WW1 Global Context
**WWI Prelude (America)**
The Century: America's Time Shell Shock
• On May 15, 1915, 2,000 passengers boarded the "Lucitania" from New York City
• German submarines made transatlantic crossings dangerous
• On its last day at sea, the "Lucitania" was hit by a German torpedo off the Irish coast
○ 1200 people drowned due to inability to launch all lifeboats
• The "Great War" began on July 28, 1914 with the assassination by a Serbian national of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
• German Kaiser, English King, French King, and Russian Czar were enthusiastic to go to war
• Germans were first to attack, taking Belgium and then France
• By the end of the first year, French casualties approached 1 million due to new weapons
• "Massacre of Innocents"-Middle Class High School and college students sent to fight at front, die in tens of thousands
• America was initially neutral, focused on Industrialization, moviemaking
○ Movies exposed Americans to the War in Europe, albeit glamourized
• US banks loaned money to Britain and France
• Americans sold arms
• Largest economic boom in American history
○ Cut off European immigration, encouraged employment of black labor force
• By Christmas 1914, fighting had spread to Russia, Middle East, and European colonies; eventually included 60 countries
• Germans dug trench from English Channel to Switzerland
• By Spring 1915, generals concluded that the best way was to blast enemies out of trenches
• Machine gun's invention enabled single soldier to wield power of 40 gunmen
• British invented tank to get through barbed wire
• Germans invented chemical weapons-beginning with poison gas
• Stalemate continued from 1915 into 1916
• Fighting continued in summer 1916 in France with Battle of the Somme, with massive Allied attack
○ 20,000 British men killed, 40,000 wounded
• The Battle of the Somme defined the futility of the warm, lasted 6 months
• Russia entered Revolution after riots in Petrograd
○ Overthrew Czar, provisional government continued war
○ Allowed for return of Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks, encouraged Communist Revolution
• In October 1917, Lenin led Insurrection against Provisional Government at Czar's Winter Palace
○ Secured Bolshevik victory, withdrawal from war
• By 1917, German increase in sinking of unarmed ships