
Class Introduction

  • Good afternoon, students.

  • Today, we will continue discussing the Putin Russia case study in preparation for your upcoming assessments.

  • I encourage those not prepared to do so immediately, as participation is vital for the assignment next week.

Note Taking Tips

Organizing Notes

  • Keep notes organized by date, topic, or subject.


  • Ensure your notes are legible and concise; you will need to review them quickly during examinations.

Active Engagement

  • Don't write everything down; focus on understanding and summarizing discussions.

  • Develop aggressive note-taking skills, knowing what’s important to include or omit.

Prior Preparation

  • Do the readings before class to enhance understanding and focus.

Vocabulary and Terms

  • Highlight specialized vocabulary relevant to the topics discussed.

  • Understand the importance of terms like communism, socialism, and democracy rather than surface definitions.

Emphasizing Economics

Economic Indicators

  • Identify key economic indicators: Debt to GDP ratio, productivity, employment rates, etc.

  • Example: Russia's debt to GDP ratio is approximately 7.7%, lower than that of the US (over 70%).

Importance of Facts

  • Focus on facts rather than opinions; economic realities differ from political views.

  • Discuss the nuances regarding tariffs and their impact on businesses like Bombardier.

Political and Economic Systems in Russia

Post-Soviet Policies

  • Discuss Russia’s shifts in political and economic systems since the fall of the Soviet Union.

  • Examine the influence of political regimes on economic performance and innovation.

Collectivism vs. Individualism

  • Understand how political systems influence individual freedoms and business practices in various countries.

  • The discussion involves defining what makes a government democratic versus totalitarian.

Legal Systems and International Commerce

Legal Frameworks

  • Consider the impacts of different legal systems on foreign business operations—common law, civil law, and theocratic law.

Importance of Contracts

  • Always clarify the terms of contracts with foreign partners, including where litigations will be settled.

International Regulations

  • Familiarize yourself with international agreements like the United Nations conventions for contracts involving international goods.

Cultural Considerations in Business

  • Understand that cultural norms and values significantly influence business practices in various countries.

  • Political regimes may dictate how marketing materials are crafted.

Reflection on Recent Events

  • Review how geopolitical changes, like sanctions against Russia, affect international businesses.

  • Discuss alternative methods countries use to navigate sanctions (e.g., India refining Russian oil).


  • Prepare for next week's discussions by reflecting on how all topics interconnect—politics, economics, and legalities within international business.

  • Note important points made today for your upcoming assignment and further studies.
