Key Concepts: Longitude, Latitude, Absolute Location, Relative Location, Site, Situation
Types of Maps: Various types including physical, political, and thematic maps.
Sense of Place: Emotional attachment to a location; identity shaped by geography.
Spatial Perspective: Examining variations across space, trends in populations and distributions.
Scale: Different levels of analysis in human geography (local, regional, global).
Population Statistics: Metrics such as birth rate, death rate, and demographic transition model (DTM)
Population Patterns: Concentrated in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and parts of North America.
Migration: Factors affecting migrations include push/pull factors; Ravenstein's laws of migration outline patterns.
Population Policies: Types include expansive, restrictive, and eugenic policies affecting family planning.
Cultural Hearths and Regions: Areas where cultures originate; regions defined by similar culture traits.
Diffusion Types: Processes like hierarchical, contagious, and relocation diffusion spread language and culture.
Language: Role in cultural identity; includes concepts like lingua franca, pidgin, and creole languages.
State vs. Nation: Distinction between political entities and ethnic communities.
Geopolitical Theories: Concepts including Heartland Theory and World Systems Theory.
Territoriality: Human attempts to exert influence over geographic areas; includes gerrymandering ideas.
Types of Economic Activities: Categorized into primary (natural resources), secondary (manufacturing), tertiary (services), with quaternary and quinary activities indicating advanced economies.
Commercial Agriculture: Shift from subsistence to agribusiness and its impacts on LDCs and MDCs.
Development Models: Rostow's Stages of Growth and Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory.
Global Economic Changes: Influence of multinational corporations, export processing zones, and the dynamics between core, semi-periphery, and periphery countries.
City Evolution: Transition from rural to urban living; influence of agricultural surplus.
Urban Models: Include models like Concentric Zone Model, Sector Model, and Multiple Nuclei Model demonstrating urban growth dynamics.
Gentrification: Process of urban renewal, often leading to displacement of original residents.
Environmental Issues: Address fossil fuel impacts, climate change, and sustainable practices.
Globalization: Ongoing interconnectedness influencing local and global economies, cultures, and social dynamics.