Issues and Challenges with Media and Information


  • Discuss the responsible use of media and information.

  • Analyze the implications of media and information on individuals and society.

  • Cite practical situations for applying knowledge in intellectual property, copyright, and fair use guidelines.

  • Create a campaign advertisement addressing the digital divide, cyber addiction, and cyberbullying.

LESSON 1: Growing Up with Media and Information


  • Baby Boomers (1946-1964): Care about health, wealth, and quality of life.

  • Generation X (1965-1980): Often seen as anti-establishment, busy, and cynical.

  • Generation Y (Millennials, 1980-1996): Grew up with technology, highly connected.

  • Generation Z (1997-2015): Considered 'digital natives.'

Millennials Characteristics

  • Constant internet access and good multitaskers.

  • Team-oriented, sociable, and idealistic.

  • Prefer instant communication over calls.

21st Century Concerns

  • Social media has integrated into daily life, affecting communication.

  • Key platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

  • Benefits of technology include connecting people and providing education.

Concerns Raised by Social Media

  1. News Sources: Shift from traditional media to social media has led to issues with news reliability.

  2. Online Businesses: Caution needed in online transactions; check seller credibility before buying.

  3. Expressing Emotions: Need to validate feelings before posting online.

  4. Information Explosion: Critical to analyze and validate online information.

  5. Great Influence: Public figures can sway opinion, necessitating skepticism towards unverified content.

Media Usage Concepts

Media Habits

  • Basic activities related to media use, such as watching TV or reading news.

Media Lifestyle

  • Daily routines influenced by media consumption.

Media Preferences

  • Individual choices in media consumption, e.g., preference for Netflix over local TV.

LESSON 2: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues

Legal vs Ethical Standards

  • Legal Standards: Written laws guiding behavior and enforcing rules.

  • Ethical Standards: Based on principles of right and wrong, not necessarily legal.

Intellectual Property

  • Protects creators' rights over their artistic and scientific works, encouraging innovation.

  • Copyright: Grants sole rights to creators and protects original work for a specified time.

  • Public Domain: Works with expired copyright can be used freely.

  • Creative Commons: Facilitates sharing under specific conditions.

Online Issues

  • Digital Divide: Gap between tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy populations.

  • Cyberbullying: Harmful behavior using social media.

  • Cybersecurity: Protecting personal and financial information online.

  • Internet Addiction: Excessive use impacting mental and physical health.

  • Privacy Risks: Oversharing on social media.

  • Sexting & Sexual Exploitation: Risks particularly affecting youth.
