Eczema- skin inflammation common in children, characterized by itchy, dry patches
Scabies- Bacterial infection of the skin characterized by open sores
Psoriasis- thick, red skin with flaky silver white patches called scales
Rule of Nines is used to assess the % of the body surface that has been burned
Decubitus ulcer (aka) pressure ulcers occur when lying on a certain area of skin for too long
Warts- small growths on the hands or feet that can be chemically or surgically removed
Ringworm- a fungal infection characterized by an itchy red ring-shaped circle
Scabies- contagious skin infection caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin
Basal cell carcinoma- the most common form of skin cancer, occurs in skin that has been exposed to the sun
Squamous cell carninoma- uncontrollable groth of cells in teh middle layer of the epidermis, first appears as a scally red, patch
Melanoma: A type of skin cancer that starts in the cells that give your skin its color. It can be dangerous if not treated early1.
Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2): A virus that causes sores, usually around the genital area. It's a sexually transmitted infection2.
Herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1): A virus that causes cold sores around the mouth. It's very common and spreads through close contact, like kissing3.
Arrector pili: Tiny muscles at the base of hair follicles that make your hair stand up when you're cold or scared, causing "goosebumps"4.
Athlete's foot: A fungal infection that causes itchy, scaly skin on your feet, especially between the toes. It's common in people who sweat a lot or wear tight shoes5.
Matrix: In health science, it often refers to the part of the nail where new nail cells are made. It's like the factory for your nails.
Sebum: An oily substance produced by glands in your skin. It helps keep your skin and hair moisturized.