2.Human qualities and emotions

Human Experiences Overview

  • Exploration of qualities and emotions associated with human experiences.

  • Distinction between individual and collective human experiences.

  • Texts represent human qualities and emotions arising from experiences.

Understanding Human Qualities


  • Patterns of behaviour, thought, and emotion defining individuals.

  • Unique combination creates individual personalities.

  • Built up over time, consistent across experiences.

Nature vs. Nurture

  • Questioning origins of human qualities:

    • Nature: Inherent traits.

    • Nurture: Influenced by life experiences.

  • Analyze characters in texts for intrinsic qualities vs. those shaped by experiences.

Characteristics and Changes

  • Human qualities evolve over time.

  • Example: Consistently anxious individuals vs. temporary anxiety.

  • Personal histories shape characters’ traits.

Role of Characterization

  • The author's method of revealing character qualities.

  • Characters illustrated through actions and reactions, not merely descriptive labels.

    • Example character: Ella showing resilience through challenges.

The Big Five Personality Traits

  • Openness: Creativity, intellect, appreciation of art.

    • Example: Oliver as an aesthetic enthusiast.

  • Conscientiousness: Dependability, organization.

    • Example: Cathy as a conscientious worker vs. Lazy Larry.

  • Extraversion vs. Introversion: Sources of energy and social behavior.

    • Example: Ebony (extroverted) vs. Iris (introverted).

  • Agreeableness: Compassionate or antagonistic qualities.

    • Example: Anthony (agreeable) vs. Arthur (antagonistic).

  • Neuroticism: Emotional stability.

    • Example: Nelly (neurotic) vs. Ella (stable).

Beyond the Big Five

  • Cultural variations in personality theories:

    • Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory and other global perspectives.

  • Dark Triad: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy; traits representing dark aspects of personality.

    • Example characters exhibiting these traits.

Emotions Associated with Human Experiences

Understanding Emotions

  • Emotions as subjective, psychological, and physiological experiences.

  • May vary greatly among individuals.

Definition Components

  1. Subjective: Unique emotional reactions to experiences.

    • Example: Different responses to travel.

  2. Psychological: Triggered by mental states affecting emotions.

  3. Physiological: Physical responses correlate with emotions.

    • Example: Heart rate increases with fear.

  4. Pleasure and Displeasure: Emotions range from positive to negative.

    • Examples: Euphoria, happiness, grief.

Emotional Models

  • Plutchik’s Emotional Color Wheel: 8 primary emotions, each with potential intensity variations.

    • Examples: Mixing emotions, such as surprise with sadness = disapproval.

Interplay of Qualities, Emotions, and Experiences

Influence of Experiences on Emotions

  • Positive experiences lead to pleasurable emotions; negative experiences result in adverse feelings.

  • Emotions can influence behavior and shape experiences actively pursued.

  • Example: Happy individuals seeking social gatherings; sad individuals avoiding them.

Collective Human Experiences

  • Emotions can become shared experiences through social contagion.

  • Example: Mass hysteria during disease outbreaks.

    • Explore recent examples of collective emotional responses.


  • Understand connections between human qualities, emotions, and experiences.

  • Essential for crafting insightful analyses and creative narratives in literature.
