Step 1 = Find the infinitive of the verb
Step 2 = Take off the ending
Endings = ar,er,ir
Step 3 = Add appropriate endings
To dance = Bailar
To sing = Cantar
To speak = Hablar
To cook = Cocinar
To draw = Dibujar
To listen = Escuchar
To study = Estudiar
To practise = Practicar
To work = Trabajar
To swim = Nadar
To play instruments = Tocar
To visit = Visitar
To arrive = Illegar
To help = Ayudar
To buy = Comprar
To travel = Viajar
To chat = Charlar
Yo (ar) = o
Tú (ar) = as
Él/Ella/Usted (ar) = a
Nosotros/as (ar) = amos
Vosotros/as (ar) = áis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (ar) = an
To eat = Comer
To sell = Vender
To understand = Comprender
To learn = Apprender
To sweep = Barrer
To drink = Beber
To run = Correr
To believe/think = Creer
To read = Leer
To break = Romper
Yo (er) = o
Tú (er) = es
Él/Ella/Usted (er) = e
Nosotros/as (er) = emos
Vosotros/as (er) = éis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (er) = en
To live = Vivir
To open = Abrir
To write = Escribir
To go up = Subir
To receive = Recibir
Yo (ir) = o
Tú (ir) = es
Él/Ella/Usted (ir) = e
Nosotros/as (ir) = imos
Vostros/as (ir) = ís
Ellos/Ellas (ir) = en