A system of pipes, traps, and other apparatus for conveying sewage, waste water, or rainwater to a public sewer or a private treatment facility.

BUILDING SEWER: A drain connecting a building drain to a public sewer or private treatment facility.

BUILDING DRAIN: The lowest part of a drainage system that receives the discharge from soil and waste stacks inside the walls of a building and conveys it by gravity to the building sewer.

STACK: A vertical waste pipe or vent pipe serving a number of floors.

SOIL STACK: A vertical soil pipe. This type of pipe will carry water and solids into the sewer. While any pipe could physically perform the task, the soil pipe, also known as a soil vent pipe, as installed in most homes has a specific quality.

WASTE STACK: A vertical waste pipe. Waste pipe is often a smaller diameter pipe that carries waste water from your sinks, washing machine, shower, bath and any other appliance you may have that uses water

BRANCH: A drain connecting one or more fixtures to a soil or waste stack.

VENT: A pipe connecting a drain near on or more traps to a vent stack or stack vent.

TRAP: A U-shaped or S-shaped section of drainpipe in which liquid remains and forms a seal for preventing the passage of sewer gas without affecting the normal flow of waste water or sewage through it.

CLEANOUT: A pipe fitting with a removable plug giving access to a soil or waste pipe for inspection or cleaning.

BRANCH: A drain connecting one or more fixtures to a soil or waste stack.

VENT: A pipe connecting a drain near on or more traps to a vent stack or stack vent.

TRAP: A U-shaped or S-shaped section of drainpipe in which liquid remains and forms a seal for preventing the passage of sewer gas without affecting the normal flow of waste water or sewage through it.

CLEANOUT: A pipe fitting with a removable plug giving access to a soil or waste pipe for inspection or cleaning.

Changes in direction of drainage piping shall be made by the use of approved pipe fittings and shall be of the angles presented by a 22 l/2° bend, 45° bend, 60° bend or other approved fittings of longer sweeps.

Horizontal drainage lines connecting to a vertical stack shall enter through 45° or 60° wye branches, combination wye and 1/8 bend branches, sanitary tee or other approved fittings of longer sweeps.

ALLOWABLE PIPES FOR DRAINAGE - cast iron, ductile iron, galvanized steel, galvanized wrought iron, lead, copper, brass, Series 1000 PVC DWV, extra-strength vitrified clay pipe

SUDS RELIEF Fixture outlets shall not be connected to the horizontal excreta drainage piping system within 2.4 meter of any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing suds-producing fixtures.


EXCRETA DRAINAGE Drainage piping shall be provided with approved inlet fittings for fixture connections, correctly located according to the size and type of fixture proposed to be connected.

4.5 M - Cleanouts may be ommited on a horizontal drain line serving sinks or urinal, if the less than

305 mm - For cleanout having 51mm piping or what is the required clearance horizontally

450 mm - For cleanout having larger than 51mm piping what is the required clearance horizontally

450mm - For underfloor cleanout what is the required vertical clearance

750 mm- For Underfloor cleanout what is the required horizontal clearance from the means of access

2.4 m - Drainage connections shall not be made into a drainage piping system within a vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing suds- producing fixtures

GRAVITY DRAINAGE Where practicable, all plumbing fixtures shall be drained into the public sewer or private sewage disposal system by gravity.
