due to high compliance, veins can store large amounts of blood without significant pressure increases.
Contraction of skeletal muscles compresses veins to raise venous pressure and prevent backflow.
Breathing creates negative pressure in thoracic cavity, aiding venous return.
Effect of Sympathetic Stimulation:
Increases venous tone and decreases compliance, thus affecting central venous pressure.
General Regulation Centers:
Located in the medulla, involving the cardioacceleratory and cardioinhibitory centers controlling sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations respectively.
Baroreceptors located in carotid sinuses and aortic arch; sensitive to changes in MAP.
Increased arterial pressure results in increased firing rate of baroreceptors, influencing cardiovascular responses.
Responds to low O2, high CO2, and low pH by stimulating cardiovascular centers, causing vasoconstriction and increased cardiac output to maintain MAP.
In blood loss situations, arterial pressure decreases, resulting in various compensatory physiological changes to stabilize blood volume and pressure.