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Special stains


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  • Treatment of hard, dense tissues:

    • Use 40% aqueous phenol for 24-72 hours to soften tough keratin components.

    • Inadequate processing leads to soft and mushy tissue in the center.

    • Cut thin sections, especially for fatty tissues, to ensure complete fixation.

  • Staining of Carbohydrates:

    • Various stains like Periodic Acid Shiff/PAS, Best Carmine, Langhan’s Iodine Method, etc., are used for different purposes.

    • Techniques like Alcian Blue, Toluidine Blue, and Mucicarmine are employed for specific carbohydrate staining.

  • Staining of Proteins:

    • Stains like Alkaline Fast Green Method and Peracetic Acid - Alcian Blue are used for different types of proteins.

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  • Staining of Fats or Lipids:

    • Stains like Sudan Black, Oil Red O, and Nile Blue Sulfate are used for lipid staining.

    • Methods like Osmic Acid Stain and Toluidine Blue Acetone Method are employed for specific lipid components.

  • Staining of Enzymes:

    • Various methods like Gomori Calcium Method, Lead Method, and Tetrazolium method are used for enzyme staining.

  • Staining of Bone Marrow & Blood Elements:

    • Stains like Rapid Toluidine - Eosin and Wright’s - Giemsa - Jennifer are used for specific blood elements.

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  • Staining of Connective Tissue:

    • Techniques like Gomori Silver Impregnation, Van Gieson, and Masson’s Trichrome Stain are used for different connective tissue components.

    • Various methods like Kraijan’s Technique and Methyl Violet - Crystal Violet Method are employed for staining elastic fibers and amyloid.

  • Staining of Nucleic Acid:

    • Feulgen’s technique and Methyl Green-Pyronin Method are used for staining DNA and RNA.

  • Staining of Muscle and Bone:

    • Techniques like Modified Gomori’s Technique and Mallory’s Phosphotungstic Acid Hematoxylin are used for muscle and bone staining.

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  • Staining of Central Nervous System:

    • Techniques like Bielschowsky Technique and Bodian’s Stain are used for staining neural tissues.

    • Various methods like Cresyl Fast Violet and Weigert Pal Technique are employed for specific neural components.

  • Staining of Connective Tissue (continued):

    • Perl’s Prussian Blue and Gomori’s Prussian Blue are used for staining hemosiderin and iron pigments in connective tissues.


  • Modified Fouchet’s Technique

    • Used for liver bile pigments

    • Schmort’s Ferric Ferricyanide Method for reducing substances

    • Used for bile, lipofuscin, melanin

    • Used for argentaffin cells, chromaffin

    • Used for thyroid colloid

  • Lipofuscin

    • Yellow-brown to reddish brown pigment

    • Produced by slow oxidation of lipids and lipoproteins

    • Found in hepatocytes, cardiac muscle cells, adrenal cortex, and other organs

  • Melanin

    • Autogenous pigment (brown or black)

    • Normally found in the skin and eyes

    • Pathological disposition in benign lesions like nevus or melanoma

  • Staining of MICROORGANISMS

    • Stain Grain Twort Stain for bacteria

    • Brown and Brenn for bacteria, nocardia, and actinomyces

    • Ziehl Neelsen Method for AFB

    • Wade Fire Technique for leprosy bacilli (M. Leprae) and nocardia

    • Auramine - Rhodamine Fluorescent Method for mycobacteria

    • Toluidine Blue Stain for Helicobacter

    • Cresyl Violet acetate method for Helicobacter

    • Dieterle Method for legionella pneumophila

    • Warthin - Starry Method for spirochetes

    • Grocott Methamine Silver (GMS) for fungi

    • Lendrum’s Phloxine - Tartrazine Method for viral inclusions


  • Orcein Method

    • Used for hepatitis B surface antigen

  • Rapid Giemsa

    • Used for blood and bone marrow parasites

    • Includes Leishmania, Malaria, Trypanosomes

    • Inclusion conjunctivitis, Toxoplasma, Spirochetes, and other bacteria

  • Additional Stains

    • Stain Alizarin Red S for Calcium

    • Rhodizonate method for Lead salts

    • Sirius Red for Amyloid

    • Macchiavello’s stain for Rickettsiae and viral infections

    • Shikata’s Orcein method for Hepatitis B surface antigen

    • Goldner’s method for bone cells, Osteoblast, and Osteoclast

    • Weigert’s resorcin-fuchsin for Elastic fibers

    • Gordon’s and Sweet’s


Special stains


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  • Treatment of hard, dense tissues:

    • Use 40% aqueous phenol for 24-72 hours to soften tough keratin components.

    • Inadequate processing leads to soft and mushy tissue in the center.

    • Cut thin sections, especially for fatty tissues, to ensure complete fixation.

  • Staining of Carbohydrates:

    • Various stains like Periodic Acid Shiff/PAS, Best Carmine, Langhan’s Iodine Method, etc., are used for different purposes.

    • Techniques like Alcian Blue, Toluidine Blue, and Mucicarmine are employed for specific carbohydrate staining.

  • Staining of Proteins:

    • Stains like Alkaline Fast Green Method and Peracetic Acid - Alcian Blue are used for different types of proteins.

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  • Staining of Fats or Lipids:

    • Stains like Sudan Black, Oil Red O, and Nile Blue Sulfate are used for lipid staining.

    • Methods like Osmic Acid Stain and Toluidine Blue Acetone Method are employed for specific lipid components.

  • Staining of Enzymes:

    • Various methods like Gomori Calcium Method, Lead Method, and Tetrazolium method are used for enzyme staining.

  • Staining of Bone Marrow & Blood Elements:

    • Stains like Rapid Toluidine - Eosin and Wright’s - Giemsa - Jennifer are used for specific blood elements.

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  • Staining of Connective Tissue:

    • Techniques like Gomori Silver Impregnation, Van Gieson, and Masson’s Trichrome Stain are used for different connective tissue components.

    • Various methods like Kraijan’s Technique and Methyl Violet - Crystal Violet Method are employed for staining elastic fibers and amyloid.

  • Staining of Nucleic Acid:

    • Feulgen’s technique and Methyl Green-Pyronin Method are used for staining DNA and RNA.

  • Staining of Muscle and Bone:

    • Techniques like Modified Gomori’s Technique and Mallory’s Phosphotungstic Acid Hematoxylin are used for muscle and bone staining.

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  • Staining of Central Nervous System:

    • Techniques like Bielschowsky Technique and Bodian’s Stain are used for staining neural tissues.

    • Various methods like Cresyl Fast Violet and Weigert Pal Technique are employed for specific neural components.

  • Staining of Connective Tissue (continued):

    • Perl’s Prussian Blue and Gomori’s Prussian Blue are used for staining hemosiderin and iron pigments in connective tissues.


  • Modified Fouchet’s Technique

    • Used for liver bile pigments

    • Schmort’s Ferric Ferricyanide Method for reducing substances

    • Used for bile, lipofuscin, melanin

    • Used for argentaffin cells, chromaffin

    • Used for thyroid colloid

  • Lipofuscin

    • Yellow-brown to reddish brown pigment

    • Produced by slow oxidation of lipids and lipoproteins

    • Found in hepatocytes, cardiac muscle cells, adrenal cortex, and other organs

  • Melanin

    • Autogenous pigment (brown or black)

    • Normally found in the skin and eyes

    • Pathological disposition in benign lesions like nevus or melanoma

  • Staining of MICROORGANISMS

    • Stain Grain Twort Stain for bacteria

    • Brown and Brenn for bacteria, nocardia, and actinomyces

    • Ziehl Neelsen Method for AFB

    • Wade Fire Technique for leprosy bacilli (M. Leprae) and nocardia

    • Auramine - Rhodamine Fluorescent Method for mycobacteria

    • Toluidine Blue Stain for Helicobacter

    • Cresyl Violet acetate method for Helicobacter

    • Dieterle Method for legionella pneumophila

    • Warthin - Starry Method for spirochetes

    • Grocott Methamine Silver (GMS) for fungi

    • Lendrum’s Phloxine - Tartrazine Method for viral inclusions


  • Orcein Method

    • Used for hepatitis B surface antigen

  • Rapid Giemsa

    • Used for blood and bone marrow parasites

    • Includes Leishmania, Malaria, Trypanosomes

    • Inclusion conjunctivitis, Toxoplasma, Spirochetes, and other bacteria

  • Additional Stains

    • Stain Alizarin Red S for Calcium

    • Rhodizonate method for Lead salts

    • Sirius Red for Amyloid

    • Macchiavello’s stain for Rickettsiae and viral infections

    • Shikata’s Orcein method for Hepatitis B surface antigen

    • Goldner’s method for bone cells, Osteoblast, and Osteoclast

    • Weigert’s resorcin-fuchsin for Elastic fibers

    • Gordon’s and Sweet’s
