Temporalis | Closes mandible (jaw) |
Masseter | Opens mandible (jaw) |
Sternocleidomastoideus | Flexes and rotates head |
Trapezius | Extend head, adduct, elevate and depress scapula |
Latissimus Dorsi | Extends arms, adducts and rotates medially |
Biceps Brachii | Flexes arm |
Triceps Brachii | Extends arm |
External Oblique | Compress abdomen and twist torso |
Pectoralis Major | Flexes, adducts and rotates medially |
Rectus Abdominus | Flexes abdomen |
Rectus femoris | Main muscle of the quadriceps Flexes thigh and extends lower leg |
Biceps Femoris | One of the 3 muscles that make up the hamstrings Extends thigh and flexes lower leg |
Sartorius | Another muscle of the quadriceps Flexes thigh and rotates laterally |
Gluteus Maximus | Extends thigh and rotates laterally |
Gracilis (Groin) | Adducts and flexes thigh |
Gastrocnemius | Your calf muscle Extends foot and flexes lower leg |
Tibialis Anterior | Flexes foot |
External Intercostal Muscles-
Elevates ribs (elevates thoracic cavity, helping to breathe)
Internal Intercostal Muscles-
Depress ribs (make smaller)
Inspiration: expands the thoracic cavity (inhale)