Static Electricity
a charged particle is a particle that has an electric charge that is either a negative, positive, or neutral charge
a unit of elementary electrical charge is a coulomb
Structure of the Atom
nucleus has:
protons and neutrons have a very similar mass/weight
electrons spin around in space surrounding the nucleus
the overall charge of the atom is neutral as protons and electrons cancel out each others charge
Valence Shells
ions are most stable when their outer (valence) shell is full of electrons
but, atoms without valence shells:
cations - positive ions
anions - negative ions
things in the universe tend to go to their lowest energy level - this is why atoms try to have less unstable shells, so thats why ions are formed to try and stabilise their valence shells
when electricity flows through a material, it is being conducted
conductors are materials that electricity can flow through well
for example, water, metals like copper
in a metal, there are lots of atoms