Muscle function for closing: Levator veli palatini (most important one)
Assimilation – some nasal quality to adjacent phonemes
High pressure consonants (fricatives and stops) require greater velo[haryngeal closure
Hard and soft palate are endowed with sensors
Uvula is part of the velar structure (hangs from the end of the soft palate)
Can one actively move the uvula?
You can actively move the velum which moves the uvula but you can’t move the uvula itself?
= yes. We don’t entirely know why we have a muscle but probably to help push uvula backwards/sideways out of the way of food if you are swallowing food that is hard, large, spiky so you don’t damage it
Uvula muscularis
Don’t use it for speech though
Nasal tract and velum
Upper part of the nasopharynx merges into the nasal tract and ends at the nose
Biological functions
Warming of the inhaled air while breathing
All surfaces are covered by mucous membranes
Coupling to the oral tract
Connection to oropharynx is achieved by lowering the velum 🡪 this process opens the velopharyngeal port (VPP)
Sound propagation
The nasal tract cannot produce speech sounds by itself 🡪 but in connection to the rest of the vocal tract (connected or not connected) it can alter acoustic properties of speech sounds considerably 🡪 coupling nasal tract is achieved by lowered or raised velum (lowered velum = nasal cavity coupled; raised velum = nasal cavity not coupled 🡪 not active in speech production)
Nearly no sound energy leaves the nasal tract 🡪 due to small openings plus high damping (reason: the mucous walls)
Rather the nasal cavity “draws” energy away from the sounds that are produced and modified in the oral tract
Velum muscles
Muscles of velum compress to elevate the velar structure to completely separate oral and nasal areas 🡪 this preventing the nasal cavity to be coupled to the oral cavity
Muscles are compressed during most speaking time and when swallowing
Muscles not compressed only when using a few speech sounds in English – nasals
In other languages velum is opened for both nasal phonemes and nasalized vowels
The pharynx
The top of the larynx joins with the esophagus at the laryngopharynx (area above the larynx)
The most superior part of the epiglottis marks the beginning of the oropharynx
The area above the velum is the nasopharynx
The pharynx is a four-way crossing: nasal tract, oral tract, larynx and esophagus
Esophagus is used during swallowing and eating (epiglottis closed)
Anatomy and physiology of Hearing
The ear
The hearing organ “ear”) is composed of a series of structures:
The external ear
The middle ear
The internal ear
The neural impulses registered by the sensory cells are then analyzed by the brain
Two balance systems: visual and semicircular canals. You get dizzy when they are disturbed / not agreeing
1. The external ear
Everyday use of the word “ear” means technically the external ear
External ear consists of
Auricle (pinna)
Meatus (ear canal)
Tympanic membrane (ear drum)
task of the auricle: localize the sound source (important: evolution)
tympanic membrane works like a loudspeaker or microphone membrane
Hardly relevant for hearing – just used to sensing directionality of sounds, otherwise you can hear perfectly fine if it is cut off
External audiotry meatus
External ear canal
7mm in diameter and 2.5 cm long
This generates resonance frequencies at 3400 Hz
From an acoustic point of view: ear canal is a filter that amplifies frequencies between 2kHz and 5 kHz
Terminates at the tympanic membrane
Two-thirds of ear canal houses in bone (osseus portion)
One-third of ear canal composed of cartilaginous parts
Resonating cavity that contributes to hearing
Determine resonant frequency
Outer third-line with hair cells and cerum (ear wax) – protects by trapping dirt and insects
Tympanic membrane
Also known as the ear drum
Separates the middle ear from the outer ear
Oval shaped, 10 mm in diameter
Thin three layered sheets of tissue
Umbo – point of attachment for malleus, middle ear bone – location is cone of light (reflects light from otoscope)
Responsible for initiating mechanical impedance-matching process of middle ear
first layer: outer (cuticular) layer
second layer: intermitted (fibrous) layer
third layer: inner (mucous) layer
2. The middle ear
The middle ear consists of the tympanic cavity
This cavity contains the smallest moving bones of the human body – the ossicles:
Malleus (hammer): touches the tympanic membrane and transmits to
The incus (anvil) which transmits to
Stapes (stirrup) which transmits to internal ear (oval window)
Malleus and stapes are attached to muscles (may attenuate to transmission of sound by these bones
The stapes connect directly to the internal ear through the oval window 🡪 transmission of stapes movement to the lymphatic fluid inside the internal ear
Largest of the ossicles
9mm long and weighs only 25 mg
Provides point of attachment with tympanic membrane
Bulk of bone is the head of caput
Shaped like an anvil
Weighs 20 gm and is around 7mm long
Provides intermediate link of ossicular chain
Incus and malleus articulate by means of a saddle joint
Stapes (stirrup)
Third bone of the ossicular chain
Weights 4 mg with an area of 3.5 mm^2
Helps to transmit sound vibrations from eardrum to oval window
Articulation of the incus and stapes of ball and socket type