Presenter: Dr. Sau Ha Sarah Luk
Institution: Department of Educational Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Topic: Effectiveness of Tier Movement and Overview of the Three-Tier Support Model
Tier 1: Universal Support
Targeted at students experiencing temporary or mild learning difficulties.
Provided through high-quality classroom instruction to prevent issues from worsening.
Tier 2: Targeted Support
Intended for students with persistent learning difficulties, including those with special educational needs (SEN).
Involves additional support plans and interventions tailored to specific challenges.
Tier 3: Intensive Support
Focuses on students with more severe individual issues, requiring personalized programs.
Offers comprehensive assessment and intervention strategies to address complex needs.
In 2006, the Hong Kong Education Bureau implemented this model in mainstream schools to support students with special educational needs.
The concept originated from the U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, referencing the support effectiveness model for identifying learning disabilities.
This document explores the model's definitions, concepts, practical implementations in Hong Kong, and reflects on its effectiveness in Chinese language teaching and assessing reading disabilities.
Increased number of SEN students from 43,000 in the 2016/17 academic year to nearly 60,000 in 2021/22.
40% are students with specific learning difficulties (SLD), while the remaining are affected by other types of SEN.
Statistics from the Legislative Council Secretariat (2022) illustrate these increases visually through graphs and charts.
In the 2021/22 academic year, approximately 30,028 primary and 24,377 secondary students required Tier 2 and Tier 3 support.
Increased involvement in schools led to more comprehensive teaching strategies to cater diverse needs.
Various methods were introduced to effectively support students through a structured tier approach:
Performance Data Analysis to tailor teaching strategies and monitor progress.
Increased training for teachers to ensure they effectively address the learning needs of all students in a classroom setting.
Challenges included potential mismatches in alignment between interventions and instructional needs, as well as the burden of additional responsibilities placed on teachers.
RtI emphasizes multiple tiers of support varying in intensity, with an emphasis on staff allocation to implement effective RtI practices.
Decision-making based on data-driven insights is crucial for instructional adjustments and interventions.
Multiple Tiers of Support
Gradual escalation of intervention intensity based on student needs.
Staff Designation
Employing dedicated personnel to enforce RtI strategies effectively.
Data Utilization
Instructive assessments to inform educators of targeted actions needed for each student's progression.
Importance of utilizing evidence-based strategies for high-quality instruction, particularly in reading education.
Systematic monitoring and evaluation of interventions to ensure they remain effective and adjust as needed.
The Three-Tier Support Model represents a comprehensive strategy aimed at improving educational outcomes for students with learning difficulties in Hong Kong. Adjustments and reflections on practices within this model continue to evolve based on genuine classroom experiences and student progress.
Three tier intervention introducation_Dr Sarah LUK CUHK
Presenter: Dr. Sau Ha Sarah Luk
Institution: Department of Educational Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Topic: Effectiveness of Tier Movement and Overview of the Three-Tier Support Model
Tier 1: Universal Support
Targeted at students experiencing temporary or mild learning difficulties.
Provided through high-quality classroom instruction to prevent issues from worsening.
Tier 2: Targeted Support
Intended for students with persistent learning difficulties, including those with special educational needs (SEN).
Involves additional support plans and interventions tailored to specific challenges.
Tier 3: Intensive Support
Focuses on students with more severe individual issues, requiring personalized programs.
Offers comprehensive assessment and intervention strategies to address complex needs.
In 2006, the Hong Kong Education Bureau implemented this model in mainstream schools to support students with special educational needs.
The concept originated from the U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, referencing the support effectiveness model for identifying learning disabilities.
This document explores the model's definitions, concepts, practical implementations in Hong Kong, and reflects on its effectiveness in Chinese language teaching and assessing reading disabilities.
Increased number of SEN students from 43,000 in the 2016/17 academic year to nearly 60,000 in 2021/22.
40% are students with specific learning difficulties (SLD), while the remaining are affected by other types of SEN.
Statistics from the Legislative Council Secretariat (2022) illustrate these increases visually through graphs and charts.
In the 2021/22 academic year, approximately 30,028 primary and 24,377 secondary students required Tier 2 and Tier 3 support.
Increased involvement in schools led to more comprehensive teaching strategies to cater diverse needs.
Various methods were introduced to effectively support students through a structured tier approach:
Performance Data Analysis to tailor teaching strategies and monitor progress.
Increased training for teachers to ensure they effectively address the learning needs of all students in a classroom setting.
Challenges included potential mismatches in alignment between interventions and instructional needs, as well as the burden of additional responsibilities placed on teachers.
RtI emphasizes multiple tiers of support varying in intensity, with an emphasis on staff allocation to implement effective RtI practices.
Decision-making based on data-driven insights is crucial for instructional adjustments and interventions.
Multiple Tiers of Support
Gradual escalation of intervention intensity based on student needs.
Staff Designation
Employing dedicated personnel to enforce RtI strategies effectively.
Data Utilization
Instructive assessments to inform educators of targeted actions needed for each student's progression.
Importance of utilizing evidence-based strategies for high-quality instruction, particularly in reading education.
Systematic monitoring and evaluation of interventions to ensure they remain effective and adjust as needed.
The Three-Tier Support Model represents a comprehensive strategy aimed at improving educational outcomes for students with learning difficulties in Hong Kong. Adjustments and reflections on practices within this model continue to evolve based on genuine classroom experiences and student progress.