engineering design readings

Tehya's Pollution Solution

  • Author: Written by the Engineering is Elementary Team

  • Illustrator: Illustrated by Keith Favazza

  • Type: An Environmental Engineering Story

Chapter 1: A Discovery at the River

  • Grandma's Journal: Tehya discovers a journal belonging to her grandmother which includes a sketch of a unique tree near the Elwha River.

  • Connection to Heritage: Tehya reflects on her heritage as a member of the Lower Elwha Klallam tribe and the importance of the river to her family's history.

  • Sketch vs. Reality: Tehya compares her grandmother's drawing of the tree to the current scenery, realizing changes over time.

Chapter 2: The Oil Spill

  • Oil Discovery: While exploring the river, Tehya and her friend Sam spot oil spreading across the water, prompting panic.

  • Immediate Action: Tehya understands the urgency, deciding to inform her mother to seek help for the situation.

Chapter 3: The Cleanup Begins

  • Community Response: Tehya and Sam join the elder members and environmental engineers, including their neighbor Thomas, in the attempt to clean up the oil spill.

  • Importance of Containment: Thomas explains various methods of containing the spill and the necessity to minimize ecological harm.

  • Engineering Design Process: Tehya learns about this process to solve environmental issues, involving research and trial methods.

Chapter 4: The Cleanup Efforts

  • Animal Care: Tehya and Sam assist in cleaning oil-coated animals, learning the rigorous tasks required in environmental stewardship.

  • Engagement with Engineers: Experiences taught them valuable lessons on teamwork and the impacts of pollution on ecosystems.

Chapter 5: Reflecting on Progress

  • Family Connection: Tehya writes in her journal, sharing ongoing activities and expressing a wish to understand more about the cleanup process.

  • Comparative Analysis: Tehya narrates how much has changed in the ecological landscape since her grandmother's time.

Chapter 6: Food and Water Connection

  • Home Experiment: Tehya practices the cleanup process introduced by Thomas using household items in an experiment, realizing the challenges involved in cleaning spills.

  • Understanding Interconnections: Tehya acknowledges the broader impacts of pollution beyond immediate visuals.

Chapter 7: Completing the Journey

  • Final Discoveries: Tehya finds the locations of all her grandmother’s sketch sites and documents them.

  • Canoe Journey: Tehya integrates her reminiscent experiences with cultural practices, emphasizing the journey with deep respect for her heritage.

Engineering Concepts Introduced

  • Environmental Engineering: Explains the role of engineers in managing pollution and ecological hazards.

  • Technological Solutions: Information about containment techniques, including use of absorbents and the engineering design process.

  • Ecosystem Interconnectedness: Highlights the relationship between soil, water, and living organisms, reinforcing the need for holistic approaches to environmental issues.

Key Terminologies

  • Ecosystem: A community of organisms in a particular area.

  • Pollution: Introduction of contaminants into the natural environment, causing adverse effects.

  • Engineering Design Process: A series of steps that engineers use to devise solutions to problems.
