medical terminology (copy)
A-, An- | Without; Lacking | |
Andr/o- | Male | |
Anti- | Against | |
Auto- | Self | |
Bio- | Life | |
Chem/o- | Chemistry | |
Contra- | Against | |
Cyt/o- | Cell | |
Dis- | Separation; Taking apart | |
Dys- | Difficult; Abnormal | |
Eu- | Good; Well | |
Fibr/o- | Fiber | |
Gluco-, Glyco- | Glucose; Sugar | |
Gyn/o-, Gynec- | Female | |
Hydr/o- | Water | |
Idio- | Self; One’s own | |
Lyso-, Lys- | Break down; Destruction; Dissolving | |
Mal- | Bad; Abnormal | |
Myc/o- | Fungus | |
Necr/o- | Death | |
Neo- | New | |
Oxy- | Sharp; Acute; Oxygen | |
Pan-, Pant/o- | All or everywhere | |
Pharmaco- | Drug; Medicine | |
Re- | Again; Backward | |
Somat/o-, Somatico- | Body; Bodily |
Chlor/o- | Green | |
Chrom-, Chromato- | Color | |
Cyano- | Blue | |
Erythr/o- | Red | |
Leuk/o- | White | |
Melan/o- | Black |
Acous/o- | Hearing | |
Aden/o- | Gland | |
Adip/o- | Fat | |
Adren/o- | Gland | |
Angi/o- | Blood vessel | |
Arteri/o- | Artery | |
Arthr/o- | Joint | |
Bucc/o- | Cheek | |
Bronch/i- | ||
Burs/o- | ||
Carcin/o- | Cancer | |
Cardi/o- | Heart | |
Cephal/o- | Head | |
Chol- | Bile | |
Chondri- | Cartilage | |
Coron- | Heart | |
Cost- | Rib | |
Crani/o- | Brain | |
Cutane- | Skin | |
Cyst/o-, Cysti- | Bladder or sac | |
Derm-, Dermat/o- | Skin | |
Duoden/o- | ||
Gastr- | Stomach | |
Gloss- | Tongue | |
Hem-, Hema-, Hemat-, Hemo-, Hemat/o- | Blood | |
Hepat/o-, Hepatico- | Liver | |
Hist/o-, Histio- | Tissue | |
Hyster/o- | Uterus | |
Ileo- | ||
Ischi/o- | ||
Kerat/o- | Cornea (eye or skin) | |
Lacrim/o- | Tear (from your eyes) | |
Lact/o-, Lacti- | Milk | |
Laryng/o- | ||
Lingu/o- | Tongue | |
Lip/o- | Fat | |
Lymph/o- | Lymph | |
Mamm-, Mast/o- | Breast | |
Mening/o- | ||
Muscul/o- | Muscle | |
My/o- | Muscle | |
Myel/o- | Spinal cord or bone marrow | |
Nephr/o- | Kidney | |
Neur/i-, Neur/o- | Nerve | |
Oculo- | Eye | |
Onco- | Tumor; Bulk; Volume | |
Onych/o- | Fingernail; Toenail | |
Oo- | Egg; Ovary | |
Oophor/o- | Ovary | |
Op-, Opt- | Vision | |
Ophthalm/o- | Eye | |
Orchid/o-, Orchio- | Testis | |
Orth/o- | Straight; Normal; Correct | |
Osseo- | Bony | |
Ossi- | Bone | |
Ost-, Oste/o- | Bone | |
Ot/o- | Ear | |
Ovar/i-, Ovario-, Ovi-, Ovo- | Ovary | |
Phalang- | ||
Pharyng/o- | Pharynx; Throat | |
Phleb/o- | Vein | |
Phren/i-, Phreno-, Phrenico- | Diaphragm | |
Pleur-, Pleur/a-, Pleur/o- | Rib, pleura | |
Pneum/a- Pneumat/o- | Air; Lung | |
Proct/o- | Anus; Rectum | |
Prostat- | Prostate | |
Pseudo- | False | |
Psych/o-, Psyche- | Mind | |
Radio- | Radiation; Radius | |
Ren/o- | Kidney | |
Retin- | Retina (of the eye) | |
Rhin/o- | Nose | |
Salping/o- | Tube | |
Sarco- | Muscular; Flesh-like | |
Schiz/o- | Split; Cleft | |
Sclera-, Sclero- | Hardness | |
Sigmoid/o- | Sigmoid colon | |
Sperma-, Spermo-, Spermato- | Sperm | |
Splen/o- | Spleen | |
Sten/o- | Narrowed; Blocked | |
Stern- | ||
Stom/a-, Stomat/o- | Mouth | |
Thorac/o-, Thoracico- | Chest | |
Thromb/o- | Blood clot | |
Thyr/o- | Thyroid gland | |
Trache/o- | ||
Tympan/o- | Eardrum | |
Ur/o- | Urine | |
Vagin- | Vagina | |
Varic/o- | Duct; Blood vessel | |
Vasculo- | Blood vessel | |
Ven/o- | Vein | |
Vertbr- | Vertebra; Spine |
Ab-, Abs- | Away from | |
Ad- | Towards | |
Ante- | Before; Forward | |
Circum- | Around | |
Cycl- | Circle; Cycle | |
De- | Away from; Ending | |
Dia- | Across; Through | |
Ect/o-, Exo- | Outer; Outside | |
End/o-, Ent-, Enter/o- | Within; Inner | |
Epi- | Upon; Outside of | |
Ex-, Extra- | Beyond | |
Infra- | Beneath; Below | |
Inter- | Between | |
Intra- | Within | |
Meso- | Middle | |
Meta- | Beyond; Change | |
Para- | Alongside; Abnormal | |
Path/o- | Disease | |
Peri- | Around | |
Post- | Behind; After | |
Pre- | Before; In front | |
Retro- | Backward; Behind | |
Sub- | Under | |
Super- | Above | |
Supra- | Above; Upon | |
Sy-, Syl-, Sym-, Syn-, Sys- | Together | |
Trans- | Across; Through |
Cry/o- | Cold | |
Elect- | Electrical activity | |
Kin/o-, Kine-, Kinesi/o- | Movement | |
Kyphy/o- | Humped | |
Rhabd/o- | Rod-shaped; Striated | |
Phot/o- | Light | |
Reticul/o- | Net | |
Scoli/o- | Twisted | |
Therm/o- | Heat |
-ac | Pertaining to | |
-blast, -blasto, -blastic | Bud; Germ | |
-cyte, -cytic | Cell | |
-dynia | Pain; Swelling | |
-eal, -ial | Pertaining to | |
-ectasis | Expansion; Dilation | |
-emia | Blood condition | |
-ia | Condition | |
-iasis | Condition; Formation of | |
-ism | Condition | |
-ites, -itis | Inflammation | |
-ity | Pertaining to | |
-ium | Structure or tissue | |
-lysis, -lytic | Break down; Destruction; Dissolving | |
-malacia | Softening | |
-megaly | Enlargement | |
-oid | Resembling | |
-oma | Tumor | |
-osis | Condition; Usually abnormal | |
-ous | Pertaining to | |
-pathy | Disease | |
-penia | Deficiency; Lack of | |
-phagia, -phagy | Eating; Swallowing | |
-phasia | Speech | |
-plasia, -plastic | Growth | |
-plegia | Paralysis | |
-pnea | Breathing | |
-poiesis | Production | |
-ptosis | Falling; Drooping | |
-rrhage, -rrhagic | Bleeding | |
-rrhea | Flow or discharge | |
-sclerosis | Hardening | |
-sis | Condition | |
-stasis | Level; Unchanging | |
-trophy | Growth | |
-uria | In the urine |
Bi- | Two | |
Brady- | Slow | |
Diplo- | Double | |
Hemi- | Half | |
Hetero- | Other; Different | |
Homo- | Same | |
Hyper- | Above; Beyond; Excessive | |
Hypo- | Under; Deficient | |
Iso- | Equal; Like | |
Macro- | Large; Long; Big | |
Mic-, Micro- | Small | |
Mon-, Mono- | One | |
Olig/o- | Few; Little | |
Poly- | Many; Excessive | |
Quadri- | Four | |
Semi- | Half | |
Tachy- | Fast | |
Tetra- | Four | |
Tri- | Three | |
Uni- | One |
-centesis | Surgical puncture to remove fluid | |
-desis | Surgical binding | |
-ectomy | Cut out; Removal | |
-gram | Record; Picture | |
-graph | Instrument used to create a record or picture | |
-graphy | To record or take a picture | |
-meter | Device used for measuring | |
-opsy | Visual examination | |
-ostomy | Opening | |
-otomy | Incision | |
-pexy | Surgical fixation | |
-plasty | Surgical reconstruction | |
-scope | For examining | |
-scopy | Examine |
A.A.R.O.M. | active assistive range of motion |
AAC | augmentative and alternative communication |
A.B.G | arterial blood gas |
a.c. | before meals |
A/C | assist control |
ADA Diet | American Diabetes Association Diet |
A.D.L. | activities of daily living |
A.Fib. | atrial fibrillation |
AKA | above-knee amputation or above-the-knee amputation |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
AMA | against medical advice |
A&O | alert and oriented |
A/P | anterior–posterior |
A.R.O.M. | active range of motion |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASD | autism spectrum disorder |
ASL | American Sign Language |
b.i.d. | twice a day |
BKA | below-knee amputation |
B/L | bilateral |
bilateral breath sounds | |
BMR | basal metabolism rate |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bed rest |
bs | bowel sounds |
BS | breath sounds |
B/S | bedside |
bx | biopsy |
CHI | closed head injury |
cm | centimeter |
CMT | continuing medication and treatment |
CN | cranial nerve |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
CNS | central nervous system |
c/o | complains of |
COTA | certified occupational therapy assistant |
cont | continue(d) |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CP | cerebral palsy |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CRF | chronic renal failure |
CRNP | certified registered nurse practitioner |
c̅ | with |
C | Celsius, centigrade |
C1, C2, etc. | first cervical vertebrae, second cervical vertebrae, etc. |
CA | cardiac arrest |
CA, ca | cancer, carcinoma |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
cal | calorie |
cath | catheter |
CBC | complete blood count |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CC | chief complaint |
CHF | congestive heart failure, chronic heart failure |
CCU | coronary care unit |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computerized tomography |
CV | cardiovascular |
CVA | cerebral vascular accident |
CXR | chest X-ray |
d | day |
d/c | discontinue |
DC | discharge |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DNK | do not know |
DNKA | did not keep appointment |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
DNT | did not test |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOB | date of birth |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion |
d/t | due to |
Dx | diagnosis |
ECC, EKG | electrocardiogram |
ED | emergency department |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
EENT | eyes, ears, nose, throat |
EMG | electromyogram |
ENT | ears, nose, throat |
ER | emergency room |
ETOH | ethanol (alcohol) |
exam | examination |
ext | external, exterior |
GB | gall bladder |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale |
GE | gastroenterology |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
G/E | gastroenteritis |
gen | general |
gest. | gestation |
G.I. | gastrointestinal |
GNA | geriatric nursing assistant |
gluc | glucose |
GP | general practitioner, general paralysis |
GSW | gunshot wound |
F | Fahrenheit |
FH | family history |
fib | fibrillation |
fl, fld | fluid |
FOB | foot of bed |
f/u | follow-up |
FWB | full weight bearing |
Fx | fracture |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
Gt. tr. | gait training |
GYN | gynecology |
H/A | headache |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
Hb. | hemoglobin |
HB | heart block |
HBP | high blood pressure |
h.d. | at bedtime |
HEENT | head, eyes, ears, nose, throat |
HEP | home exercise program |
H2O | water |
h/o | history of |
HOB | head of bed |
H&P | history and physical |
HR | heart rate |
HTN | hypertension |
HVD | hypertensive vascular disease |
Hx | history |
Hz | hertz (cycles/second) |
ICCU | intensive coronary care unit |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
ICU | intensive care unit |
imp. | impression |
incr. | increased(ing) |
inf | infusion, inferior |
inspire | inspiration, inspiratory |
int. | internal |
I&O | intake and output |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing |
irreg. | irregular |
IV | intravenous(ly) |
J, jt. | joint |
K | potassium, kidney |
L | left, liver, liter, lower, light, lumbar |
L2, L3 | second lumbar vertebrae, third lumbar vertebrae |
lab | laboratory |
lac. | laceration |
lat. | lateral |
LBW | low birth rate |
L.E. | lower extremities |
liq. | liquid |
L.O.C. | loss of consciousness, level of consciousness, laxative of choice |
LOS | length of stay |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
m, M | married, male, mother, murmur, meter, mass, molar |
max. | maximum, maxillary |
MBC | maximum breathing capacity |
MBSS | modified barium swallow study |
MCA | middle cerebral artery |
MD | muscular dystrophy |
mdnt. | midnight |
med. | medicine |
mets. | metastasis |
MG | myasthenia gravis |
MI | myocardial infarction |
min | minute |
LUE | left upper extremity |
Lx | larynx |
L&W | living and well |
MICU | medical intensive care unit |
mod | moderate |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
mss | massage |
MVA | motor vehicle accident |
n. | nerve |
Na | sodium |
NaCl | sodium chloride |
NAD | no abnormality detected |
NAD | no apparent distress |
neg. | negative |
neur. | neurology |
NG | nasogastric |
NIC | neonatal intensive care |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit |
NKA | no known allergies |
no. | number |
NOS | not otherwise specified |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NSA | no specific abnormality |
NST | nonstress test |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
NVD | nausea, vomiting, diarrhea |
N&W | normal and well |
NWB | non–weight bearing |
NYD | not yet diagnosed |
o | none, without |
O | oral |
O2 | oxygen |
O2 cap. | oxygen capacity |
O2 sat. | oxygen saturation |
OA | osteoarthritis |
OB, OBG | obstetrics |
OB/GYN | obstetrics and gynecology |
Obs | observation |
OBS | organic brain syndrome |
ODD | oppositional defiant disorder |
O/E | on examination |
OH | occupational history |
OHD | organic heart disease |
oint. | ointment |
O.M. | otitis media |
O.M.E. | otitis media with effusion |
OOB, oob | out of bed |
Op. | operation |
ot. | ear |
Oto | otolaryngology |
OTC | over-the-counter (pharmaceuticals) |
O.T. | occupational therapy, old tuberculin |
OR | operating room |
PA | physician’s assistant |
p&a | percussion and auscultation |
PACU | post anesthesia care unit |
PAF | paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
palp. | palpate, palpated, palpable |
Path | pathology |
PA view | posterior–anterior view on X-ray |
p/c, p.c. | after meals |
PD | Parkinson’s disease |
pdr. | powder |
PDN | private duty nurse |
PE | physical exam, pulmonary embolism, pressure equalizer (tubes) |
Ped. | pediatrics |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PH | past history |
pharm | pharmacy |
PHYS. | physical, physiology |
PI | present illness, pulmonary insufficiency |
PICU | pulmonary intensive care unit |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
plts. | platelets |
P.M. | afternoon, postmortem |
PMH | past medical history |
PMR | physical medicine and rehabilitation |
PN | poorly nourished, practical nurse |
P&N | psychiatry and neurology |
PNA | pneumo, pneumonia |
PNI | peripheral nerve injury |
PNX | pneuomothorax |
p.o. | by mouth |
p.o.d. | postoperative day |
pos. | positive |
post. | posterior |
POSTOP. | postoperative |
pot. or potass. | potassium |
PR | proctology |
pre-op | preoperative |
prep. | prepare for |
p.r.m. | according to circumstances |
p.r.n., PRN | as often as necessary, as needed |
prod. | productive |
Prog. | prognosis |
PROM | passive range of motion |
pron. | pronator, pronation |
prosth. | prosthesis |
PSH | past surgical history |
Psych. | psychiatry |
pt., Pt. | patient |
PT, P.T. | physical therapy |
PTA | prior to admission |
PTA pulse | posterior tibial artery pulse |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease |
PVT | previous trouble |
PWB% | partial weight bearing with percent |
Px, PX | physical examination |
q | every |
q.h. | every hour |
q.i.d. | four times a day |
qt. | quart |
quad. | quadriplegic |
R, r | right |
R. | rub, rectal temperature |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium |
rad. | radial |
r.a.m. | rapid alternating movements |
R.A.S. | right arm sitting |
RAtx | radiation therapy |
rbc/RBC | red blood cell, red blood count |
RCA | right coronary artery |
RCU | respiratory care unit |
RD | respiratory distress |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome |
RE | reconditioning exercise |
reg. | regular |
rehab. | rehabilitation |
resp. | respiratory, respirations |
RF | rheumatic fever |
RLAS | Rancho Los Amigos Scale |
R to L&A | react to light and accommodation |
RLE | right lower extremity |
RN | registered nurse |
RND | radical neck dissection |
RO, R/O | rule out |
ROM | range of motion, rupture of membranes, right otitis media |
ROS | review of symptoms |
Rt. | right |
RT | radiation therapy, respiratory therapy |
RUE | right upper extremity |
RV | residual volume |
RW | rolling walker |
Rx | therapy, prescription |
s | without |
S | sensation, sensitive, serum |
Sa. | saline |
s.c. | subcutaneous(ly) |
Scc | squamous cell carcinoma |
SCCA | squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma antigen |
SCD | sudden cardiac death |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
schiz | schizophrenia |
SCU | special care unit |
sec | second |
Sens. | sensory, sensation |
sep. | separated |
SGA | small for gestational age | | without correction (without glasses) |
SH | social history |
SI | stroke index |
sib. | sibling |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
skel. | skeletal |
Sl. | slightly |
SL | under the tongue |
SLP | speech-language pathologist |
sm | small |
SNF | skilled nursing facility |
SOAP | subjective, objective, assessment, plan |
SOB | shortness of breath |
S/P, s/p | status post (previous condition) |
sp. cd. | spinal cord |
spec. | specimen |
sp. fl. | spinal fluid |
sp&H | speech and hearing |
spin. | spine, spinal |
spont. | spontaneous |
s/s | signs and symptoms |
SS | social service |
ST | speech therapy |
stat., STAT | immediately |
STD | sexually transmitted disease |
subcut. | subcutaneous |
subling. | sublingual |
sup. | superior |
supin. | supination |
surg. | surgery, surgical |
Sx | symptoms |
sys. | system |
Syst. | systolic |
Sz | seizure |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TKR | total knee replacement |
TNM | tumor, nodes, and metastases |
TO | telephone order |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration |
tr | trace |
trach | tracheostomy |
tsp. | teaspoon |
Tx | treatment, traction |
T | temperature |
T&A | tonsils and adenoids, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
tab. | tablet |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
temp | temperature |
THERAP. | therapy, therapeutic |
THR | total hip replacement |
U/A | urinalysis |
UCD, UCHD | usual childhood diseases |
UG | upward gaze |
Unilat. | unilateral |
u/o | under observation |
Ur. | urine |
URD | upper respiratory disease |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
Urol. | urology |
u/s, US | ultrasound |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
V | vein |
VA | visual acuity |
vag | vagina, vaginal |
VC, vit.cap. | vital capacity |
VD | venereal disease |
vent. | ventilator |
vert. | vertical |
VF | visual fields, ventricular fibrillation |
VFSS | videofluoroscopic swallowing study |
Via | by way of |
vit. | vitamin |
VN | visiting nurse |
VO | verbal order |
VS, V.S. | vital signs |
w, wk | week |
W/C, | wheelchair |
WBT | weight bearing tolerance |
WFL | within functional limits |
w/n | within |
WNL | within normal limits |
WP | whirlpool |
wt. | weight |
w/u | workup |
x | times |
y.o. | years old |
yrs. | years |
A-, An- | Without; Lacking | |
Andr/o- | Male | |
Anti- | Against | |
Auto- | Self | |
Bio- | Life | |
Chem/o- | Chemistry | |
Contra- | Against | |
Cyt/o- | Cell | |
Dis- | Separation; Taking apart | |
Dys- | Difficult; Abnormal | |
Eu- | Good; Well | |
Fibr/o- | Fiber | |
Gluco-, Glyco- | Glucose; Sugar | |
Gyn/o-, Gynec- | Female | |
Hydr/o- | Water | |
Idio- | Self; One’s own | |
Lyso-, Lys- | Break down; Destruction; Dissolving | |
Mal- | Bad; Abnormal | |
Myc/o- | Fungus | |
Necr/o- | Death | |
Neo- | New | |
Oxy- | Sharp; Acute; Oxygen | |
Pan-, Pant/o- | All or everywhere | |
Pharmaco- | Drug; Medicine | |
Re- | Again; Backward | |
Somat/o-, Somatico- | Body; Bodily |
Chlor/o- | Green | |
Chrom-, Chromato- | Color | |
Cyano- | Blue | |
Erythr/o- | Red | |
Leuk/o- | White | |
Melan/o- | Black |
Acous/o- | Hearing | |
Aden/o- | Gland | |
Adip/o- | Fat | |
Adren/o- | Gland | |
Angi/o- | Blood vessel | |
Arteri/o- | Artery | |
Arthr/o- | Joint | |
Bucc/o- | Cheek | |
Bronch/i- | ||
Burs/o- | ||
Carcin/o- | Cancer | |
Cardi/o- | Heart | |
Cephal/o- | Head | |
Chol- | Bile | |
Chondri- | Cartilage | |
Coron- | Heart | |
Cost- | Rib | |
Crani/o- | Brain | |
Cutane- | Skin | |
Cyst/o-, Cysti- | Bladder or sac | |
Derm-, Dermat/o- | Skin | |
Duoden/o- | ||
Gastr- | Stomach | |
Gloss- | Tongue | |
Hem-, Hema-, Hemat-, Hemo-, Hemat/o- | Blood | |
Hepat/o-, Hepatico- | Liver | |
Hist/o-, Histio- | Tissue | |
Hyster/o- | Uterus | |
Ileo- | ||
Ischi/o- | ||
Kerat/o- | Cornea (eye or skin) | |
Lacrim/o- | Tear (from your eyes) | |
Lact/o-, Lacti- | Milk | |
Laryng/o- | ||
Lingu/o- | Tongue | |
Lip/o- | Fat | |
Lymph/o- | Lymph | |
Mamm-, Mast/o- | Breast | |
Mening/o- | ||
Muscul/o- | Muscle | |
My/o- | Muscle | |
Myel/o- | Spinal cord or bone marrow | |
Nephr/o- | Kidney | |
Neur/i-, Neur/o- | Nerve | |
Oculo- | Eye | |
Onco- | Tumor; Bulk; Volume | |
Onych/o- | Fingernail; Toenail | |
Oo- | Egg; Ovary | |
Oophor/o- | Ovary | |
Op-, Opt- | Vision | |
Ophthalm/o- | Eye | |
Orchid/o-, Orchio- | Testis | |
Orth/o- | Straight; Normal; Correct | |
Osseo- | Bony | |
Ossi- | Bone | |
Ost-, Oste/o- | Bone | |
Ot/o- | Ear | |
Ovar/i-, Ovario-, Ovi-, Ovo- | Ovary | |
Phalang- | ||
Pharyng/o- | Pharynx; Throat | |
Phleb/o- | Vein | |
Phren/i-, Phreno-, Phrenico- | Diaphragm | |
Pleur-, Pleur/a-, Pleur/o- | Rib, pleura | |
Pneum/a- Pneumat/o- | Air; Lung | |
Proct/o- | Anus; Rectum | |
Prostat- | Prostate | |
Pseudo- | False | |
Psych/o-, Psyche- | Mind | |
Radio- | Radiation; Radius | |
Ren/o- | Kidney | |
Retin- | Retina (of the eye) | |
Rhin/o- | Nose | |
Salping/o- | Tube | |
Sarco- | Muscular; Flesh-like | |
Schiz/o- | Split; Cleft | |
Sclera-, Sclero- | Hardness | |
Sigmoid/o- | Sigmoid colon | |
Sperma-, Spermo-, Spermato- | Sperm | |
Splen/o- | Spleen | |
Sten/o- | Narrowed; Blocked | |
Stern- | ||
Stom/a-, Stomat/o- | Mouth | |
Thorac/o-, Thoracico- | Chest | |
Thromb/o- | Blood clot | |
Thyr/o- | Thyroid gland | |
Trache/o- | ||
Tympan/o- | Eardrum | |
Ur/o- | Urine | |
Vagin- | Vagina | |
Varic/o- | Duct; Blood vessel | |
Vasculo- | Blood vessel | |
Ven/o- | Vein | |
Vertbr- | Vertebra; Spine |
Ab-, Abs- | Away from | |
Ad- | Towards | |
Ante- | Before; Forward | |
Circum- | Around | |
Cycl- | Circle; Cycle | |
De- | Away from; Ending | |
Dia- | Across; Through | |
Ect/o-, Exo- | Outer; Outside | |
End/o-, Ent-, Enter/o- | Within; Inner | |
Epi- | Upon; Outside of | |
Ex-, Extra- | Beyond | |
Infra- | Beneath; Below | |
Inter- | Between | |
Intra- | Within | |
Meso- | Middle | |
Meta- | Beyond; Change | |
Para- | Alongside; Abnormal | |
Path/o- | Disease | |
Peri- | Around | |
Post- | Behind; After | |
Pre- | Before; In front | |
Retro- | Backward; Behind | |
Sub- | Under | |
Super- | Above | |
Supra- | Above; Upon | |
Sy-, Syl-, Sym-, Syn-, Sys- | Together | |
Trans- | Across; Through |
Cry/o- | Cold | |
Elect- | Electrical activity | |
Kin/o-, Kine-, Kinesi/o- | Movement | |
Kyphy/o- | Humped | |
Rhabd/o- | Rod-shaped; Striated | |
Phot/o- | Light | |
Reticul/o- | Net | |
Scoli/o- | Twisted | |
Therm/o- | Heat |
-ac | Pertaining to | |
-blast, -blasto, -blastic | Bud; Germ | |
-cyte, -cytic | Cell | |
-dynia | Pain; Swelling | |
-eal, -ial | Pertaining to | |
-ectasis | Expansion; Dilation | |
-emia | Blood condition | |
-ia | Condition | |
-iasis | Condition; Formation of | |
-ism | Condition | |
-ites, -itis | Inflammation | |
-ity | Pertaining to | |
-ium | Structure or tissue | |
-lysis, -lytic | Break down; Destruction; Dissolving | |
-malacia | Softening | |
-megaly | Enlargement | |
-oid | Resembling | |
-oma | Tumor | |
-osis | Condition; Usually abnormal | |
-ous | Pertaining to | |
-pathy | Disease | |
-penia | Deficiency; Lack of | |
-phagia, -phagy | Eating; Swallowing | |
-phasia | Speech | |
-plasia, -plastic | Growth | |
-plegia | Paralysis | |
-pnea | Breathing | |
-poiesis | Production | |
-ptosis | Falling; Drooping | |
-rrhage, -rrhagic | Bleeding | |
-rrhea | Flow or discharge | |
-sclerosis | Hardening | |
-sis | Condition | |
-stasis | Level; Unchanging | |
-trophy | Growth | |
-uria | In the urine |
Bi- | Two | |
Brady- | Slow | |
Diplo- | Double | |
Hemi- | Half | |
Hetero- | Other; Different | |
Homo- | Same | |
Hyper- | Above; Beyond; Excessive | |
Hypo- | Under; Deficient | |
Iso- | Equal; Like | |
Macro- | Large; Long; Big | |
Mic-, Micro- | Small | |
Mon-, Mono- | One | |
Olig/o- | Few; Little | |
Poly- | Many; Excessive | |
Quadri- | Four | |
Semi- | Half | |
Tachy- | Fast | |
Tetra- | Four | |
Tri- | Three | |
Uni- | One |
-centesis | Surgical puncture to remove fluid | |
-desis | Surgical binding | |
-ectomy | Cut out; Removal | |
-gram | Record; Picture | |
-graph | Instrument used to create a record or picture | |
-graphy | To record or take a picture | |
-meter | Device used for measuring | |
-opsy | Visual examination | |
-ostomy | Opening | |
-otomy | Incision | |
-pexy | Surgical fixation | |
-plasty | Surgical reconstruction | |
-scope | For examining | |
-scopy | Examine |
A.A.R.O.M. | active assistive range of motion |
AAC | augmentative and alternative communication |
A.B.G | arterial blood gas |
a.c. | before meals |
A/C | assist control |
ADA Diet | American Diabetes Association Diet |
A.D.L. | activities of daily living |
A.Fib. | atrial fibrillation |
AKA | above-knee amputation or above-the-knee amputation |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
AMA | against medical advice |
A&O | alert and oriented |
A/P | anterior–posterior |
A.R.O.M. | active range of motion |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASD | autism spectrum disorder |
ASL | American Sign Language |
b.i.d. | twice a day |
BKA | below-knee amputation |
B/L | bilateral |
bilateral breath sounds | |
BMR | basal metabolism rate |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bed rest |
bs | bowel sounds |
BS | breath sounds |
B/S | bedside |
bx | biopsy |
CHI | closed head injury |
cm | centimeter |
CMT | continuing medication and treatment |
CN | cranial nerve |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
CNS | central nervous system |
c/o | complains of |
COTA | certified occupational therapy assistant |
cont | continue(d) |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CP | cerebral palsy |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CRF | chronic renal failure |
CRNP | certified registered nurse practitioner |
c̅ | with |
C | Celsius, centigrade |
C1, C2, etc. | first cervical vertebrae, second cervical vertebrae, etc. |
CA | cardiac arrest |
CA, ca | cancer, carcinoma |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
cal | calorie |
cath | catheter |
CBC | complete blood count |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CC | chief complaint |
CHF | congestive heart failure, chronic heart failure |
CCU | coronary care unit |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computerized tomography |
CV | cardiovascular |
CVA | cerebral vascular accident |
CXR | chest X-ray |
d | day |
d/c | discontinue |
DC | discharge |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DNK | do not know |
DNKA | did not keep appointment |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
DNT | did not test |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOB | date of birth |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion |
d/t | due to |
Dx | diagnosis |
ECC, EKG | electrocardiogram |
ED | emergency department |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
EENT | eyes, ears, nose, throat |
EMG | electromyogram |
ENT | ears, nose, throat |
ER | emergency room |
ETOH | ethanol (alcohol) |
exam | examination |
ext | external, exterior |
GB | gall bladder |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale |
GE | gastroenterology |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
G/E | gastroenteritis |
gen | general |
gest. | gestation |
G.I. | gastrointestinal |
GNA | geriatric nursing assistant |
gluc | glucose |
GP | general practitioner, general paralysis |
GSW | gunshot wound |
F | Fahrenheit |
FH | family history |
fib | fibrillation |
fl, fld | fluid |
FOB | foot of bed |
f/u | follow-up |
FWB | full weight bearing |
Fx | fracture |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
Gt. tr. | gait training |
GYN | gynecology |
H/A | headache |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
Hb. | hemoglobin |
HB | heart block |
HBP | high blood pressure |
h.d. | at bedtime |
HEENT | head, eyes, ears, nose, throat |
HEP | home exercise program |
H2O | water |
h/o | history of |
HOB | head of bed |
H&P | history and physical |
HR | heart rate |
HTN | hypertension |
HVD | hypertensive vascular disease |
Hx | history |
Hz | hertz (cycles/second) |
ICCU | intensive coronary care unit |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
ICU | intensive care unit |
imp. | impression |
incr. | increased(ing) |
inf | infusion, inferior |
inspire | inspiration, inspiratory |
int. | internal |
I&O | intake and output |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing |
irreg. | irregular |
IV | intravenous(ly) |
J, jt. | joint |
K | potassium, kidney |
L | left, liver, liter, lower, light, lumbar |
L2, L3 | second lumbar vertebrae, third lumbar vertebrae |
lab | laboratory |
lac. | laceration |
lat. | lateral |
LBW | low birth rate |
L.E. | lower extremities |
liq. | liquid |
L.O.C. | loss of consciousness, level of consciousness, laxative of choice |
LOS | length of stay |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
m, M | married, male, mother, murmur, meter, mass, molar |
max. | maximum, maxillary |
MBC | maximum breathing capacity |
MBSS | modified barium swallow study |
MCA | middle cerebral artery |
MD | muscular dystrophy |
mdnt. | midnight |
med. | medicine |
mets. | metastasis |
MG | myasthenia gravis |
MI | myocardial infarction |
min | minute |
LUE | left upper extremity |
Lx | larynx |
L&W | living and well |
MICU | medical intensive care unit |
mod | moderate |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
mss | massage |
MVA | motor vehicle accident |
n. | nerve |
Na | sodium |
NaCl | sodium chloride |
NAD | no abnormality detected |
NAD | no apparent distress |
neg. | negative |
neur. | neurology |
NG | nasogastric |
NIC | neonatal intensive care |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit |
NKA | no known allergies |
no. | number |
NOS | not otherwise specified |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NSA | no specific abnormality |
NST | nonstress test |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
NVD | nausea, vomiting, diarrhea |
N&W | normal and well |
NWB | non–weight bearing |
NYD | not yet diagnosed |
o | none, without |
O | oral |
O2 | oxygen |
O2 cap. | oxygen capacity |
O2 sat. | oxygen saturation |
OA | osteoarthritis |
OB, OBG | obstetrics |
OB/GYN | obstetrics and gynecology |
Obs | observation |
OBS | organic brain syndrome |
ODD | oppositional defiant disorder |
O/E | on examination |
OH | occupational history |
OHD | organic heart disease |
oint. | ointment |
O.M. | otitis media |
O.M.E. | otitis media with effusion |
OOB, oob | out of bed |
Op. | operation |
ot. | ear |
Oto | otolaryngology |
OTC | over-the-counter (pharmaceuticals) |
O.T. | occupational therapy, old tuberculin |
OR | operating room |
PA | physician’s assistant |
p&a | percussion and auscultation |
PACU | post anesthesia care unit |
PAF | paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
palp. | palpate, palpated, palpable |
Path | pathology |
PA view | posterior–anterior view on X-ray |
p/c, p.c. | after meals |
PD | Parkinson’s disease |
pdr. | powder |
PDN | private duty nurse |
PE | physical exam, pulmonary embolism, pressure equalizer (tubes) |
Ped. | pediatrics |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PH | past history |
pharm | pharmacy |
PHYS. | physical, physiology |
PI | present illness, pulmonary insufficiency |
PICU | pulmonary intensive care unit |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
plts. | platelets |
P.M. | afternoon, postmortem |
PMH | past medical history |
PMR | physical medicine and rehabilitation |
PN | poorly nourished, practical nurse |
P&N | psychiatry and neurology |
PNA | pneumo, pneumonia |
PNI | peripheral nerve injury |
PNX | pneuomothorax |
p.o. | by mouth |
p.o.d. | postoperative day |
pos. | positive |
post. | posterior |
POSTOP. | postoperative |
pot. or potass. | potassium |
PR | proctology |
pre-op | preoperative |
prep. | prepare for |
p.r.m. | according to circumstances |
p.r.n., PRN | as often as necessary, as needed |
prod. | productive |
Prog. | prognosis |
PROM | passive range of motion |
pron. | pronator, pronation |
prosth. | prosthesis |
PSH | past surgical history |
Psych. | psychiatry |
pt., Pt. | patient |
PT, P.T. | physical therapy |
PTA | prior to admission |
PTA pulse | posterior tibial artery pulse |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease |
PVT | previous trouble |
PWB% | partial weight bearing with percent |
Px, PX | physical examination |
q | every |
q.h. | every hour |
q.i.d. | four times a day |
qt. | quart |
quad. | quadriplegic |
R, r | right |
R. | rub, rectal temperature |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium |
rad. | radial |
r.a.m. | rapid alternating movements |
R.A.S. | right arm sitting |
RAtx | radiation therapy |
rbc/RBC | red blood cell, red blood count |
RCA | right coronary artery |
RCU | respiratory care unit |
RD | respiratory distress |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome |
RE | reconditioning exercise |
reg. | regular |
rehab. | rehabilitation |
resp. | respiratory, respirations |
RF | rheumatic fever |
RLAS | Rancho Los Amigos Scale |
R to L&A | react to light and accommodation |
RLE | right lower extremity |
RN | registered nurse |
RND | radical neck dissection |
RO, R/O | rule out |
ROM | range of motion, rupture of membranes, right otitis media |
ROS | review of symptoms |
Rt. | right |
RT | radiation therapy, respiratory therapy |
RUE | right upper extremity |
RV | residual volume |
RW | rolling walker |
Rx | therapy, prescription |
s | without |
S | sensation, sensitive, serum |
Sa. | saline |
s.c. | subcutaneous(ly) |
Scc | squamous cell carcinoma |
SCCA | squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma antigen |
SCD | sudden cardiac death |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
schiz | schizophrenia |
SCU | special care unit |
sec | second |
Sens. | sensory, sensation |
sep. | separated |
SGA | small for gestational age | | without correction (without glasses) |
SH | social history |
SI | stroke index |
sib. | sibling |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
skel. | skeletal |
Sl. | slightly |
SL | under the tongue |
SLP | speech-language pathologist |
sm | small |
SNF | skilled nursing facility |
SOAP | subjective, objective, assessment, plan |
SOB | shortness of breath |
S/P, s/p | status post (previous condition) |
sp. cd. | spinal cord |
spec. | specimen |
sp. fl. | spinal fluid |
sp&H | speech and hearing |
spin. | spine, spinal |
spont. | spontaneous |
s/s | signs and symptoms |
SS | social service |
ST | speech therapy |
stat., STAT | immediately |
STD | sexually transmitted disease |
subcut. | subcutaneous |
subling. | sublingual |
sup. | superior |
supin. | supination |
surg. | surgery, surgical |
Sx | symptoms |
sys. | system |
Syst. | systolic |
Sz | seizure |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TKR | total knee replacement |
TNM | tumor, nodes, and metastases |
TO | telephone order |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration |
tr | trace |
trach | tracheostomy |
tsp. | teaspoon |
Tx | treatment, traction |
T | temperature |
T&A | tonsils and adenoids, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
tab. | tablet |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
temp | temperature |
THERAP. | therapy, therapeutic |
THR | total hip replacement |
U/A | urinalysis |
UCD, UCHD | usual childhood diseases |
UG | upward gaze |
Unilat. | unilateral |
u/o | under observation |
Ur. | urine |
URD | upper respiratory disease |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
Urol. | urology |
u/s, US | ultrasound |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
V | vein |
VA | visual acuity |
vag | vagina, vaginal |
VC, vit.cap. | vital capacity |
VD | venereal disease |
vent. | ventilator |
vert. | vertical |
VF | visual fields, ventricular fibrillation |
VFSS | videofluoroscopic swallowing study |
Via | by way of |
vit. | vitamin |
VN | visiting nurse |
VO | verbal order |
VS, V.S. | vital signs |
w, wk | week |
W/C, | wheelchair |
WBT | weight bearing tolerance |
WFL | within functional limits |
w/n | within |
WNL | within normal limits |
WP | whirlpool |
wt. | weight |
w/u | workup |
x | times |
y.o. | years old |
yrs. | years |