Business tool for understanding a business’ external environment
Guides decision making by analyzing opportunities and threats
Population demographic can change
Society’s attitude towards more issues
Cultural and religious beliefs
Societal pressures towards more ethical and social responsibilities
Innovations in technology
Information technology (social media enhances)
New working practices
Job creation
Productivity and development
Controlled inflation (rise in general level of prices)
Reduced employment
Economic growth
Boom - level of economic activity rises
Recession - fall in GDP for 3 quarters
Trough (slump) - bottom of recession
Recovery - level of GDP starts to rise
Foreign relations and exchange rates
Changes in social attitudes towards environment
Weather and seasonal changes
Health scares
Waste disposal and recycling from media and pressure groups
Laws and policies
Increase or decrease in interest rates
Political corruption
Consumer protection legislation
Employee protection legislaion
Competition legislation
Social and environmental protection legislation
Client confidentiality
Bribery and other illegal transactions
Treatment of employees
ETHICAL views and SOCIAL norms
Affect company’s products, activities, and marketing strategies
Force businesses to operate and comply to regulations
Adaption of newer technology and efficiency increase
Forcing engagement in sustainable production processes
Affect costs of operations, spending attitudes of customers