Course Specification Overview:
Course Description:
Fundamentals of Computer Science and Information Technology, including computer components, functions, and data processing.
Covering Industry 4.0, technology trends, and security awareness.
Introduction to BI (Business Intelligence) applications for top management reports.
Strong foundation in Python Programming Language for analytics.
Reason for the Course:
Provides foundation in IT systems and applications relevant in business settings.
Prepares students for roles that require effective use of IT to optimize processes and decision-making.
Study Hours:
3 Credits, comprising:
Lecture Hours: 45
Self-Study Hours: 115
Role in Curriculum:
No prerequisites but basic knowledge of Microsoft Office and computer usage expected.
Describe computer components (CK1)
Explain Python Programming (CK2)
Cognitive Skills:
Analyze ALU operations (CC1)
Use Power BI for reports (CCIT1)
Apply Power BI to visualize business content (CCIT2)
Interpersonal Skills:
Work effectively in a team (CIP1)
Assessment Components:
Attendance, quizzes, midterm, and final exams based on various skills with assigned weightings.
Primarily lecture and activity-based with half the time on lectures and the rest on case studies and practical activities involving Power BI and Python.
30 lesson outlines targeting learning outcomes per lesson, integrated with assigned readings.
Key Textbooks:
Roger F. Silva, Power BI - Business Intelligence Clinic (2023)
Charles Russell Severance, Python for Everybody: Exploring Data In Python 3
References Include:
Johnsie Barillo (2022) on computer components.
Ustundag (2018) on Industry 4.0.
Online resources from Microsoft and Python documentation.
CPU (Processor), primary memory, input/output devices, storage devices.
Instructions that determine computer operations, including application software and system software (OS).
Processes data and coordinates computer activities.
Consists of Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Registers.
Performance Metrics:
Clock speed measured in Hertz (MHz).
Input Devices:
Convert human-friendly data into formats suitable for computers (e.g., keyboard, mouse).
Output Devices:
Translate processed computer information back into human-friendly formats (e.g., monitors, printers).
System Software:
Operating systems (e.g., Windows, UNIX) that manage hardware resources.
Application Software:
Tools for end-users (e.g., Word processors, Spreadsheets).
Empowering people with technology changes across sectors.
Benefits include increased productivity and flexibility, with challenges such as job displacement.
AI, IoT, and Cloud Technology:
AI drives automation and smart data handling.
IoT connects diverse devices, enhancing data exchange.
Cloud computing provides flexible resource management and data storage.
Cyber threats:
Viruses, ransomware, spyware, and their characteristics.
Protection Measures:
Use antivirus software, firewalls, avoid sharing passwords, and keep software updated.